Support Groups for LGBTIQA & Families
Rainbow Families
Rainbow Families is the voice for and champion of LGBTIQA+families and prospective parents in NSW. Their support network is run for the community by the community – The Rainbow Families are volunteer-powered. They exist to advocate for, empower and celebrate the love and support that every individual is entitled to.
The mission of Rainbow Families is to build a community which fosters resiliency by connecting, supporting and empowering LGBTIQA+ families.
What makes a Rainbow family?
A Rainbow family is a same-sex or LGBTIQA+ parented family. At Rainbow Families, they define a Rainbow family as any lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex person who has a child or children; or is planning on having a child or children by way of donor insemination (known or unknown), surrogacy (altruistic or commercial), foster care, fostering to adoption, adoption (domestic or international), opposite sex relationship, co-parenting or other means.
What They do?
They provide support and resources to members of the LGBTIQA+ community so that they and their families can live their best and most colourful lives. They host events that connect LGBTIQA+ families, particularly those that are feeling isolated because of social pressures, financial difficulty or where they live. They advocate on behalf of our community and are a strong and consistent voice for NSW LGBTIQA+ families to address discrimination, raise awareness and promote acceptance. They collaborate with similar organisations from other states to push for change across the nation.
ACON works with a diverse range of people in the LGBTIQA communities to ensure their voice and health needs are represented in the work ACON do.
Their Purpose:
They create opportunities for people in our communities to live their healthiest lives
Their Vision:
They strive to be a global leader in community health, inclusion and HIV responses for people of diverse sexualities and genders