Psychological wellbeing for pregnancy and beyond

As a psychologist in Bowral NSW working in perinatal psychology (supporting mothers from the time of conception, through pregnancy and into early childhood) I appreciate very much that the local community have access to the Calmbirth childbirth education program in Mittagong.

As a psychologist in Bowral NSW working in perinatal psychology (supporting mothers from the time of conception, through pregnancy and into early childhood) I appreciate very much that the local community have access to the Calmbirth childbirth education program in Mittagong.

Yoga – The ideal ‘choice’ of exercise during pregnancy

Celia lives in the Southern Highlands with her husband and two young children. She is passionate about the empowerment of women in pregnancy and birth and assists women to achieve this through prenatal yoga, meditation and acupuncture.

Celia lives in the Southern Highlands with her husband and two young children. She is passionate about the empowerment of women in pregnancy and birth and assists women to achieve this through prenatal yoga, meditation and acupuncture.

Exercise whilst pregnant- what is safe?

There are lots of exercises that are safe during training and your current training plan can be modified to allow you to continue training though out all stages of pregnancy.

There are lots of exercises that are safe during training and your current training plan can be modified to allow you to continue training though out all stages of pregnancy.

Can childbirth be enjoyable?

Why is childbirth so feared in our society? I know for certain that I’m not the only woman who has enjoyed her labour and births.

Why is childbirth so feared in our society? I know for certain that I’m not the only woman who has enjoyed her labour and births.

Love & Fear – its impact on Mental Health

Can the Calmbirth prenatal education classes make a positive contribution to the mental health of pregnant couple’s as well as to the children of the next generation?

And, what has happened to our humanity over recent times to create such an epidemic of mental health problems?

Can the Calmbirth prenatal education classes make a positive contribution to the mental health of pregnant couple’s as well as to the children of the next generation?

And, what has happened to our humanity over recent times to create such an epidemic of mental health problems?

Making Room For Love

Lets be honest, being a mum is hard work. The demands that today’s mothers are under are different to those of generations that came before, being time poor is one such challenge. Each generation has its own story.

Lets be honest, being a mum is hard work. The demands that today’s mothers are under are different to those of generations that came before, being time poor is one such challenge. Each generation has its own story.

Birth Preferences. Why are they important?

When I talk about the topic of birth preferences, the general feedback from people is “we have heard if you have a birth plan, it won’t go to plan”. Most feel that they will leave their birth in the capable hands of their care providers as “they know best” and are the experts.

When I talk about the topic of birth preferences, the general feedback from people is “we have heard if you have a birth plan, it won’t go to plan”. Most feel that they will leave their birth in the capable hands of their care providers as “they know best” and are the experts.

There’s no birth like a Calmbirth…there’s no place like home

“You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.” Glinda from The Wizard of OZ.What does the Wizard of OZ and Calmbirth have in common?Sitting and watching the legendary and classic movie “The Wizard of Oz” with my family, it dawned on me how many parallels can be drawn upon to the journey of labour, birth, parenting and our Calmbirth Program that enables and empowers couples to discover their own strength, courage and to trust themselves and each other. So, let me take you on this journey…

“You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.” Glinda from The Wizard of OZ.What does the Wizard of OZ and Calmbirth have in common?Sitting and watching the legendary and classic movie “The Wizard of Oz” with my family, it dawned on me how many parallels can be drawn upon to the journey of labour, birth, parenting and our Calmbirth Program that enables and empowers couples to discover their own strength, courage and to trust themselves and each other. So, let me take you on this journey…

Visualisation and Childbirth

Riki Copper is a Limitless Mindset Coach who has been working with Bob Proctor and the Proctor Gallagher Institute sinice 2017 to change peoples lives with results that stick –  helping people to live happier, healthier and wealthier lives.”OUR MISSION is to assist in raising the level of conscious awareness of every individual who we come into contact with. We do this through facilitating key learnings in a number of self study and mentor programs,” says Riki. As a Mindset Coach, Riki uses some of these principles and shares his knowledge with pregnant couples to help them create the birth they want by using techniques such as visualisation in childbirth and tools to help pregnant couples change their thoughts, perceptions and feelings about birth – to help them create the birth they want by getting them to focus on ‘on what the birth they want actually looks like for them. 

Riki Copper is a Limitless Mindset Coach who has been working with Bob Proctor and the Proctor Gallagher Institute sinice 2017 to change peoples lives with results that stick –  helping people to live happier, healthier and wealthier lives.”OUR MISSION is to assist in raising the level of conscious awareness of every individual who we come into contact with. We do this through facilitating key learnings in a number of self study and mentor programs,” says Riki. As a Mindset Coach, Riki uses some of these principles and shares his knowledge with pregnant couples to help them create the birth they want by using techniques such as visualisation in childbirth and tools to help pregnant couples change their thoughts, perceptions and feelings about birth – to help them create the birth they want by getting them to focus on ‘on what the birth they want actually looks like for them. 

Building Your Village – Strategies To Thrive During Your Postpartum Period

Up until now, the fourth trimester or otherwise known as the postpartum period was seldom talked about. Today, this post partum period has been recognised as crucial not only for the healthy development of the baby, but also for the healing of the mother after birth and the transition to parenthood for both mother and father/partner alike.This is why we are collaborating with experts in the field of perinatal mental health and wellbeing to continue to offer support and confidence to new parents who may be feeling challenged or even overwhelmed with the complexities and emotional journey that becoming new parents brings. We are working together with Rachel Bridge, a psychologist and author who shares our passion and values in supporting families on their postpartum journey by providing much needed resources and strategies to cope during this very fragile time in a new parent’s life.

Up until now, the fourth trimester or otherwise known as the postpartum period was seldom talked about. Today, this post partum period has been recognised as crucial not only for the healthy development of the baby, but also for the healing of the mother after birth and the transition to parenthood for both mother and father/partner alike.This is why we are collaborating with experts in the field of perinatal mental health and wellbeing to continue to offer support and confidence to new parents who may be feeling challenged or even overwhelmed with the complexities and emotional journey that becoming new parents brings. We are working together with Rachel Bridge, a psychologist and author who shares our passion and values in supporting families on their postpartum journey by providing much needed resources and strategies to cope during this very fragile time in a new parent’s life.

Go with the ‘flow’

Thinking will not overcome FEAR but ACTION will.Given I am passionate about teaching couples how to remain calm during labour & birth, one would assume that I am always calm myself.When things go to plan life is beautiful; I am totally calm & confident. However, recently things didn’t go to plan and I found myself submerged in a sea of fear; drowning my natural abilities to go with the flow.

Thinking will not overcome FEAR but ACTION will.Given I am passionate about teaching couples how to remain calm during labour & birth, one would assume that I am always calm myself.When things go to plan life is beautiful; I am totally calm & confident. However, recently things didn’t go to plan and I found myself submerged in a sea of fear; drowning my natural abilities to go with the flow.

How coronavirus is changing maternity wards

Pregnancy is usually a time of joy and nerves but the anxiety is only rising as the coronavirus continues to spread.Calm Birth owner Karen McClay tells Deborah Knight that the coronavirus is having a major impact on pregnant women. “There’s maternity units that are having to consider cutting down visitors and limiting who can actually go onto units as well, so there’s concern about what support people they can take with them.”She says they have tried to adjust to the new normal by moving programs online and using telehealth appointments.

Pregnancy is usually a time of joy and nerves but the anxiety is only rising as the coronavirus continues to spread.Calm Birth owner Karen McClay tells Deborah Knight that the coronavirus is having a major impact on pregnant women. “There’s maternity units that are having to consider cutting down visitors and limiting who can actually go onto units as well, so there’s concern about what support people they can take with them.”She says they have tried to adjust to the new normal by moving programs online and using telehealth appointments.

Even during a pandemic babies WILL be born & Calmbirth will be there to help support, empower & educate pregnant couples in a virtual classroom

Due to the current threat of the Coronavirus and the increased risk of cross infection between class participants, all major maternity hospitals in Sydney have suspended face to face antenatal education classes.
It is anticipated that hospitals in other states will soon apply the same restrictions and private practitioners may also need to adopt the same boundaries. As a result of this pandemic, Calmbirth has come up with an innovative solution that enables pregnant couples, whose anxiety levels maybe peaking with all the uncertainties to still be able to access quality and evidence based childbirth education in a virtual classroom via ZOOM, where the couples can engage with other pregnant couples, their Calmbirth Educator as well as calm their fears about giving birth.

Due to the current threat of the Coronavirus and the increased risk of cross infection between class participants, all major maternity hospitals in Sydney have suspended face to face antenatal education classes.
It is anticipated that hospitals in other states will soon apply the same restrictions and private practitioners may also need to adopt the same boundaries. As a result of this pandemic, Calmbirth has come up with an innovative solution that enables pregnant couples, whose anxiety levels maybe peaking with all the uncertainties to still be able to access quality and evidence based childbirth education in a virtual classroom via ZOOM, where the couples can engage with other pregnant couples, their Calmbirth Educator as well as calm their fears about giving birth.

Owner & Director Karen McClay’s Calmbirth ZOOM Courses

Hi, I’m Karen McClay, I’m the the owner Director of Calmbirth, Midwife, mother and Calmbirth Educator. Now more than ever it’s crucial for pregnant couples to empower themselves with the best quality and evidence based childbirth education to prepare for labour & birth, so that you can work together as a team to birth your baby. The skills and tools you will learn in Calmbirth are tools for life and will help you to deal with your heightened levels of fear, anxiety and stress, especially in these uncertain times as you navigate your way to becoming new parents.

Hi, I’m Karen McClay, I’m the the owner Director of Calmbirth, Midwife, mother and Calmbirth Educator. Now more than ever it’s crucial for pregnant couples to empower themselves with the best quality and evidence based childbirth education to prepare for labour & birth, so that you can work together as a team to birth your baby. The skills and tools you will learn in Calmbirth are tools for life and will help you to deal with your heightened levels of fear, anxiety and stress, especially in these uncertain times as you navigate your way to becoming new parents.

8 Tips to Support your Partner in Labour

It’s a challenging time for everyone at the moment particularly for pregnant women and those who are soon to birth.  So it is important as a birth partner you can be the best support person you can be!

It’s a challenging time for everyone at the moment particularly for pregnant women and those who are soon to birth.  So it is important as a birth partner you can be the best support person you can be!

