Birth Trauma…

The birthing of a baby, and the birthing of a mother and of a father, is a significant transitional event in our lives. . A mothers experience of birth, can go onto shape her experiences of motherhood in its entirety. Her experiences of self, her experiences of her relationships (particularly the relationship with her baby), and her experiences of the world and how she feels supported, or unsupported in her journey of motherhood.

The birthing of a baby, and the birthing of a mother and of a father, is a significant transitional event in our lives. . A mothers experience of birth, can go onto shape her experiences of motherhood in its entirety. Her experiences of self, her experiences of her relationships (particularly the relationship with her baby), and her experiences of the world and how she feels supported, or unsupported in her journey of motherhood.


I’ve been holding onto this piece for a little while now, partly written, disjointed words on a screen, expressions of thought and feeling.  A mixed state of wanting to speak out to share, to connect, to be a voice for others, and also wanting to hold closely to this very private journey.

But for me, at this time, this is a step forward towards my grief, towards my loss, acknowledging it, nurturing it, holding it with gentle strength.

I’ve been holding onto this piece for a little while now, partly written, disjointed words on a screen, expressions of thought and feeling.  A mixed state of wanting to speak out to share, to connect, to be a voice for others, and also wanting to hold closely to this very private journey.

But for me, at this time, this is a step forward towards my grief, towards my loss, acknowledging it, nurturing it, holding it with gentle strength.

How can CALMBIRTH support people to avoid trauma

When I began sharing Calmbirth with couples over 17 years ago, my intention was supporting people to have safer, calmer more comfortable and positive birth experiences.

While that intention remains,  my experiences and learnings have shown me that our basic human needs – safety, connection, and knowing that when we are in need, someone will be there for us – that these needs are central not only to a safe, calmer more comfortable and positive birth experience, but also central to avoiding trauma and developing healthy secure attachment as a foundation for relationship.

What’s the relevance of Calmbirth here?, and how does a deeper understanding of the Autonomic Nervous System help?

When I began sharing Calmbirth with couples over 17 years ago, my intention was supporting people to have safer, calmer more comfortable and positive birth experiences.

While that intention remains,  my experiences and learnings have shown me that our basic human needs – safety, connection, and knowing that when we are in need, someone will be there for us – that these needs are central not only to a safe, calmer more comfortable and positive birth experience, but also central to avoiding trauma and developing healthy secure attachment as a foundation for relationship.

What’s the relevance of Calmbirth here?, and how does a deeper understanding of the Autonomic Nervous System help?

Navigating Grief: The Heartache of Losing a baby

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month and, in a world, where we have seen the uprise of cancel culture and trigger warnings on almost everything…it’s important that we don’t erase or silence conversations about grief or talking about someone’s loss.

Grief is a profound and universal human experience, but when it comes to the loss of a baby, it’s a heart-wrenching journey that few can truly comprehend. Losing a child, no matter how early in pregnancy or late in infancy, leaves a lasting impact on parents and families that is impossible to quantify.

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month and, in a world, where we have seen the uprise of cancel culture and trigger warnings on almost everything…it’s important that we don’t erase or silence conversations about grief or talking about someone’s loss.

Grief is a profound and universal human experience, but when it comes to the loss of a baby, it’s a heart-wrenching journey that few can truly comprehend. Losing a child, no matter how early in pregnancy or late in infancy, leaves a lasting impact on parents and families that is impossible to quantify.

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