As the African proverb tells us- “it takes a village”. Not just to raise a child but even more importantly to nourish new parents to grow and heal.
As a soon to be new parent it is positive to take some time to think about who is in your village –
Who do you consider to be supportive, reliable, nurturing?
Those people are your village, they’re your support. Learn to ask for help, to lean on them when you need to.
Some ways your village can help your transition into parenthood:
- cooking or sending meals: food, so much food!!
- Even if your people aren’t close by they can still send meals or groceries via delivery services. Meal train is another great resource for meal prepping amongst the village (and to avoid 7x lasagne- not that you’d probably mind!)
- cleaning… no not holding baby so you can clean. As simple as a load of washing, cleaning some dishes, vacuuming.
- babysitting.. can mean many different things! sometimes you do just want someone to be there with baby while you take a shower or a bath, or have a nap. If you have other children they might need some entertainment that you’re just not up for yet.
- company.. someone to talk to or be around can make the world of difference.
What are some ways your village helped you?
Gorgeous photo shared from yourzenmama online
#postpartum #village #newparents #birth #consious #parenting #food #newbabyfamily #calmbirth #pregnancy #newborn