Induction – Make your Decision based on fact not fear

Currently 1 in 4 women are being induced in Australia.Inductions can increase:The need for medical pain relief most commonly epiduralVacuum or forceps deliveryEmergency Caesarean sectionsWhen deciding to have an induction we are often evaluating ‘risks’. this term alone can provoke fear or anxiety and can inhibit a woman’s ability to make an informed decision.  There is an element of risk in everything we do and we all perceive it differently.  In making a decision about induction we are balancing the pros and cons, based on evidence based information/statistics in relation to the mother and baby’s health. Equally important is the emotional impact on the Mother, her concerns, fears and anxiety about inducing or not need to be considered.

Currently 1 in 4 women are being induced in Australia.Inductions can increase:The need for medical pain relief most commonly epiduralVacuum or forceps deliveryEmergency Caesarean sectionsWhen deciding to have an induction we are often evaluating ‘risks’. this term alone can provoke fear or anxiety and can inhibit a woman’s ability to make an informed decision.  There is an element of risk in everything we do and we all perceive it differently.  In making a decision about induction we are balancing the pros and cons, based on evidence based information/statistics in relation to the mother and baby’s health. Equally important is the emotional impact on the Mother, her concerns, fears and anxiety about inducing or not need to be considered.

Let’s Zoom into Calmbirth

As a parent educator till recently I would walk into a room filled with becoming parents and with knowledge, experience, my presence, my voice and my hands I would deliver good quality education mixed with the groups involvement, hands on as well as a slight twist of humour and a tinge of a German accent. Only recently I found myself walking into my bedroom to sit in front of a screen to teach Calmbirth to couples.

As a parent educator till recently I would walk into a room filled with becoming parents and with knowledge, experience, my presence, my voice and my hands I would deliver good quality education mixed with the groups involvement, hands on as well as a slight twist of humour and a tinge of a German accent. Only recently I found myself walking into my bedroom to sit in front of a screen to teach Calmbirth to couples.

When will face to face antenatal classes resume?

The one million dollar question we get asked every day since the COVID -19 restrictions came into place is, “When will Calmbirth be resuming face to face antenatal classes?” I wish the answer was that simple that we could give you a definite answer. Even with ‘talk’ of some restrictions being eased off, we still have to practice social distancing within a classroom environment. Here is the latest recommendations and guidelines from The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, that face to face antenatal courses are not recommended. So, don’t delay booking your Calmbirth ZOOM course and empowering yourself with knowledge and confidence to prepare for your birth because it looks like ZOOM will be here to stay for a while. 

The one million dollar question we get asked every day since the COVID -19 restrictions came into place is, “When will Calmbirth be resuming face to face antenatal classes?” I wish the answer was that simple that we could give you a definite answer. Even with ‘talk’ of some restrictions being eased off, we still have to practice social distancing within a classroom environment. Here is the latest recommendations and guidelines from The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, that face to face antenatal courses are not recommended. So, don’t delay booking your Calmbirth ZOOM course and empowering yourself with knowledge and confidence to prepare for your birth because it looks like ZOOM will be here to stay for a while. 

The Calmbirth Conversation Series 1: Benefits of midwifery led care and homebirth

Welcome to the Calmbirth Conversation Series!!During these conversations I will be talking with experts in the birthing and parenting fields to provide you with information to make informed decisions for birthing and parenting journeys.

Welcome to the Calmbirth Conversation Series!!During these conversations I will be talking with experts in the birthing and parenting fields to provide you with information to make informed decisions for birthing and parenting journeys.

Calmbirth Conversation Series 2 : Acupressure & TCM

A great conversation with Karen McClay, Director of Calmbirth and Melinda Webb from The Birthing Webb about the Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture for Pregnancy, Labour & Birth.

A great conversation with Karen McClay, Director of Calmbirth and Melinda Webb from The Birthing Webb about the Benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture for Pregnancy, Labour & Birth.

Calmbirth Conversation Series 3: What is a Doula & how do they support couples during labour and birth?

During this conversation, Karen McClay, Midwife & Director of Calmbirth chats with Melinda Webb from The Birthing Webb ( Melinda is a Dr of Chinese Medicine, a Doula and a Calmbirth educator. Here they talk about Doulas’ and how they support couples and families during labour & birth.

During this conversation, Karen McClay, Midwife & Director of Calmbirth chats with Melinda Webb from The Birthing Webb ( Melinda is a Dr of Chinese Medicine, a Doula and a Calmbirth educator. Here they talk about Doulas’ and how they support couples and families during labour & birth.

Calmbirth Educator, Kathy Kitzis talks to ‘Interested Podcast’ about her journey as an Educator & mother

Our gorgeous Calmbirth Educator Kathy Kitzis who offers our Calmbirth program in France talks to ‘Interested Podcast’ about Calmbirth and her personal experience as a mother. It’s such a powerful interview!!!

Our gorgeous Calmbirth Educator Kathy Kitzis who offers our Calmbirth program in France talks to ‘Interested Podcast’ about Calmbirth and her personal experience as a mother. It’s such a powerful interview!!!

Planning a homebirth: The benefits of continuity of midwifery care and birthing where babies are made

Story by Claire Heenan, Media & Communications at Homebirth NSW & a Sydney-based birth and postpartum doula Choosing where to give birth and whom you’d like on your birth team is a significantly loaded decision in terms of how you are going to feel about your pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience. Sometimes making a decision as important as this calls for starting with the vision in mind and asking yourself about the hopes and dreams you have for your birth. How do you visualise the birth of your baby? Are you hoping to avoid unnecessary intervention? Do you trust birth as a physiological journey? Of course, the evidence is important too, and as a doula and member of the Homebirth NSW committee, I am a big believer in marrying good quality evidence with a woman’s own intuitive knowing as to what will be best for her and her baby.”Babies being born where they are made. Midwives being ‘with woman’ in every sense. The woman, a warrior at the centre of her birth experience, handing her power to no one. Skin to skin in a woman’s own comfy bed, no rush or fuss. A baby, born into a warm, loving and familiar place; Home”, says Claire Heenan.

Story by Claire Heenan, Media & Communications at Homebirth NSW & a Sydney-based birth and postpartum doula Choosing where to give birth and whom you’d like on your birth team is a significantly loaded decision in terms of how you are going to feel about your pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience. Sometimes making a decision as important as this calls for starting with the vision in mind and asking yourself about the hopes and dreams you have for your birth. How do you visualise the birth of your baby? Are you hoping to avoid unnecessary intervention? Do you trust birth as a physiological journey? Of course, the evidence is important too, and as a doula and member of the Homebirth NSW committee, I am a big believer in marrying good quality evidence with a woman’s own intuitive knowing as to what will be best for her and her baby.”Babies being born where they are made. Midwives being ‘with woman’ in every sense. The woman, a warrior at the centre of her birth experience, handing her power to no one. Skin to skin in a woman’s own comfy bed, no rush or fuss. A baby, born into a warm, loving and familiar place; Home”, says Claire Heenan.

postioning your baby

Breech or Posterior Babies – How To Get Them to Turn

Is your baby Breech or Posterior? When your baby isn’t in the ideal position.Most care providers would like your baby to be in the optimal fetal position – head down, however, this is not always the norm.  Some babies don’t get that memo by 34 weeks!

Is your baby Breech or Posterior? When your baby isn’t in the ideal position.Most care providers would like your baby to be in the optimal fetal position – head down, however, this is not always the norm.  Some babies don’t get that memo by 34 weeks!

Birth is Experiential – be open to the journey…

Find out what the ‘magic’ is about the Calmbirth program and experience it for yourself  – WHY THERE’S NO BIRTH LIKE A CALMBIRTH “You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.”Glinda from The Wizard of OZ.What does the Wizard of OZ and Calmbirth have in common?Sitting and watching the legendary and classic movie “The Wizard of Oz” with my family, it dawned on me how many parallels can be drawn upon to the journey of labour, birth, parenting and our Calmbirth Program that enables and empowers couples to discover their own strength, courage and to trust themselves and each other. So, let me take you on this journey…

Find out what the ‘magic’ is about the Calmbirth program and experience it for yourself  – WHY THERE’S NO BIRTH LIKE A CALMBIRTH “You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.”Glinda from The Wizard of OZ.What does the Wizard of OZ and Calmbirth have in common?Sitting and watching the legendary and classic movie “The Wizard of Oz” with my family, it dawned on me how many parallels can be drawn upon to the journey of labour, birth, parenting and our Calmbirth Program that enables and empowers couples to discover their own strength, courage and to trust themselves and each other. So, let me take you on this journey…

The Calmbirth Conversation Podcast Episode 4: Pelvic Floor Care

Tune in to this episode of the Calmbirth Conversation Podcast with Director Calmbirth, Karen McClay, who chats with Sophie Carroll, a women’s health physio from Enlightened Physiotherapy, about the importance of caring for your pelvic floor during pregnancy, including perineal massage, which in turn helps with labour and birth. They also then go on to talk about how to support the recovery of your pelvic floor once you’ve had your baby.

Tune in to this episode of the Calmbirth Conversation Podcast with Director Calmbirth, Karen McClay, who chats with Sophie Carroll, a women’s health physio from Enlightened Physiotherapy, about the importance of caring for your pelvic floor during pregnancy, including perineal massage, which in turn helps with labour and birth. They also then go on to talk about how to support the recovery of your pelvic floor once you’ve had your baby.

Calmbirth Conversation Series 6: The Birth Map & Making Informed Decisions About Birth

In this episode the Director of Calmbirth, Karen McClay, chats with Catherine Bell, a Birth Cartographer @birthmapping, about her book “The Birth Map”. This is a fantastic tool to assist women and their partners navigate their journey of birth.

The Birth Map enables them to open the lines of communication with each other and their caregivers and most importantly, make informed decisions for the best birth for not only themselves but for their babies.

In this episode the Director of Calmbirth, Karen McClay, chats with Catherine Bell, a Birth Cartographer @birthmapping, about her book “The Birth Map”. This is a fantastic tool to assist women and their partners navigate their journey of birth.

The Birth Map enables them to open the lines of communication with each other and their caregivers and most importantly, make informed decisions for the best birth for not only themselves but for their babies.

Pregnant in a Pandemic – Isolated but NOT Alone….

Being a soon to be mum is already pretty daunting and that is before COVID!

Being a mum of three, I’ve had three different birth experiences and being a midwife I’ve helped 100’s of soon to be mums go through this.

Being a soon to be mum is already pretty daunting and that is before COVID!

Being a mum of three, I’ve had three different birth experiences and being a midwife I’ve helped 100’s of soon to be mums go through this.

