About Calmbirth | Conscious Parenting

Emma and Nick’s Calmbirth Birth Story

My husband, Nick, and I both chose to do the Calmbirth course in my second pregnancy. My first birth was an arduous labour with a decent amount of intervention. I found it somewhat traumatic afterwards and knew that to be able to go through labour and birth again I wanted more skills and options up my sleeve to help me with whatever may happen again. Calmbirth was perfect.

My husband, Nick, and I both chose to do the Calmbirth course in my second pregnancy. My first birth was an arduous labour with a decent amount of intervention. I found it somewhat traumatic afterwards and knew that to be able to go through labour and birth again I wanted more skills and options up my sleeve to help me with whatever may happen again. Calmbirth was perfect.

A father’s birth story of Archer his little champion baby boy

I awoke on the morning of October 15 with the vague, yet very real, sense that I would not be going back to sleep. It was about 6.50 (a time that seemed so very, very early back then), and there were ominous grey clouds on the horizon.

I awoke on the morning of October 15 with the vague, yet very real, sense that I would not be going back to sleep. It was about 6.50 (a time that seemed so very, very early back then), and there were ominous grey clouds on the horizon.

Quinn’s Birth Makes Three Calmbirths!

We welcomed our 3rd beautiful girl Ruby on Wed 5th Oct. in rather surprising fashion. Had to share with you as we’ve now done 3 Calmbirth courses – all so different but proof it works!

We welcomed our 3rd beautiful girl Ruby on Wed 5th Oct. in rather surprising fashion. Had to share with you as we’ve now done 3 Calmbirth courses – all so different but proof it works!

Felix, my bundle of joy

So as my due date arrived, I was still showing no signs of my little man arriving. We arranged with the obstetrician to get induced 6 days later had he not shown his face. Not part of the plan, but didn’t want to go too far over an increase chance of C-section if he got too big.

So as my due date arrived, I was still showing no signs of my little man arriving. We arranged with the obstetrician to get induced 6 days later had he not shown his face. Not part of the plan, but didn’t want to go too far over an increase chance of C-section if he got too big.

Making threads for playful little people

Milk and Masuki kids clothing founders, Rachael Freeman and Ishak Masuker first did the Calmbirth program in 2012. They loved the fact that it nurtured them so much as a couple, whist preparing them for all aspects of their birth and the family they would become.

Milk and Masuki kids clothing founders, Rachael Freeman and Ishak Masuker first did the Calmbirth program in 2012. They loved the fact that it nurtured them so much as a couple, whist preparing them for all aspects of their birth and the family they would become.

Calmbirth…Making Birth Choices Possible

I want to say thank you for building birth education workshops focused on calm, empowered choices for families. My midwife at RNSH suggested we attend and I immediately connected to what you teach, promote and inspire in childbirth.

I want to say thank you for building birth education workshops focused on calm, empowered choices for families. My midwife at RNSH suggested we attend and I immediately connected to what you teach, promote and inspire in childbirth.

Unexpected challenges

The last few weeks have been testing for Dan and I. I got diagnosed with pre-clampsia 3 weeks ago at my 32 weeks’ pregnant pre-natal check and have been back and forth trying to be stabilised on BP meds, but last Wednesday morning (21st June) Dan and I welcomed Harry Edward Collins into the world in the early hours of Wednesday morning, a pretty scary entrance into the world with an emergency C-section under GA with placental abruption.

The last few weeks have been testing for Dan and I. I got diagnosed with pre-clampsia 3 weeks ago at my 32 weeks’ pregnant pre-natal check and have been back and forth trying to be stabilised on BP meds, but last Wednesday morning (21st June) Dan and I welcomed Harry Edward Collins into the world in the early hours of Wednesday morning, a pretty scary entrance into the world with an emergency C-section under GA with placental abruption.

Birth Story - Calmbirth | Mel and Stefan

Monica Grace, graces our world

My husband, Scott and I, came to Karen McClay’s Calmbirth class in the Southern Highlands a few months ago and I felt that I needed to email you and tell you our story and how much Calmbirth influenced our journey, and how we brought our beautiful daughter Monica Grace into the world.

