Did you know that in many parts in Latin America, the first 40 days is known as ‘La Cuarentenc’, which literally means ‘quarantine’. So ironically, this period of self isolation and quarantine is the perfect time to think about your postpartum journey, focusing all your energy on nourishing yourself and bonding with your baby, creating and holding your space at home. Use this time to create your own cocoon for resting, bonding, nourishing and healing from giving birth. This starts by asking yourself what you want in your home after birth? And how you want to take care of yourself so that you can take care of your baby.Today, this post partum period has been recognised as crucial not only for the healthy development of the baby, but also for the healing of the mother after birth and the transition to parenthood for both mother and father/partner alike.Midwife and Calmbirth Educator, Janine O’Obrien takes us on her magical, healing, nourishing, amazing and intimate postpartum journey.As a midwife I truly believe it’s important to slow down at the end of our pregnancies for our mind, body, soul and our babies. I encourage five days in bed, after birth, however I never knew how incredibly amazing it could be to truly take the time to heal, nurture, bond and connect with myself and my newborn in the postnatal period. It really was a dream.