Having a ‘ball’ in labour and birth…

The peanut ball arrived on the birthing scene as a useful tool for aiding in maternal comfort and the progress of labour. However, just how and why this versatile device is used to achieve these ends is still a bit sketchy, so here’s an overview of the merits of the peanut ball in the birthing space.

The peanut ball arrived on the birthing scene as a useful tool for aiding in maternal comfort and the progress of labour. However, just how and why this versatile device is used to achieve these ends is still a bit sketchy, so here’s an overview of the merits of the peanut ball in the birthing space.

How to prepare for a positive birth experience…

Listen to Karen McClay, Director of Calmbirth as she talks about how to prepare for a positve birth for @thenestcpr ‘s Ultimate Mothers Group. Karen covers everything you need to know on how to achieve a positive birth.

Listen to Karen McClay, Director of Calmbirth as she talks about how to prepare for a positve birth for @thenestcpr ‘s Ultimate Mothers Group. Karen covers everything you need to know on how to achieve a positive birth.

How are you feeling about labour and birth?

Because when it comes to envisaging how your labour and birth will unfold, how you (plural – mother and partner) are feeling matters more than ever.

The fundamental truism that ‘like attracts like’ is summed up well in that quote attributed to Henry Ford that ‘whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right’. This is the Law of Attraction at work, which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into our reality. This impact that our mind has on our lives is becoming more apparent to us through the recent work by quantum physicists who understand that we cannot have a universe without the mind entering it.

Because when it comes to envisaging how your labour and birth will unfold, how you (plural – mother and partner) are feeling matters more than ever.

The fundamental truism that ‘like attracts like’ is summed up well in that quote attributed to Henry Ford that ‘whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right’. This is the Law of Attraction at work, which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into our reality. This impact that our mind has on our lives is becoming more apparent to us through the recent work by quantum physicists who understand that we cannot have a universe without the mind entering it.

Calmbirth Conversation Series 7: Choosing the best model of care for your pregnancy and birth goals

In this episode I chat with Professor Hannah Dahlen from Western Sydney University about the importance of choosing the best model of care and the right caregiver to support you with your wishes for your pregnancy and birth. We talk about why this decision is so important and what the latest research is showing. Happy listening…
The Birth Map enables them to open the lines of communication with each other and their caregivers and most importantly, make informed decisions for the best birth for not only themselves but for their babies.

In this episode I chat with Professor Hannah Dahlen from Western Sydney University about the importance of choosing the best model of care and the right caregiver to support you with your wishes for your pregnancy and birth. We talk about why this decision is so important and what the latest research is showing. Happy listening…
The Birth Map enables them to open the lines of communication with each other and their caregivers and most importantly, make informed decisions for the best birth for not only themselves but for their babies.

The Calmbirth Conversation Podcast Episode 8:  Acupuncture for Pregnancy Labour & Birth

Tune in to this episode of the Calmbirth Conversation Podcast with Director Calmbirth, Karen McClay, who chats with @melindawebb_healthpractitioner about the benefits of Chinese Medicine and acupuncture for pregnancy, labour and birth.

Melinda is a Dr of Chinese Medicine, specialising in Women’s Health in Rozelle NSW. She also works closely with families as a Doula and Calmbirth Educator.

Tune in to this episode of the Calmbirth Conversation Podcast with Director Calmbirth, Karen McClay, who chats with @melindawebb_healthpractitioner about the benefits of Chinese Medicine and acupuncture for pregnancy, labour and birth.

Melinda is a Dr of Chinese Medicine, specialising in Women’s Health in Rozelle NSW. She also works closely with families as a Doula and Calmbirth Educator.

Calmbirth for FREE as part of a pilot study in Auckland City Hospital in New Zealand – Here is what A Calmbirth couple in Auckland had to say about their Calmbirth experience…

A testimonial from a Calmbirth couple, Christina Fortes & Noa Pitovao that were part of a pilot study at the Auckland City Hospital.

We are firm believers of Calmbirth
and sincerely hope we manage to encourage many more couples to attend,
and most of all, get the Auckland City Hospital to continue providing the Calmbirth course for free so it is accessible by all walks of life and not just those who have spare money floating about.

This pilot project is part of an initiative to support natural birth in Auckland City Hospital. To learn more and to register go to:

SEE if you qualify for a FREE Auckland DHB CALMBIRTH Course. To Learn more and to Register go to:

Tag and Tell ALL your pregnant friends in Auckland, NZ.
Melinda is a Dr of Chinese Medicine, specialising in Women’s Health in Rozelle NSW. She also works closely with families as a Doula and Calmbirth Educator.

A testimonial from a Calmbirth couple, Christina Fortes & Noa Pitovao that were part of a pilot study at the Auckland City Hospital.

We are firm believers of Calmbirth
and sincerely hope we manage to encourage many more couples to attend,
and most of all, get the Auckland City Hospital to continue providing the Calmbirth course for free so it is accessible by all walks of life and not just those who have spare money floating about.

This pilot project is part of an initiative to support natural birth in Auckland City Hospital. To learn more and to register go to:

SEE if you qualify for a FREE Auckland DHB CALMBIRTH Course. To Learn more and to Register go to:

Tag and Tell ALL your pregnant friends in Auckland, NZ.
Melinda is a Dr of Chinese Medicine, specialising in Women’s Health in Rozelle NSW. She also works closely with families as a Doula and Calmbirth Educator.

Birth is not just about birthing a baby, but the birth of a mother too…

For part 3 of Clair Wind from the Mum Will Know Podcast mini series on Childbirth Education options, Claire speaks with Calmbirth director Karen McClay. Following in her father’s footsteps as a midwife and Calmbirth educator, Karen opens up how birth is not just about birthing a baby, but the birth of a mother too.

She delves into the importance of acknowledging the emotional side of birth and parenting and discusses how the event of giving birth is monumental in preparing a couple to face parenthood.

Karen shares exactly what to expect from a Calmbirth course and offers wisdom on the importance of education in all aspects of life

For part 3 of Clair Wind from the Mum Will Know Podcast mini series on Childbirth Education options, Claire speaks with Calmbirth director Karen McClay. Following in her father’s footsteps as a midwife and Calmbirth educator, Karen opens up how birth is not just about birthing a baby, but the birth of a mother too.

She delves into the importance of acknowledging the emotional side of birth and parenting and discusses how the event of giving birth is monumental in preparing a couple to face parenthood.

Karen shares exactly what to expect from a Calmbirth course and offers wisdom on the importance of education in all aspects of life

What you need to know about the mind & body connection in birth…

Did you know the Calmbirth childbirth education program is designed around the mind body-connection? The primary emphasis of Calmbirth is the mind-body connection and how a mother’s state of mind, in fact the couples state of mind, can influence the labour and birth process in many different ways, physically as well as emotionally.

Did you know the Calmbirth childbirth education program is designed around the mind body-connection? The primary emphasis of Calmbirth is the mind-body connection and how a mother’s state of mind, in fact the couples state of mind, can influence the labour and birth process in many different ways, physically as well as emotionally.

You can’t sense and stress at the same time…

One of our biggest goals in the @Calmbirth Program is to give you and your partner tools to work with the challenges and stressors that can arise not only in labour but also parenting and your everyday life. So here is a quick and simple, but powerful tool to use whenever you may be feeling a little overwhelmed and stressed.

Have you ever noticed that you can’t sense and stress at the same time?
Just stop and think about it for a moment – you can’t sense and stress at the same time!

One of our biggest goals in the @Calmbirth Program is to give you and your partner tools to work with the challenges and stressors that can arise not only in labour but also parenting and your everyday life. So here is a quick and simple, but powerful tool to use whenever you may be feeling a little overwhelmed and stressed.

Have you ever noticed that you can’t sense and stress at the same time?
Just stop and think about it for a moment – you can’t sense and stress at the same time!

Calmbirth – Reframing what birth looks & feels like and changing our birth culture.

As a girl I grew up exposed to mainstream media in which birthing women on TV or in the movies were always portrayed to be screaming, swearing at their partners, and huffing and puffing whilst squeezing their partner’s hands so tightly, and pushing their babies out so hard that I thought that they would both pass out! Even today, with everything we know about birth, these prevalent stereotypical images become deeply ingrained in us as individuals, and in our culture, influencing our beliefs and perceptions of labour and birth –  planting seeds of fear and doubt around giving birth.

But not all births are like that and nor do they have to be!

As a girl I grew up exposed to mainstream media in which birthing women on TV or in the movies were always portrayed to be screaming, swearing at their partners, and huffing and puffing whilst squeezing their partner’s hands so tightly, and pushing their babies out so hard that I thought that they would both pass out! Even today, with everything we know about birth, these prevalent stereotypical images become deeply ingrained in us as individuals, and in our culture, influencing our beliefs and perceptions of labour and birth –  planting seeds of fear and doubt around giving birth.

But not all births are like that and nor do they have to be!

Vocalisation in Labour

Midwives know that when a labouring woman feels safe, private and unobserved she will move unrestrictedly, make sounds uninhibitedly and will more closely follow her instincts. Making sounds during labour helps women to shift their consciousness into a deeper, calmer state of mind.There is also a physiological connection between the vocal cords and cervix.

Midwives know that when a labouring woman feels safe, private and unobserved she will move unrestrictedly, make sounds uninhibitedly and will more closely follow her instincts. Making sounds during labour helps women to shift their consciousness into a deeper, calmer state of mind.There is also a physiological connection between the vocal cords and cervix.

Calmbirth Program coming to Nepean

Mums-to-be and their birth partners can benefit from tips and techniques to enrich their birth experience when the highly-acclaimed Calmbirth education program begins at Nepean Hospital at the end of February.

Nepean Hospital is the only hospital in Western Sydney currently offering this well-regarded childbirth education program.

“Calmbirth gives women and caregivers the tools to promote positive birth, decrease stress and empower women by instilling them with confidence during birth,” says Nepean Hospital Clinical Midwifery Consultant, Justine Elliott.

“Midwives highly value the education the program provides women and we believe Calmbirth will be of real bene t to the expectant parents we care for.”

Mums-to-be and their birth partners can benefit from tips and techniques to enrich their birth experience when the highly-acclaimed Calmbirth education program begins at Nepean Hospital at the end of February.

Nepean Hospital is the only hospital in Western Sydney currently offering this well-regarded childbirth education program.

“Calmbirth gives women and caregivers the tools to promote positive birth, decrease stress and empower women by instilling them with confidence during birth,” says Nepean Hospital Clinical Midwifery Consultant, Justine Elliott.

“Midwives highly value the education the program provides women and we believe Calmbirth will be of real bene t to the expectant parents we care for.”

