Story by Emily & Josh
Just letting you know we had our baby on 26th March at Moruya District Hospital. To our surprise and delight we had a little boy! We’ve called him Matteo Antonio and he is a very content, peaceful little boy.
He was an occiput posterior birth, weighing 3.77kgs, 50cms long and a 35cm head. I went into spontaneous labour at 4am, laboured at home and went for a walk with my husband. We got to the hospital at 1.30 and he was born at 4.32pm.
I definitely noticed the different with having a posterior birth compared to my daughter’s anterior birth. I did have gas during transition to manage the back pressure which felt like it was radiating from my tailbone into my legs. But we stopped the gas for pushing and he was born without need for any intervention. The midwife was fantastic and really supported me not wanting drugs, and she coached my husband in supporting me through it with applying counterpressure and rocking and squatting in the shower etc.
Considering Matteo’s position I couldn’t have asked for a better birth and I absolutely would not have been able to do it had we not completed the Calmbirth refresher course. I can definitely testify that the tools gained through Calmbirth helped me manage the intensity of a posterior baby. We’re very happy to have experienced two beautiful “calm births” now and grateful to you for your support and advice.
Thank you so much!