What To Expect

Why choose Calmbirth as your antenatal course?

The Calmbirth® program

Calmbirth® is a 12 hour face to face antenatal program. The Calmbirth® program includes psychological and emotional preparation for childbirth.  Calmbirth strives to: Reframe birth & empower women to work with their bodies, partners and caregivers to create the best birth.

You will learn how to retrain your response to stress by instilling confidence in you so that you can work with birth on all levels. It teaches you to be proactive in your birth as opposed to reactive. 

The program includes fear release techniques through guided relaxation, as a means to facilitate emotional subconscious healing of fear and anxiety about childbirth, to help you move past any negative emotions around birth.

Calmbirth® Course outline

What the program covers

The Calmbirth Program will provide you and your partner with a toolbox for birth.

  • Understanding the psychology of birth and how your mental state, thoughts and beliefs leading up to and on the day, not only dictates your experience of birth, but also the way your body works with labour and birth.
  • The physiology of birth – explains the four stages of labour and how your body prepares itself to give birth.
  • Tools to work with birth – techniques and practical skills that assist you mentally and physically such as: visualisations, meditation, massage, acupressure, and active birth positioning.
  • Defines the role of the partner and what they can do to help support you on the day emotionally and physically, as well as how to work together as a team. Calmbirth gives partners their own birth toolbox to work with birth on the day.
  • Preparation for all birth journeys – working with intervention, C section or previous birth trauma. If you are having an elective Caesarean Section birth then we have a Calmbirth Caesarean one day course that is specifically designed for Caesareans that will be more beneficial for you to attend. However, if you find yourself having to have an Emergency Caesarean Section and you have attended the Calmbirth course you can rest assured that the knowledge and practical skills you have learnt in the course can be applied  before and after you undergo your caesarean operation, as well as in your healing and postpartum days.
  • Conscious parenting –  Birthing conscious parents. Here we explore the prenatal bonding, skin to skin contact and postnatal bonding, connection and attachment to your baby.  Setting realistic expectations and ‘planting the seed’ beyond birth for the transition to parenting to understand what children need to develop and thrive.
  • Learning the importance of self care during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period.

What to bring

You don’t need to bring anything with you just an open mind. We recommend you wear comfortable clothes. 

What you get to takeaway

Knowledge and confidence to embrace any birth journey. Feeling more connected to your partner, your body, your baby and your birth. A Calmbirth Course book and the Calmbirth’s proprietary therapeutic component of the program delivered via visualisation and meditations. 

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