2021 brings new ‘calm’ beginnings in NZ…

2021 brings new beginnings in NZ. Many without their family here due to COVID border restrictions, and they look to Calmbirth antenatal classes being offered for FREE as part of a Pilot Project at the Auckland City hospital to help them feel more at ease and prepared for their birth.

Calmbirth is being offered for FREE as a pilot project at the Auckland City Hospital. This pilot project is part of an initiative to support normal birth in Auckland City Hospital. With only months left to go before this pilot ends in June 2021, make sure you don’t miss out! To learn more and to register go to:

2021 brings new beginnings in NZ. Many without their family here due to COVID border restrictions, and they look to Calmbirth antenatal classes being offered for FREE as part of a Pilot Project at the Auckland City hospital to help them feel more at ease and prepared for their birth.

Calmbirth is being offered for FREE as a pilot project at the Auckland City Hospital. This pilot project is part of an initiative to support normal birth in Auckland City Hospital. With only months left to go before this pilot ends in June 2021, make sure you don’t miss out! To learn more and to register go to:

Making birth calmer: New Program comes to Nepean

A highly acclaimed birth education program will be available for expectant mothers and their birth partners in February at Nepean Hospital. The only hospital in Western Sydney currently offering Calmbirth, the classes will provide tips and techniques to enhance the birthing experience. 

Nepean Hospital is the only hospital in Western Sydney currently offering this well-regarded childbirth education program.

“Calmbirth gives women and caregivers the tools to promote positive birth, decrease stress and empower women by instilling them with confidence during birth,” says Nepean Hospital Clinical Midwifery Consultant, Justine Elliott.

“Midwives highly value the education the program provides women and we believe Calmbirth will be of real bene t to the expectant parents we care for.”

A highly acclaimed birth education program will be available for expectant mothers and their birth partners in February at Nepean Hospital. The only hospital in Western Sydney currently offering Calmbirth, the classes will provide tips and techniques to enhance the birthing experience. 

Nepean Hospital is the only hospital in Western Sydney currently offering this well-regarded childbirth education program.

“Calmbirth gives women and caregivers the tools to promote positive birth, decrease stress and empower women by instilling them with confidence during birth,” says Nepean Hospital Clinical Midwifery Consultant, Justine Elliott.

“Midwives highly value the education the program provides women and we believe Calmbirth will be of real bene t to the expectant parents we care for.”

The biggest thing that affects a woman’s birth is her headspace

“It’s a different birth, you’ve got this”
Karen McClay is better known as the Director of Calmbirth but a lesser known fact about the registered midwife, nurse and mother of three is that she herself undertook her own VBAC journey. In today’s bonus episode we had the privilege of hearing that personal story.
Karen tells of her first birth and the emotions surrounding this initial caesarean. Karen talks about the complexity of this experience and how women on a VBAC journey are often forced to look back and examine their first birth experiences in a different way to others. Karen is also the daughter of Calmbirth founder, Peter Jackson and we hear of how the program evolved here in Australia.

“It’s a different birth, you’ve got this”
Karen McClay is better known as the Director of Calmbirth but a lesser known fact about the registered midwife, nurse and mother of three is that she herself undertook her own VBAC journey. In today’s bonus episode we had the privilege of hearing that personal story.
Karen tells of her first birth and the emotions surrounding this initial caesarean. Karen talks about the complexity of this experience and how women on a VBAC journey are often forced to look back and examine their first birth experiences in a different way to others. Karen is also the daughter of Calmbirth founder, Peter Jackson and we hear of how the program evolved here in Australia.

Women have the right to make informed choices…

“Women have the right to make informed choices. They have the right to give and decline and withdraw consent at any point. Midwives and doctors should be able to support those rights without fear of persecution”  – Jo Hunter

“Women have the right to make informed choices. They have the right to give and decline and withdraw consent at any point. Midwives and doctors should be able to support those rights without fear of persecution”  – Jo Hunter

Calmbirth for FREE as part of a pilot study in Auckland City Hospital in New Zealand – Here is what Lucy, a Calmbirth mum in Auckland had to say about her Calmbirth experience…

A testimonial from a Calmbirth mother, Lucy who had a beautiful baby girl, Dahlia born on the 30th January 2021 at Auckland City Hospital.

Lucy completed the Auckland City Hospital ADHB Calmbirth weekend course on the 5 & 6 December 2020.

She said the Calmbirth breathing techniques and all the knowledge & confidence she gained throughout the Calmbirth Program was pivotal in making her have a positive birth experience. 

Calmbirth is being offered for FREE as a pilot project at the Auckland City Hospital. This pilot project is part of an initiative to support normal birth in Auckland City Hospital. With only months left to go before this pilot ends in June 2021, make sure you don’t miss out! To learn more and to register go to:

A testimonial from a Calmbirth mother, Lucy who had a beautiful baby girl, Dahlia born on the 30th January 2021 at Auckland City Hospital.

Lucy completed the Auckland City Hospital ADHB Calmbirth weekend course on the 5 & 6 December 2020.

She said the Calmbirth breathing techniques and all the knowledge & confidence she gained throughout the Calmbirth Program was pivotal in making her have a positive birth experience. 

Calmbirth is being offered for FREE as a pilot project at the Auckland City Hospital. This pilot project is part of an initiative to support normal birth in Auckland City Hospital. With only months left to go before this pilot ends in June 2021, make sure you don’t miss out! To learn more and to register go to:

Your Positive Birth

When it comes to birthing your baby there are 5 essential things you can do to make your birth a positive experience..Here are my top five: your mindset matters, knowledge is power, practice makes permanent, setting up your birth space/environment and knowing your birth rights and choices. 

When it comes to birthing your baby there are 5 essential things you can do to make your birth a positive experience..Here are my top five: your mindset matters, knowledge is power, practice makes permanent, setting up your birth space/environment and knowing your birth rights and choices. 

Creating YOUR Birth Space

Birthing your baby is a life altering moment. You have had around nine months to prepare for this day. Planning YOUR birth space really is like planning your wedding venue. How will you make it CALM, SAFE and PRIVATE? What will your birth space look like? Where are you planning to birth your baby? Will it be at home with a private midwife, supported by your partner? Do you want your inner circle of close, supportive family and friends along side you and your partner? Are you wanting a water birth or to use water immersion in labour? Do you plan to birth in a birth centre with a midwife you have come to know and trust? Maybe you are planning to birth at a private hospital with your obstetrician present? Or maybe you’re going mainstream at your local public hospital and may or may not know the midwife who will be supporting you through your birth? You could be thinking welcoming your new little one via a planned caesarean. As you can see, there are many options on birth space and care provider.

Once you have thought about where your birth space may be, you can then start to think about and create how that space may look and feel. It’s a good idea to discuss with your partner and care provider what things you may like in this space so they can help facilitate these for you, to help create a CALM, SAFE, PRIVATE space for you to birth your baby. Here are some ideas for you to create a birth space that will help promote your birth hormones and “labour land”.

Birthing your baby is a life altering moment. You have had around nine months to prepare for this day. Planning YOUR birth space really is like planning your wedding venue. How will you make it CALM, SAFE and PRIVATE? What will your birth space look like? Where are you planning to birth your baby? Will it be at home with a private midwife, supported by your partner? Do you want your inner circle of close, supportive family and friends along side you and your partner? Are you wanting a water birth or to use water immersion in labour? Do you plan to birth in a birth centre with a midwife you have come to know and trust? Maybe you are planning to birth at a private hospital with your obstetrician present? Or maybe you’re going mainstream at your local public hospital and may or may not know the midwife who will be supporting you through your birth? You could be thinking welcoming your new little one via a planned caesarean. As you can see, there are many options on birth space and care provider.

Once you have thought about where your birth space may be, you can then start to think about and create how that space may look and feel. It’s a good idea to discuss with your partner and care provider what things you may like in this space so they can help facilitate these for you, to help create a CALM, SAFE, PRIVATE space for you to birth your baby. Here are some ideas for you to create a birth space that will help promote your birth hormones and “labour land”.

Birth Affirmations – what are they and how do they help?

Birth quotes & affirmations are a wonderful tool to use when preparing for, and during labour and birth. Why? Because they are positive, powerful statements and words which inspire and empower you to think differently and to change your mindset.

Birth quotes & affirmations are a wonderful tool to use when preparing for, and during labour and birth. Why? Because they are positive, powerful statements and words which inspire and empower you to think differently and to change your mindset.

The Calmbirth Conversation Podcast Episode 10. Dr. Andrew Bissett Breech Birth

Tune in to this episode of the Calmbirth Conversation Podcast with Director Calmbirth, Karen McClay, who chats with the leading obstetrician here in Australia on breech birth delivery, Dr Andrew Bissett.

Tune in to this episode of the Calmbirth Conversation Podcast with Director Calmbirth, Karen McClay, who chats with the leading obstetrician here in Australia on breech birth delivery, Dr Andrew Bissett.

The Calmbirth Conversation Podcast Episode 11. Hazel Keedle VBAC

Tune in to this episode of the Calmbirth Conversation Podcast with Director Calmbirth, Karen McClay, who chats with Hazel Keedle, who is a VBAC Researcher, as well as a  Lecturer and Academic Course Advisor of the Bachelor of Midwifery and PhD candidate in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Western Sydney Univeristy. Hazel talks to Karen about VBAC. 

Tune in to this episode of the Calmbirth Conversation Podcast with Director Calmbirth, Karen McClay, who chats with Hazel Keedle, who is a VBAC Researcher, as well as a  Lecturer and Academic Course Advisor of the Bachelor of Midwifery and PhD candidate in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Western Sydney Univeristy. Hazel talks to Karen about VBAC. 

Creating your calm, safe and private labour & birth environment

When a woman feels calm, safe and private in labour, it is the perfect environment for her to labour and birth in. Her mind will tell her body that it’s safe to relax and her body will respond by surrendering to the birthing process. The act of surrendering will allow the perfect cocktail of birthing hormones to be released, which will help her uterus to contract, her cervix to soften and open and her baby to come down into her pelvis and out into the world. The following tips can help you create your safe, calm and private labour and birth environment.

When a woman feels calm, safe and private in labour, it is the perfect environment for her to labour and birth in. Her mind will tell her body that it’s safe to relax and her body will respond by surrendering to the birthing process. The act of surrendering will allow the perfect cocktail of birthing hormones to be released, which will help her uterus to contract, her cervix to soften and open and her baby to come down into her pelvis and out into the world. The following tips can help you create your safe, calm and private labour and birth environment.

