Beth is a nurse and midwife, local to Swan Hill. ” Becoming a midwife and providing antenatal care drove my passion to become a Calmbirth educator, when I found that in a clinic setting there just isn’t enough time to really help families become empowered with unbiased, evidence-based education.”
“My goal is to leave families with the power in their hands, to make true informed decisions about their pregnancy, birth and beyond and to feel confident doing so.
“By teaching Calmbirth, I aim to build confidence in birthing parents to achieve the most empowering birth possible, through any scenario!”
My name…Beth.
I work…at a hospital in regional Victoria, covering antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care.
My life in five words…Colour. Music. Animals. Babies. Family.
The best thing about where I being able to see my family whenever I like, and our beautiful Murray River being so close by.
What I do to relax when I’m not working...depends on my mood! I love to take on new projects and hobbies, spending time with my nieces and nephews, or just laying around on the couch, watching movies and scrolling the internet. However, ask me again in 6 months when I’ll have a 6 month old baby and I’m sure my answer will be very different!
I can’t live without…my crazy, quirky little dog.
The person or traits I most admire is…self reflection, accountability and kindness.
What I love most about being a Calmbirth educator...meeting people who are actively trying to become more informed and empowered, and seeing the excitement as they prepare for their birthing journey.
The 3 essential things you need to take with you into labour are…Knowledge, an educated support person, an open mind.
My most memorable moment as Calmbirth® educator…Attending the birth of one of my best friends after her and her partner attended Calmbirth, and being the midwife who caught her baby. The follow through from teaching the class to watching her and her partner utilise their education and ultimately welcome their baby boy into the world is easily my most memorable moment both as a midwife and a Calmbirth educator.
If I had to describe how seeing a baby being born makes me feel…LOVE. It’s rare that I don’t get teary seeing parents meet their baby for the first time on the outside, and never gets any less special.
You can follow me at…@calmbirthwithbeth on Instagram and Facebook
My next Calmbirth courses… I am on maternity leave until 2023, however I very much welcome enquiries and conversations about the course. Keep an eye on my instagram page where I will announce my return!