My husband, Scott and I, came to Karen McClay’s Calmbirth class in the Southern Highlands a few months ago and I felt that I needed to email you and tell you our story and how much Calmbirth influenced our journey, and how we brought our beautiful daughter Monica Grace into the world.

Walked out of the car & into Emergency with ‘baby’ in hand…

I wanted to let you know that bubs came along and to also say a BIG thank YOU. We did the Calmbirth program and felt like it really cemented a lot of information for us in regards to pregnancy, labour and birth. I loved doing this course with a midwife.

I wanted to let you know that bubs came along and to also say a BIG thank YOU. We did the Calmbirth program and felt like it really cemented a lot of information for us in regards to pregnancy, labour and birth. I loved doing this course with a midwife.

His strong arms holding me… I felt I am all woman ‘hear me roar’!

I have been meaning to write to you for a while to share my birth story and to thank you (and the Calmbirth program for what was a truly special experience that surpassed all my expectations and proved to me that I can be a superwoman! Hear me roar!

I have been meaning to write to you for a while to share my birth story and to thank you (and the Calmbirth program for what was a truly special experience that surpassed all my expectations and proved to me that I can be a superwoman! Hear me roar!

Turns out my body could do what it was supposed to after all!

I thought birth was something high risk that I had to ‘get through’. We didn’t believe that birth could be even a positive experience let alone the magical experience we had.

I thought birth was something high risk that I had to ‘get through’. We didn’t believe that birth could be even a positive experience let alone the magical experience we had.

Huxley’s brave new World

Everything went perfectly and we had an enjoyable, calm and beautiful caesarean birth yesterday afternoon, and welcomed a gorgeous baby boy (Huxley) into the world.

Everything went perfectly and we had an enjoyable, calm and beautiful caesarean birth yesterday afternoon, and welcomed a gorgeous baby boy (Huxley) into the world.

Our Calmbirth experience

Pregnant with my second, I knew I didn’t want the same birthing Experience as with my first. I had heard only positive experiences about Calmbirth.

Pregnant with my second, I knew I didn’t want the same birthing Experience as with my first. I had heard only positive experiences about Calmbirth.

Warrior Woman

The following birth story is from a woman who attended my Calmbirth workshops last year. Many years earlier she had experienced a birth filled with fear, anxiety and trauma. This experience caused her to seek another way to birth, one filled with knowledge and confidence.

The following birth story is from a woman who attended my Calmbirth workshops last year. Many years earlier she had experienced a birth filled with fear, anxiety and trauma. This experience caused her to seek another way to birth, one filled with knowledge and confidence.

Feeling empowered despite a challenging and unpredictable birth

I wanted to write and say thank YOU so much. I attended your Calmbirth class in Bowral in September last year with my partner Stefan and I found it incredibly informative and very, very, useful during my labour and birth.

I wanted to write and say thank YOU so much. I attended your Calmbirth class in Bowral in September last year with my partner Stefan and I found it incredibly informative and very, very, useful during my labour and birth.

The importance of being ‘Still Aware’

Having experienced the stillbirth of her first son Noah at term, Meleseini Tai-Roche is incredibly passionate about stillbirth prevention. Being a Registered Nurse and Midwife, and having worked in both Maternity Service Provision and Public and Population Health Models in Australia for several years, Mel is determined to ensure the devastating rates of stillbirth decrease across Australia.

Having experienced the stillbirth of her first son Noah at term, Meleseini Tai-Roche is incredibly passionate about stillbirth prevention. Being a Registered Nurse and Midwife, and having worked in both Maternity Service Provision and Public and Population Health Models in Australia for several years, Mel is determined to ensure the devastating rates of stillbirth decrease across Australia.

In a bubble of LOVE

I wanted to let Calmbirth know our exciting news that we had a baby girl on the 17th December last year.

I wanted to let Calmbirth know our exciting news that we had a baby girl on the 17th December last year.