Calmbirth baby born to Hannah & Tony who were part of the Pilot Study in Auckland City Hospital

Hannah and her partner Tony welcomed their beautiful baby at home after participating in the Calmbirth Pilot Study in the Auckland City Hosptial in New Zealand. 

Here they share their story and what they thought about the Calmbirth program. 

Hannah and her partner Tony welcomed their beautiful baby at home after participating in the Calmbirth Pilot Study in the Auckland City Hosptial in New Zealand. 

Here they share their story and what they thought about the Calmbirth program. 

Calmbirth mum’s testimonial for being given the opportunity to do Calmbirth as part of the Pilot Study in Auckland City Hospital

A single mum shares her gratitude on being given the opportunity to do the Calmbirth course as part of the Calmbirth Pilot Study at the Auckland City Hosptial.

Here is what she had to say: 

A single mum shares her gratitude on being given the opportunity to do the Calmbirth course as part of the Calmbirth Pilot Study at the Auckland City Hosptial.

Here is what she had to say: 

An open mind is an open body…

Thanks NZ calmbirth families for adapting to ZOOM.
Just like birth, sometimes things can change, unfold a way we didn’t expect. Thanks for remaining positive for yourselves and your babies, being open to learn a different way.
Open mind, is an open body.

“Things turn out the best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out” – Peter Jackson, founder of calmbirth.

During NZ Lockdown CALMBIRTH continues via ZOOM
– full weekends, 2 x Sundays, or 4x Evening sessions 6-9pm.

Thanks NZ calmbirth families for adapting to ZOOM.
Just like birth, sometimes things can change, unfold a way we didn’t expect. Thanks for remaining positive for yourselves and your babies, being open to learn a different way.
Open mind, is an open body.

“Things turn out the best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out” – Peter Jackson, founder of calmbirth.

During NZ Lockdown CALMBIRTH continues via ZOOM
– full weekends, 2 x Sundays, or 4x Evening sessions 6-9pm.

A few tips on…‘How to be an Awesome Birth Partner’

This one’s all about you BIRTH PARTNERS and the many things that you can do to be an Awesome Birth Partner. Don’t underestimate just how important your support role is. When it comes to supporting your birthing woman in labour, just simply being there for her and being fully present is great in itself. However, if you really want to be her “rock”, her “anchor”, her “ I couldn’t have done it without him/her” then the following tips just might get you that credit.

This one’s all about you BIRTH PARTNERS and the many things that you can do to be an Awesome Birth Partner. Don’t underestimate just how important your support role is. When it comes to supporting your birthing woman in labour, just simply being there for her and being fully present is great in itself. However, if you really want to be her “rock”, her “anchor”, her “ I couldn’t have done it without him/her” then the following tips just might get you that credit.

The Calmbirth Conversation Podcast Episode 16. Pregnancy Yoga

In Episode 16 of the Calmbirth Conversation Podcast Calmbirth  Director, Karen McClay talks to our wonderful Calmbirth Educators and Yoga Instructors, Maja Batista and Karen Shlegeris about the benefits of pregnancy yoga in preparation for labour and birth. 

In Episode 16 of the Calmbirth Conversation Podcast Calmbirth  Director, Karen McClay talks to our wonderful Calmbirth Educators and Yoga Instructors, Maja Batista and Karen Shlegeris about the benefits of pregnancy yoga in preparation for labour and birth. 

Is your mind open to birth?

Our culture tends to view birth simply as a physical process of the female body, the mechanical opening of the uterus and cervix, then the expulsion of a baby from the uterus and out of the vagina. But birth is far more complex than this. For birth is just as much of the mind as it is of the body.

She is an absolute dream, and I can say a calm birth has lead to a calm baby! She is an absolute dream and we are loving being parents.

Our culture tends to view birth simply as a physical process of the female body, the mechanical opening of the uterus and cervix, then the expulsion of a baby from the uterus and out of the vagina. But birth is far more complex than this. For birth is just as much of the mind as it is of the body.

She is an absolute dream, and I can say a calm birth has lead to a calm baby! She is an absolute dream and we are loving being parents.

The Calmbirth Conversation Podcast Episode 17: Dr. Sarah Buckley – Oxytocin and Birth

In episode 17 of the Calmbirth Conversation Podcast I talk to Dr. Sarah Buckley about Oxytocin and birth. Dr. Sarah Buckley is a GP/family physician with qualifications in GP-obstetrics and family planning. She is the mother of four home-born children, and currently combines motherhood with her work as a writer on pregnancy, birth, and parenting.

In episode 17 of the Calmbirth Conversation Podcast I talk to Dr. Sarah Buckley about Oxytocin and birth. Dr. Sarah Buckley is a GP/family physician with qualifications in GP-obstetrics and family planning. She is the mother of four home-born children, and currently combines motherhood with her work as a writer on pregnancy, birth, and parenting.

Practice makes Permanent

One of things we talk a lot about in Calmbirth is that Practice makes Permanent. This means that through our practice we create habits of doing (& thinking) and then the things that we practice become automatic and easy for us to do (& think). And the biggest tool that we encourage our couples to ‘make permanent’ is the Relaxation Response.  

She is an absolute dream, and I can say a calm birth has lead to a calm baby! She is an absolute dream and we are loving being parents.

One of things we talk a lot about in Calmbirth is that Practice makes Permanent. This means that through our practice we create habits of doing (& thinking) and then the things that we practice become automatic and easy for us to do (& think). And the biggest tool that we encourage our couples to ‘make permanent’ is the Relaxation Response.  

She is an absolute dream, and I can say a calm birth has lead to a calm baby! She is an absolute dream and we are loving being parents.

You wouldn’t run a marathon without preparing…so why give birth without preparation?

Increasing women’s awareness through education and counseling during pregnancy can reduce maternal fear and anxiety, prepare them for birth and improve their overall health and experience, both physical and emotional.

Increasing women’s awareness through education and counseling during pregnancy can reduce maternal fear and anxiety, prepare them for birth and improve their overall health and experience, both physical and emotional.

Caesarean Birth Recovery

There are three ways a caesarean birth can come about: planned, unplanned or emergency.

Ultimately all caesarean births are a birth, your birth.

All caesarean births are major abdominal surgery and involve the separation of important core muscles. As a result it is crucial that mummas take their time to recover after their birth.

There are three ways a caesarean birth can come about: planned, unplanned or emergency.

Ultimately all caesarean births are a birth, your birth.

All caesarean births are major abdominal surgery and involve the separation of important core muscles. As a result it is crucial that mummas take their time to recover after their birth.

Recovery after a Vaginal Birth

Every birth is different,

Every body is different,

We all recover and heal at our own pace.

We all perceive recovery differently,

We feel pain or discomfort differently.

No post birth recovery is the same,

No woman is the same,

and no experience will ever be the same.

Every birth is different,

Every body is different,

We all recover and heal at our own pace.

We all perceive recovery differently,

We feel pain or discomfort differently.

No post birth recovery is the same,

No woman is the same,

and no experience will ever be the same.

CRISIS in confidence

Best explained by Rhea Dempsey as “not a medical crisis but rather an emotional and physical pain barrier crisis.”

Best recognised as the, “I can’t do this”. :Get me an epidural”, “get this baby out of me” moments…

Best explained by Rhea Dempsey as “not a medical crisis but rather an emotional and physical pain barrier crisis.”

Best recognised as the, “I can’t do this”. :Get me an epidural”, “get this baby out of me” moments…

Chiropractic Care – should it be part of your pregnancy plan?

Pregnancy is a time of massive change – mentally, emotionally, hormonally, and biomechanically
It is also a time when many women look for other options to manage various health challenges during their pregnancy. Chiropractic care rates among the many that women choose during this time. The great thing about chiropractic care is that it is safe, gentle, and drug-free – things we all want in any intervention while pregnant.

As a chiropractor, it is both a responsibility and a privilege to care for increasing numbers of pregnant women as more and more of them seek out chiropractic care as part of their pregnancy plans.

This article explores some new research around the possible benefits of chiropractic care for pregnant women and offers a brief review of the broader picture of chiropractic care in this area. 

Pregnancy is a time of massive change – mentally, emotionally, hormonally, and biomechanically
It is also a time when many women look for other options to manage various health challenges during their pregnancy. Chiropractic care rates among the many that women choose during this time. The great thing about chiropractic care is that it is safe, gentle, and drug-free – things we all want in any intervention while pregnant.

As a chiropractor, it is both a responsibility and a privilege to care for increasing numbers of pregnant women as more and more of them seek out chiropractic care as part of their pregnancy plans.

This article explores some new research around the possible benefits of chiropractic care for pregnant women and offers a brief review of the broader picture of chiropractic care in this area. 

Labouring at home

Even if home isn’t your planned place of birth most women will spend a large proportion of their labour at home. And often your midwife will encourage you to stay at home for as long as you are comfortable to do so before moving to your place of birth!

Even if home isn’t your planned place of birth most women will spend a large proportion of their labour at home. And often your midwife will encourage you to stay at home for as long as you are comfortable to do so before moving to your place of birth!

Birth Ball

The Birth Ball… Ah the trusted birth ball (aka fit ball). Oh, so versatile!
Often every heavily pregnant woman’s best friend used as a way to get the baby out”!

The Birth Ball… Ah the trusted birth ball (aka fit ball). Oh, so versatile!
Often every heavily pregnant woman’s best friend used as a way to get the baby out”!

All the oxytocin vibes…

Oxytocin is the hormone of LOVE, associated with trust, empathy, relationship building, sexual activity, labour, birthing, breastfeeding and bonding! 

Oxytocin is the hormone of LOVE, associated with trust, empathy, relationship building, sexual activity, labour, birthing, breastfeeding and bonding! 

The Power of Visualisation…

Have you started visualising your labour and birth yet? 

Imagine the sensations, the feelings…
What is your partner/ support person doing to keep you centred and grounded? 
What’s the mood and environment like? 

Have you started visualising your labour and birth yet? 

Imagine the sensations, the feelings…
What is your partner/ support person doing to keep you centred and grounded? 
What’s the mood and environment like? 

Caesarean Birth

April is Caesarean Birth Awareness Month  

Throughout this month I hope to generate awareness and shed some light on caesarean births. Firstly, I call them caesarean births not ‘sections’ as words hold power and no matter how your baby was born it is a birth – your birth.

April is Caesarean Birth Awareness Month  

Throughout this month I hope to generate awareness and shed some light on caesarean births. Firstly, I call them caesarean births not ‘sections’ as words hold power and no matter how your baby was born it is a birth – your birth.



