We found the Calmbirth tools very useful, particularly the essential oils, baths, breathing techniques, staying active, and relaxation.
I’m proud of the fact that we stayed at home for as long as possible. I’m happy that I was able to birth Lucy naturally with just the use of gas and a TENS machine as pain relief.
My partner was an absolute super star who remained calm, supportive and in control throughout the whole labour. I think Calmbirth classes really helped him learn some tips to help me throughout labour. He massaged my lower back during early labour which felt amazing and he also helped me with my contractions by letting me know when 30secs was up (not sure if this was a Calmbirth technique but it definitely helped me as I knew the contraction was nearly over).
Thanks Cherie for allowing us to be a part of your Calmbirth class. I would definitely recommend Calmbirth to any expecting parent!