Amy’s huge transition from maiden to mother.

I loved being pregnant. To me, it was a time filled with awe, wonder, excitement and love. I loved connecting with my baby as she grew inside my belly. I took her so many places with me before she was born, and have so many pregnancy memories I’ll forever cherish.

Krystle’s beautiful & supported birth of baby Jasper Rivers

Labour started at 4am on Friday 4th October after a week or more of cramping. I went about my day, trying to ignore it and ‘not participate’ as it was manageable. Contractions were 10-12 minutes apart all morning. I breathed through them and rested in the sunshine in our back garden, before doing a little organisation for labour – filling drink bottles, chopping watermelon, rockmelon, packing blueberries, dates, mini frittatas, chicken and avocado wraps and electrolytes. I had lost some of my mucous plug on Thursday and then in two more parts on Friday. By 1:10pm, I decided to put the tens machine on (low setting) and I practiced using the ’boost’ function when contractions came. At 1:30pm I laid down to rest for an hour and listened to a Calmbirth meditation, while timing some contractions. Labour continued at a manageable rate all afternoon.

Julia’s Birth Story

We welcomed Leon into the world on the 31st of July at 1138pm. While I had planned for a birth with limited intervention, it turned out to be a long posterior labour that ended with an epidural and a few other medical interventions.

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