From the time your baby is born and the first postpartum hours together

This is a sacred time.

Feeling safe, calm, private and undisturbed is paramount to this time

This is a time of great transition and adjustment

For Baby
For Mother
For the Family


From the time your baby is born and the first postpartum hours together

This is a sacred time.

Feeling safe, calm, private and undisturbed is paramount to this time

This is a time of great transition and adjustment

For Baby
For Mother
For the Family

Fear – Tension – Pain

This theory was initially discovered by obstetrician Grantly Dick-Read in the 1920’s after observing women in labour. He noted that in an otherwise uncomplicated labour, it was the emotion of fear that caused complications. This theory has since been proven now that we understand the impact of the stress response on our body and hormones of labour and birth.

This theory was initially discovered by obstetrician Grantly Dick-Read in the 1920’s after observing women in labour. He noted that in an otherwise uncomplicated labour, it was the emotion of fear that caused complications. This theory has since been proven now that we understand the impact of the stress response on our body and hormones of labour and birth.

Honouring Optimal Cord Clamping

Here is some incredible info from @midwifethinking and @wait4white

“Wait for White” describes an umbilical cord which has completed its natural physiology (ceases pulsation) and is easily facilitated in the majority of births.

Here is some incredible info from @midwifethinking and @wait4white

“Wait for White” describes an umbilical cord which has completed its natural physiology (ceases pulsation) and is easily facilitated in the majority of births.

Skin to Skin

The origins of skin to skin, or ‘kangaroo care’ began in low resource settings, to care for premature babies where there were insufficient incubators available. It was soon observed that babies being cared for skin to skin were able to regulate their temperature, respiratory rate and heart rate, and experienced a decrease in infection rates.  Sufficient evidence now exists, that many hospitals worldwide, including in Australia, advocate for early skin to skin between parents and babies.

The origins of skin to skin, or ‘kangaroo care’ began in low resource settings, to care for premature babies where there were insufficient incubators available. It was soon observed that babies being cared for skin to skin were able to regulate their temperature, respiratory rate and heart rate, and experienced a decrease in infection rates.  Sufficient evidence now exists, that many hospitals worldwide, including in Australia, advocate for early skin to skin between parents and babies.

Creating and holding space – parents of the COVID pandemic

By Rachel Bridge

The journey into and through parenthood comes with so many expectations, from so many directions, well-meaning friends and family, health professionals, media, social media, as well as our own experiences and expectations of self.

When we begin stepping towards the journey of parenthood, hopes, dreams, desires start to surface. We envisage certain moments of our experience and how that may or may not look…the pregnancy announcement, the baby shower, maternity leave, birth, postpartum, pregnancy care, postpartum care, support, the list goes on.

By Rachel Bridge

The journey into and through parenthood comes with so many expectations, from so many directions, well-meaning friends and family, health professionals, media, social media, as well as our own experiences and expectations of self.

When we begin stepping towards the journey of parenthood, hopes, dreams, desires start to surface. We envisage certain moments of our experience and how that may or may not look…the pregnancy announcement, the baby shower, maternity leave, birth, postpartum, pregnancy care, postpartum care, support, the list goes on.

Believe that she can…

Partner and birth support people are vital for the birthing woman. I often acknowledge this responsibility early in my Calmbirth courses. Partners and birth support people, you have a big role to play. You are her person, her support, her advocate, her safe haven. Affirming words and holding space, believing she can will support physiological labour and birthing.

Partner and birth support people are vital for the birthing woman. I often acknowledge this responsibility early in my Calmbirth courses. Partners and birth support people, you have a big role to play. You are her person, her support, her advocate, her safe haven. Affirming words and holding space, believing she can will support physiological labour and birthing.

Labour is a dance…

Have you started building your labour and birth playlist yet?
We do this for other epic life events and occasions. We need to put the same amount of love and effort into our labour and birth playlist as we would for a once in a lifetime road trip, a groovy dinner party, wedding.

Have you started building your labour and birth playlist yet?
We do this for other epic life events and occasions. We need to put the same amount of love and effort into our labour and birth playlist as we would for a once in a lifetime road trip, a groovy dinner party, wedding.

The Feeding Station…

After spending A LOT of time in my feeding chair the past few weeks, it got me thinking about the feeding space and what has saved me from going bananas.

A fun fact…Breastfeeding for one year is approximately 1800 hours…
That’s a full-time job with 3 weeks annual leave…

No matter how you’re feeding your baby, you’ll be doing many feeds, cuddles, settling and sleeps here too!

After spending A LOT of time in my feeding chair the past few weeks, it got me thinking about the feeding space and what has saved me from going bananas.

A fun fact…Breastfeeding for one year is approximately 1800 hours…
That’s a full-time job with 3 weeks annual leave…

No matter how you’re feeding your baby, you’ll be doing many feeds, cuddles, settling and sleeps here too!

From Womb to Room – Your baby’s transition to life

“One last surge and your baby will be here. You are almost there.”

A final grunt, and her baby’s shoulders and body are moved between the worlds into the waiting hands of a care provider, her partner, or the mother herself.

These two, mother and baby, know each other so intimately, yet are meeting for the first time.

A moment of silence. A small intake of breath. Then, a cry.

This child who has only known fluid, is now one of air.

It is just seconds of time. From the outside, we see barely anything, but internally, these seconds bring the most complex changes our bodies ever do.

“One last surge and your baby will be here. You are almost there.”

A final grunt, and her baby’s shoulders and body are moved between the worlds into the waiting hands of a care provider, her partner, or the mother herself.

These two, mother and baby, know each other so intimately, yet are meeting for the first time.

A moment of silence. A small intake of breath. Then, a cry.

This child who has only known fluid, is now one of air.

It is just seconds of time. From the outside, we see barely anything, but internally, these seconds bring the most complex changes our bodies ever do.

50 Ways To Work With Your Labour!

You have so many inner resources that you can draw upon and utilise to serve you well in labour and birth!

Here are some – Just to name a few.

You have so many inner resources that you can draw upon and utilise to serve you well in labour and birth!

Here are some – Just to name a few.

Language and Communication Around Birth

“You are going to influence the psychological and organic life of your patients today and that may continue 20 years from now. So, you had better know what you are saying. You had better be willing to reflect upon the words you use, to wonder what their meanings are and to seek out and understand their many associations.” This statement by Dr Milton Erickson is especially true for the language around birth.

“You are going to influence the psychological and organic life of your patients today and that may continue 20 years from now. So, you had better know what you are saying. You had better be willing to reflect upon the words you use, to wonder what their meanings are and to seek out and understand their many associations.” This statement by Dr Milton Erickson is especially true for the language around birth.

Decision making in pregnancy, labour and birth

Sometimes decision-making can seem overwhelming, especially in pregnancy and birth, because there are seemingly so many decisions to be made which may have the potential to impact your health and that of your baby.

Sometimes decision-making can seem overwhelming, especially in pregnancy and birth, because there are seemingly so many decisions to be made which may have the potential to impact your health and that of your baby.

The Power of Birth Affirmations

These can be such a powerful tool for birth.

The confidence boost you might need when it all feels too much.

Hearing those soft words whispered into your ear as you break between surges.

Reassurance that you’re doing it.

The encouragement to surrender.

A reminder to trust the process.

These can be such a powerful tool for birth.

The confidence boost you might need when it all feels too much.

Hearing those soft words whispered into your ear as you break between surges.

Reassurance that you’re doing it.

The encouragement to surrender.

A reminder to trust the process.

Transformers & Miracle Workers – How Your Body Changes in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is about more than just growing a baby.
Sure, technically that’s what it’s about, but for your body it means so much more.

Every single system of your body needs to change in some way to keep you and your baby healthy. Seems drastic, maybe, but growing new humans is a pretty drastic undertaking, wouldn’t you say?

There are of course a thousand different changes your body goes through during pregnancy, but here are 5 systems and the fascinating ways your body adapts them for pregnancy and to prepare for birth.

Happy reading!

Pregnancy is about more than just growing a baby.
Sure, technically that’s what it’s about, but for your body it means so much more.

Every single system of your body needs to change in some way to keep you and your baby healthy. Seems drastic, maybe, but growing new humans is a pretty drastic undertaking, wouldn’t you say?

There are of course a thousand different changes your body goes through during pregnancy, but here are 5 systems and the fascinating ways your body adapts them for pregnancy and to prepare for birth.

Happy reading!

Blue Hands Warm Heart – The normal colours of a newborn

When I am teaching parents about birth I intentionally include a picture of a baby when they are first born – many people are surprised by their initial colour! I find that in the first day after birth, one of the most common questions I get asked is about the colour of their baby’s hands and feet. We’re tackling these concepts in this blog post, so read on for more!

When I am teaching parents about birth I intentionally include a picture of a baby when they are first born – many people are surprised by their initial colour! I find that in the first day after birth, one of the most common questions I get asked is about the colour of their baby’s hands and feet. We’re tackling these concepts in this blog post, so read on for more!

Staying out of your head…

In labour, if we stay out of our critical and analytical part of our brain, surrendering to the primitive and instinctual brain, we place ourselves in a state of growth.

In labour, if we stay out of our critical and analytical part of our brain, surrendering to the primitive and instinctual brain, we place ourselves in a state of growth.

The Calmbirth of baby Julian

I’m not crying, you’re crying…

Bianca & Mitch,

Your story is everything. Your words, your strength, your power. Thank you for sharing your journey. ‘with knowledge, comes confidence’ – Calmbirth

Hey Jess! Hope you have been well. Just thought I’d update you on some very exciting news and share with you my very positive birth story!

My baby boy couldn’t wait any longer and was born 3 weeks and a day early! Introducing Julian Gregory Napoleone, born 18.8.22

I got the natural birth I wanted and I whole heartedly believe it’s the learnings from your class that made that possible. Your class also gave my partner Mitch the tools and understanding to be the perfect support person throughout. We are so grateful we did your class and we cannot thank you enough.

I’m not crying, you’re crying…

Bianca & Mitch,

Your story is everything. Your words, your strength, your power. Thank you for sharing your journey. ‘with knowledge, comes confidence’ – Calmbirth

Hey Jess! Hope you have been well. Just thought I’d update you on some very exciting news and share with you my very positive birth story!

My baby boy couldn’t wait any longer and was born 3 weeks and a day early! Introducing Julian Gregory Napoleone, born 18.8.22

I got the natural birth I wanted and I whole heartedly believe it’s the learnings from your class that made that possible. Your class also gave my partner Mitch the tools and understanding to be the perfect support person throughout. We are so grateful we did your class and we cannot thank you enough.


