Refresher Course
A Calmbirth® refresher course is for couples who have previously attended a full weekend of a Calmbirth® program
The Calmbirth® Refresher Course
Refresh your knowledge
Refresh your skills
Refresh your confidence
The one day Calmbirth® refresher course is intended for couples who have previously attended a full weekend of a Calmbirth® course. The one-day Calmbirth® refresher course is designed for those couples who are expecting their 2nd, 3rd or subsequent babies, and it maybe years’ between having children, and they want to simply refresh their knowledge, refresh their skills and refresh their confidence. Because every birth and baby is different. The Refresher course is appropriately arranged, so as to give pregnant couples, once again, the opportunity to review and fine tune the beliefs, knowledge and skills underpinning the Calmbirth® philosophy of childbirth education.
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Please note: That these refresher courses will ONLY proceed if two or more couples are booked in. We will notify you if the course will not be proceeding.
It is important for parents expecting their second child, to realise that each labour and each birth is different, even for the same mother. Furthermore, each infant is born with a distinct temperament that may require specific parenting techniques for nurturing after they’re born. Yes, each baby is definitely a unique individual and therefore, it is usually prudent and practical for the couple to prepare emotionally and psychologically for the birth of each new member of their family.
“I have attended Calmbirth twice now, and cannot fault it. It was extra special having Peter Jackson conduct the Calmbirth refresher class last month, what a beautiful, passionate and caring soul he is. My husband also really resonated with him and the way the information was delivered was so useful and easy to understand. You all do such an amazing job at Calmbirth and have shaped my journey into birth & motherhood into the most incredible, empowering and positive experience. So thank you!!”
For many couples who are preparing for the birth of their second child one could describe the following scenario, this simple scenario has been constructed based on many conversations Calmbirth® Educator’s have had with mothers over many years, it goes like this:
Baby number one is now running around as a toddler, and both parents are back working. There does not seem to be sufficient time in each day to meet all the demands made on them both. Couples often experience difficulties in coordinating some quality time together, so as they can both specifically focus on preparing for the birth of their second child.
Outline of the topics covered in the Calmbirth® Refresher course:
- Welcome and Greet the Calmbirth Refresher couples.
- Couples will share their previous birth experience or challenges.
- The course outline will then be tailored, based upon the discussion of topics and specific needs raised by the couples attending the refresher course.
Followed by a revision of the Calmbirth® principles where we will review and reinforce the main topics:
- The Psychology of birth – the mind – body connection
- The Physiology of birth
- Toolbox for birth
- Conscious parenting – The connection to birth, body, baby and each other – becoming a family unit
And of course, during the day there is the opportunity for questions and discussions on any aspect of the topics covered, or any other questions couples may want to discuss.
The ideal time to attend a Calmbirth course is between 24 and 34 weeks gestation.
This, however, is not a strict guideline; if you are feeling particularly anxious, we suggest coming earlier on, and if you have left it a little late to book, you are still welcome to attend after 34 weeks. We feel that the ideal time frame of 24 to 34 weeks gives couples enough time to reflect on and practice what you will learn in the Calmbirth class, using the tools and techniques to help you prepare for your birth.
Does this scenario sound all too familiar? Then, why not attend a Calmbirth® refresher course?
What you will gain from doing a Calmbirth® refresher course:
This refresher course provides an excellent opportunity for expectant couples to step out of their busy life’s routines for a day, setting aside some quality time together to specifically focus on each other, and on their baby who is expected to arrive soon. The Calmbirth® refresher course offers a peaceful day of relaxation, inspiration and revision of the Calmbirth® prenatal education course principles.
This one day course is sufficient to evoke once again the knowledge previously learned, and can also be instrumental in reinforcing the couple’s commitment to use that knowledge again and again, as well as to practice the skills they originally learnt as part of their ongoing preparation for the birth of baby number two.