The Calmbirth® program embraces and accepts the beauty and power of our diversity in life, culture, love and family. Just like the experience of birth can be different for different people, so too can be the idea of a family, a relationship and the role/gender of the birth support person.
Calmbirth®encourages the presence of a partner/birth support person during all of its classes regardless of age, culture, socio economic or sexual orientation. Our classes are invaluable in contributing to the wellbeing of its couples and their preparation for the birth of their baby.
As a partner or birth support person the need for support and encouragement is essential. Being and staying connected with your partner is crucial. This connection, support and encouragement makes all the difference on both an emotional and physical level for labouring and birthing women, and strongly contributes to the overall experience of the birth regardless of how the birth unfolds- be it a natural birth or a caesarean. This support transcends into communicating and bonding better with each other, with your baby and with your birth experience.
Participating in the Calmbirth® childbirth education program as a partner/birth support person provides you with the tools and knowledge required to support your birthing partner at an emotional and physical level.
For more information on connecting, supporting and empowering LGBTQI families visit Rainbow Families.
“My partner benefited by doing the program and realised how important their involvement would be on my mind state and therefore the birthing experience”.
You will learn:
Knowledge and Confidence
How important your beliefs and perceptions are and how they have a significant impact both emotionally and physically on the days leading up to, as well as on the day of giving birth.
You will UNDERSTAND the physiology of birth and how a woman’s body works to birth her baby, and what you can do to help her relax, be calm and help her breathe.
You will learn tools to help your birthing partner remain calm and focussed emotionally, and to provide physical comfort and support. You WILL be given effective tools to work with birth, such as: meditation, visualisation and conscious breath techniques.
Calmbirth® understands that the connection of the family unit is vital, so we will work with you both to assist you in improving your communication and building stronger bonds, not just with each other but also with your baby. This strength in unity and moral support and encouragement will help you both achieve a calm and confident birth experience, as well as help you to be conscious parents once your baby is born.