At what stage in the pregnancy do we attend a Calmbirth course?

I get this email a lot and it’s a great question!

The good news is, there’s a big range to work with when attending a Calmbirth course.

Optimal timing is between 28 – 36 weeks pregnant.

At what stage in the pregnancy do we attend a Calmbirth course?

I get this email a lot and it’s a great question!

The good news is, there’s a big range to work with when attending a Calmbirth course.

Optimal timing is between 28 – 36 weeks pregnant.

The Stats and Evidence is out…Here’s why Calmbirth gives you Better Birth Outcomes.

Calmbirth® – Prepares you emotionally, mentally, and physically for birth.

Calmbirth is Australia’s leading and fastest growing Childbirth Education Program. We take a very holistic and evidence based approach to our Education with the fundamental underpinning of the Program being the Mind-Body-Birth Connection.

The stats and evidence are out that prove that by attending a Calmbirth antenatal course you will have  better birth outcomes.

Calmbirth® – Prepares you emotionally, mentally, and physically for birth.

Calmbirth is Australia’s leading and fastest growing Childbirth Education Program. We take a very holistic and evidence based approach to our Education with the fundamental underpinning of the Program being the Mind-Body-Birth Connection.

The stats and evidence are out that prove that by attending a Calmbirth antenatal course you will have  better birth outcomes.

Calmbirth & Creating A Positive Change For a VBAC

There are many myths about having a vaginal birth after a caesarean (VBAC), and the risks and outcomes for the mother and baby are discussed negatively. But what if we saw birth as a positive experience empowering rather than something to be feared?

There are many myths about having a vaginal birth after a caesarean (VBAC), and the risks and outcomes for the mother and baby are discussed negatively. But what if we saw birth as a positive experience empowering rather than something to be feared?

Advocating for your birth because your birth matters!

Birth. It can be so unpredictable, incredible, transformative, inspiring…it serves as such a huge catalyst for growth for so many of us! For some, it is the time when we find or rediscover our voices, we learn to navigate a system in an entirely new way. For others it can be a time of what feels like powerlessness; a lack of control or unwinding of plans. Ultimately, in any scenario, it is up to us as the individuals to take back our power, advocate for what we want and need, for what we believe is best for us and our babies. Control what we can, surrender to the rest

Birth. It can be so unpredictable, incredible, transformative, inspiring…it serves as such a huge catalyst for growth for so many of us! For some, it is the time when we find or rediscover our voices, we learn to navigate a system in an entirely new way. For others it can be a time of what feels like powerlessness; a lack of control or unwinding of plans. Ultimately, in any scenario, it is up to us as the individuals to take back our power, advocate for what we want and need, for what we believe is best for us and our babies. Control what we can, surrender to the rest

The Mind Shift – Rest during Labour

What if you went into labour thinking that 60% of the time you’d be resting?

That you have the opportunity and a choice to rest your mind and body for more than half the labour journey…

What if you went into labour thinking that 60% of the time you’d be resting?

That you have the opportunity and a choice to rest your mind and body for more than half the labour journey…

Birth Matters… Your birth experience matters….

Did you research buying a car?

Did your homework when planning an event like a wedding, or a surprise party?

Stalked the housing market?

Prepare for a job interview?

Childbirth Education is the same

‘With knowledge comes confidence’

And what if I told you it’s so much more…

Birth Matters…
Your birth experience matters….

Did you research buying a car?

Did your homework when planning an event like a wedding, or a surprise party?

Stalked the housing market?

Prepare for a job interview?

Childbirth Education is the same

‘With knowledge comes confidence’

And what if I told you it’s so much more…

Birth Matters…
Your birth experience matters….

Milk supply: “What will my breasts think?

One of the biggest reasons reported for stopping breastfeeding is low supply. This is where parents feel the amount of milk their baby receives from breastfeeding is not enough to meet their needs.

However, it’s actually very rare that a mother is unable to make enough breastmilk for her baby.

Have a read to learn more!

One of the biggest reasons reported for stopping breastfeeding is low supply. This is where parents feel the amount of milk their baby receives from breastfeeding is not enough to meet their needs.

However, it’s actually very rare that a mother is unable to make enough breastmilk for her baby.

Have a read to learn more!

Why You Should Consider a Calmbirth Course for Your Birthing Classes.

Birthing classes are a great way to prepare for the big day when your baby arrives. If you’re looking for an effective, holistic, evidence-based antenatal class that can help you and your partner feel more connected and confident, then you should consider a Calmbirth class. Calmbirth is an evidenced-based birthing class focused on helping you prepare emotionally, mentally, and physically for a calm and positive birth experience. Choosing the right birthing class for your pregnancy can be a daunting task. With so many different classes and methods out there, it can be hard to decide which one is right for you.

If you are looking for a birthing class that is focused on helping you feel calm and relaxed throughout your pregnancy and labour and birth, then a Calmbirth class may be a perfect choice. Calmbirth classes are specifically designed to help you feel more empowered, more confident and more prepared for the birth of your baby, through learning about what actually happens during birth, and having the opportunity to ask questions.

Birthing classes are a great way to prepare for the big day when your baby arrives. If you’re looking for an effective, holistic, evidence-based antenatal class that can help you and your partner feel more connected and confident, then you should consider a Calmbirth class. Calmbirth is an evidenced-based birthing class focused on helping you prepare emotionally, mentally, and physically for a calm and positive birth experience. Choosing the right birthing class for your pregnancy can be a daunting task. With so many different classes and methods out there, it can be hard to decide which one is right for you.

If you are looking for a birthing class that is focused on helping you feel calm and relaxed throughout your pregnancy and labour and birth, then a Calmbirth class may be a perfect choice. Calmbirth classes are specifically designed to help you feel more empowered, more confident and more prepared for the birth of your baby, through learning about what actually happens during birth, and having the opportunity to ask questions.

5 natural pain relief options for labour…

Would you expect to feel your body working hard if you ran a marathon? For sure!

And more than likely you would educate yourself, and be physically and mentally prepared on how to manage.

It would be hard and probably impossible to just rock up and run 42km with no education or preparation and have a positive experience?? You could argue that labour and birth are no different!

Just as you can expect to feel the ‘normal’ physiological pain from running, you can expect with the uterine contractions of labour functional, physiological pain. So if you are well prepared you can definitely have a positive (and drug-free if you wish) labour and birth journey.

As a Midwife caring for labouring women for many years and teaching couples the Calmbirth® Childbirth Education program let me share my top 5 natural pain relief alternatives that can help you during labour.

Would you expect to feel your body working hard if you ran a marathon? For sure!

And more than likely you would educate yourself, and be physically and mentally prepared on how to manage.

It would be hard and probably impossible to just rock up and run 42km with no education or preparation and have a positive experience?? You could argue that labour and birth are no different!

Just as you can expect to feel the ‘normal’ physiological pain from running, you can expect with the uterine contractions of labour functional, physiological pain. So if you are well prepared you can definitely have a positive (and drug-free if you wish) labour and birth journey.

As a Midwife caring for labouring women for many years and teaching couples the Calmbirth® Childbirth Education program let me share my top 5 natural pain relief alternatives that can help you during labour.

The Calmbirth Conversation Podcast Episode 18. Creating an optimal microbiome during Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond.

Welcome to another episode of the Calmbirth Conversation Podcast. In this episode 18 our Calmbirth Director Karen McClay talks with Emma Park. Emma is a Functional Nutritionist Clinician and Clinical Educator and is an industry leader in the field of gut health and the microbiome in the First 1000 Days of life.

Karen and Emma discuss the importance of the microbiome for pregnant mamas and people, and their babies, and how we can maintain and create an optimal environment for a healthy microbiome during pregnancy birth and postpartum. This is particularly important for those whose microbiome is already out of kilter e.g., they have a history of vaginitis, candida infections (thrush), recurrent UTI’s, GBS and mastitis.  Karen and Emma also discuss the impact that antibiotic use during pregnancy and birth, and caesarean births have on the microbiome and what these mamas and birthing people can do to help their and their baby’s microbiome recover.

If you would like more information on this you can have a look at Emma’s “The First 1000 days” course, or download her booklet, both of which can be found here:

And because stress is one of the biggest influences on a healthy microbiome, come and join us for a Calmbirth course because we are all about helping you to change your relationship to stress through knowledge and tools that will not only help during your pregnancy and birth but will continue to be an asset for the rest of your life. You can find a Calmbirth Educator near you here:

If you enjoyed this podcast episode please share with your friends, and tag us on our socials @calmbirth.

Welcome to another episode of the Calmbirth Conversation Podcast. In this episode 18 our Calmbirth Director Karen McClay talks with Emma Park. Emma is a Functional Nutritionist Clinician and Clinical Educator and is an industry leader in the field of gut health and the microbiome in the First 1000 Days of life.

Karen and Emma discuss the importance of the microbiome for pregnant mamas and people, and their babies, and how we can maintain and create an optimal environment for a healthy microbiome during pregnancy birth and postpartum. This is particularly important for those whose microbiome is already out of kilter e.g., they have a history of vaginitis, candida infections (thrush), recurrent UTI’s, GBS and mastitis.  Karen and Emma also discuss the impact that antibiotic use during pregnancy and birth, and caesarean births have on the microbiome and what these mamas and birthing people can do to help their and their baby’s microbiome recover.

If you would like more information on this you can have a look at Emma’s “The First 1000 days” course, or download her booklet, both of which can be found here:

And because stress is one of the biggest influences on a healthy microbiome, come and join us for a Calmbirth course because we are all about helping you to change your relationship to stress through knowledge and tools that will not only help during your pregnancy and birth but will continue to be an asset for the rest of your life. You can find a Calmbirth Educator near you here:

If you enjoyed this podcast episode please share with your friends, and tag us on our socials @calmbirth.

How to plan for your birth…

In life, we plan for most milestone events such as birthdays, holidays, marathons, weddings, and funerals so birth should be no different. In fact, planning for your birth is a game changer because your birth experience is one that you will remember forever and the way you feel about your birth matters. The more prepared you are with your birth preferences the better birth outcomes you will have both physically and emotionally.

So why not start by asking yourself these simple questions:

In life, we plan for most milestone events such as birthdays, holidays, marathons, weddings, and funerals so birth should be no different. In fact, planning for your birth is a game changer because your birth experience is one that you will remember forever and the way you feel about your birth matters. The more prepared you are with your birth preferences the better birth outcomes you will have both physically and emotionally.

So why not start by asking yourself these simple questions:

Tongue Talk

How your tongue is positioned in your mouth can dictate how you feel, how your body responds and how you navigate life, all of which correspond with your anatomical nervous system. When your tongue rests at the base of your mouth, your body goes into ‘Survival Mode.’ When it rests on the roof of your mouth, you are in ‘Rest and Recovery mode.’ A simple way to do this is to smile; your tongue automatically moves to the roof of the mouth.

How your tongue is positioned in your mouth can dictate how you feel, how your body responds and how you navigate life, all of which correspond with your anatomical nervous system. When your tongue rests at the base of your mouth, your body goes into ‘Survival Mode.’ When it rests on the roof of your mouth, you are in ‘Rest and Recovery mode.’ A simple way to do this is to smile; your tongue automatically moves to the roof of the mouth.

Waters Breaking

Pregnancy is not always smooth sailing for some women especially for those that suffer from Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) during much of their pregnancy.

Pregnancy is not always smooth sailing for some women especially for those that suffer from Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) during much of their pregnancy.

Connection: Nurturing Meaningful Relationships

In a world driven by technology and fast-paced living, the essence of genuine connection often gets lost in the noise. Human beings are inherently social creatures, seeking companionship, understanding, and a sense of belonging.

In a world driven by technology and fast-paced living, the essence of genuine connection often gets lost in the noise. Human beings are inherently social creatures, seeking companionship, understanding, and a sense of belonging.

Made with LOVE. Birthed with LOVE – Let’s talk about SEX baby…

I LOVE this photo because of the position – the made with love position – so let’s talk about sex baby!

Curious about sex during pregnancy? I know this can be a taboo subject that couples during this period may not be conformable to talk about, but here are some tips and FAQ about it.

I LOVE this photo because of the position – the made with love position – so let’s talk about sex baby!

Curious about sex during pregnancy? I know this can be a taboo subject that couples during this period may not be conformable to talk about, but here are some tips and FAQ about it.

Embracing the Nesting Period…

I’ll never forget being in my last trimester and I don’t know where I found my burst of energy from, but I nested like crazy!  It almost felt like I was possessed, and I feltcompelled to create a loving, clean, and nurturing environment for my baby. I was sewing curtains for the nursery, sanding down and painting an heirloom wooden box that was given to me from great grand ma to be turned into a clothes/toybox. Washing and folding all the baby clothes before the little one arrived so that they could smell like clothes softener and feel gentle on their fragile skin. I re arranged the furniture in my bedroom to accommodate for the bassinet and change table and got into baking!

I was in full gear, unstoppable. I was NESTING!

I’ll never forget being in my last trimester and I don’t know where I found my burst of energy from, but I nested like crazy!  It almost felt like I was possessed, and I feltcompelled to create a loving, clean, and nurturing environment for my baby. I was sewing curtains for the nursery, sanding down and painting an heirloom wooden box that was given to me from great grand ma to be turned into a clothes/toybox. Washing and folding all the baby clothes before the little one arrived so that they could smell like clothes softener and feel gentle on their fragile skin. I re arranged the furniture in my bedroom to accommodate for the bassinet and change table and got into baking!

I was in full gear, unstoppable. I was NESTING!

How to be an incredible support for labour…

Being a support person in labour is a HUGE role.

Think of yourself as the Sherpa helping her climb Mt.Everest, the fans at the MCG cheering on their sporting heros, the cheer squad running along side her as she crosses that marathon finish line.

You can make ALL the difference by knowing how to be an incredible support: Here’s 50 tips to guide you.

Being a support person in labour is a HUGE role.

Think of yourself as the Sherpa helping her climb Mt.Everest, the fans at the MCG cheering on their sporting heros, the cheer squad running along side her as she crosses that marathon finish line.

You can make ALL the difference by knowing how to be an incredible support: Here’s 50 tips to guide you.

Epidurals as pain relief…..

I don’t know about you, but I know when I was pregnant what scared me the most was not the actual labour or birth, but it was having to get an epidural if I needed one because I didn’t know too much about epidurals, when they might be needed, their risks, benefits, and how they differ from spinal blocks. As it turned out, I had to have a C section birth and ended up having a spinal block but here are the differences.

I don’t know about you, but I know when I was pregnant what scared me the most was not the actual labour or birth, but it was having to get an epidural if I needed one because I didn’t know too much about epidurals, when they might be needed, their risks, benefits, and how they differ from spinal blocks. As it turned out, I had to have a C section birth and ended up having a spinal block but here are the differences.

Fear Tension Pain Theory

“Calmbirth is the MOST amazing birthing programme out there. I really wish every couple could have the chance to do this course.”

“Calmbirth is the MOST amazing birthing programme out there. I really wish every couple could have the chance to do this course.”

Plan your Birth like it’s your Wedding Day!

“Most major life events are able to be pre-planned, but birth is an event that is mostly out of our control in regard to timing and what may happen to both mother and baby (which seems a bit scary), so being prepared with the tools and knowledge to make quick decisions in the moments of birth has made my Husband and I feel relaxed about the future birth and confident in our choices. We look forward to the day instead of feeling anxious about the unknown. I would highly recommend the Calmbirth course to all future parents.” -Calmbirth couple

“Most major life events are able to be pre-planned, but birth is an event that is mostly out of our control in regard to timing and what may happen to both mother and baby (which seems a bit scary), so being prepared with the tools and knowledge to make quick decisions in the moments of birth has made my Husband and I feel relaxed about the future birth and confident in our choices. We look forward to the day instead of feeling anxious about the unknown. I would highly recommend the Calmbirth course to all future parents.” -Calmbirth couple

The power of your mindset, hormones and environment in birth

The power of your mindset, hormones and environment can play such a vital role in making you feel safe, calm and private for the kind of birth that can unfold for you, as Calmbirth mum, Tara discovered when she birthed her beautiful baby Cohen James.

The power of your mindset, hormones and environment can play such a vital role in making you feel safe, calm and private for the kind of birth that can unfold for you, as Calmbirth mum, Tara discovered when she birthed her beautiful baby Cohen James.

Oxytocin – the love hormone at play during pregnancy, labour and birth

Pregnancy, labour, and birth are intricate processes that involve a myriad of physiological and emotional changes. Amidst this complexity, one remarkable hormone plays a pivotal role—oxytocin. Often referred to as the “love hormone” or “bonding hormone,” oxytocin is associated with social bonding, trust, and intimacy. However, its significance goes far beyond romantic relationships, as it profoundly influences the journey of pregnancy, labour, and birth, and the transformative stages of motherhood.

Pregnancy, labour, and birth are intricate processes that involve a myriad of physiological and emotional changes. Amidst this complexity, one remarkable hormone plays a pivotal role—oxytocin. Often referred to as the “love hormone” or “bonding hormone,” oxytocin is associated with social bonding, trust, and intimacy. However, its significance goes far beyond romantic relationships, as it profoundly influences the journey of pregnancy, labour, and birth, and the transformative stages of motherhood.

Book Review : The Birth Map

I’d heard of birth plans but I’d never heard of a birth map or birth cartography until I was listening to episode six of The Calmbirth Conversation podcast featuring Catherine Bell, author of “The Birth Map”.  I was inspired and intrigued and I knew I wanted to know more so I read the book and I am so glad I did.  I love seeing birth plans in my patients files but reading this book has changed the way I talk to couples about how to document their informed decisions for their care and what they need to know when navigating the hospital system

I’d heard of birth plans but I’d never heard of a birth map or birth cartography until I was listening to episode six of The Calmbirth Conversation podcast featuring Catherine Bell, author of “The Birth Map”.  I was inspired and intrigued and I knew I wanted to know more so I read the book and I am so glad I did.  I love seeing birth plans in my patients files but reading this book has changed the way I talk to couples about how to document their informed decisions for their care and what they need to know when navigating the hospital system

The Advantages of Private Midwifery Care in Australia: Empowering Women and Families

In the realm of maternal healthcare, the journey from conception to postpartum is a transformative experience. Amidst this pivotal period, the role of a midwife transcends beyond mere medical supervision; it encompasses holistic support, empowerment, and personalized care. In Australia, the option of private midwifery care, particularly by an endorsed private practicing midwife, offers a plethora of advantages for women and their families. Let’s delve into the profound benefits, encompassing outcomes and psychological well-being, that this form of care brings forth.

In the realm of maternal healthcare, the journey from conception to postpartum is a transformative experience. Amidst this pivotal period, the role of a midwife transcends beyond mere medical supervision; it encompasses holistic support, empowerment, and personalized care. In Australia, the option of private midwifery care, particularly by an endorsed private practicing midwife, offers a plethora of advantages for women and their families. Let’s delve into the profound benefits, encompassing outcomes and psychological well-being, that this form of care brings forth.

Harnessing the Strength Within: The Profound Impact of Conscious Breathing in Childbirth.

Childbirth is a remarkable journey, marked by a tapestry of emotions, sensations, and challenges. Amidst this whirlwind, there exists a potent yet often overlooked ally: conscious breathing. More than a mere physiological response, intentional breathing holds the key to unlocking a deeper connection with oneself, one’s partner, and the miracle of new life.

Childbirth is a remarkable journey, marked by a tapestry of emotions, sensations, and challenges. Amidst this whirlwind, there exists a potent yet often overlooked ally: conscious breathing. More than a mere physiological response, intentional breathing holds the key to unlocking a deeper connection with oneself, one’s partner, and the miracle of new life.

Remember there are NO – ‘dumb questions’ – just one you don’t have an answer to right now.

A lot of the fear around birth and birth trauma today comes from fear of the unknown, lack of knowledge, feeling of being out of control, feeling things were ‘done to you’ and questioning consent, which in turn leads to us feeling inadequate, failing, traumatised, etc.  These are very valid feelings and it is recognised more and more – however instead of questioning yourself and considering you have failed perhaps start with an unanswered question and JUST ASK, even if it is after the event and you need clarity and understanding therein allowing you to have a better comprehension of your experience and being better prepared for what is necessary for your future,  should you need counselling, ongoing care, preparation for future births.

A lot of the fear around birth and birth trauma today comes from fear of the unknown, lack of knowledge, feeling of being out of control, feeling things were ‘done to you’ and questioning consent, which in turn leads to us feeling inadequate, failing, traumatised, etc.  These are very valid feelings and it is recognised more and more – however instead of questioning yourself and considering you have failed perhaps start with an unanswered question and JUST ASK, even if it is after the event and you need clarity and understanding therein allowing you to have a better comprehension of your experience and being better prepared for what is necessary for your future,  should you need counselling, ongoing care, preparation for future births.

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