In labour during a Calmbirth course

Jonathon and I were the couple that had to leave the Calmbirth course held at Mittagong in the Southern Highlands on Sunday morning because I was having cramping pains. I promised to send you an email to follow up. It turns out I was in labour!

Jonathon and I were the couple that had to leave the Calmbirth course held at Mittagong in the Southern Highlands on Sunday morning because I was having cramping pains. I promised to send you an email to follow up. It turns out I was in labour!

Fletcher ‘Finn’ Miles just couldn’t wait any longer…

Our little boy, Fletcher ‘Finn’ Miles decided he couldn’t wait any longer and was born on 26/3/18 at 32+4 weeks by emergency c-section. He weighed 1.8kg and 42cm length.

Our little boy, Fletcher ‘Finn’ Miles decided he couldn’t wait any longer and was born on 26/3/18 at 32+4 weeks by emergency c-section. He weighed 1.8kg and 42cm length.

Annabelle’s Calmbirth – The talk of the labour ward

My partner John and I did the Calmbirth Course in the Southern Highlands in Mittagong early in March last year. We just wanted to let you know that we welcomed our third baby, Annabelle Lily on Sat 7th Dec at 7.18am. Weighing 2.9kg and measuring 50cm long – she’s perfect in every way, and we are so in love with her.

My partner John and I did the Calmbirth Course in the Southern Highlands in Mittagong early in March last year. We just wanted to let you know that we welcomed our third baby, Annabelle Lily on Sat 7th Dec at 7.18am. Weighing 2.9kg and measuring 50cm long – she’s perfect in every way, and we are so in love with her.

I felt like Super Woman birthing baby Rose

Leading up to Rosie’s birth, I was in a bit of a bad head space. She had swung herself into the ROA (right occipital anterior) position during a long car trip, when we went away for our last ‘hoora’ at 34 weeks. I was feeling pretty anxious about her not being in the ‘optimal’ position for labour and birth and despite all my efforts of trying to move her – she wasn’t budging. I even had a chiropractic appointment booked for the Monday Rose was actually born, to see if she would swing over to the left.

Leading up to Rosie’s birth, I was in a bit of a bad head space. She had swung herself into the ROA (right occipital anterior) position during a long car trip, when we went away for our last ‘hoora’ at 34 weeks. I was feeling pretty anxious about her not being in the ‘optimal’ position for labour and birth and despite all my efforts of trying to move her – she wasn’t budging. I even had a chiropractic appointment booked for the Monday Rose was actually born, to see if she would swing over to the left.

Calmbirth-preparing you for all birth scenarios

An hour into the first day of doing the Calmbirth program, I knew I had found something that would really bless not only myself through labour, but my baby and my husband also. 

An hour into the first day of doing the Calmbirth program, I knew I had found something that would really bless not only myself through labour, but my baby and my husband also. 

Visualising my birth

Calmbirth- Thank you for the tools you gave us, and for the reassurance that we were on the right path – despite what the hospitals, media and many friends lead you to believe.

Calmbirth- Thank you for the tools you gave us, and for the reassurance that we were on the right path – despite what the hospitals, media and many friends lead you to believe.

Archie, a Calmbirth baby is born! My Calmbirth training 100% helped me survive the first 12 hours!

He wasn’t according to plan – after 12 hours of an induced posterier labour I ended up with an epidural and a forceps delivery. However, my Calmbirth training 100% helped me survive the first 12 hours

He wasn’t according to plan – after 12 hours of an induced posterier labour I ended up with an epidural and a forceps delivery. However, my Calmbirth training 100% helped me survive the first 12 hours

A beautiful birth story written by Calmbirth mother, Josephine Pinto, thanking her Calmbirth Educator Melinda Webb.

“I feel very lucky to have had this experience giving birth. And both Carl and I feel that you and the Calmbirth classes gave us the tools and knowledge to prepare us. Going into this with an open mind, no fear and our Calmbirth toolkit made it, overall, a positive experience.”

“I feel very lucky to have had this experience giving birth. And both Carl and I feel that you and the Calmbirth classes gave us the tools and knowledge to prepare us. Going into this with an open mind, no fear and our Calmbirth toolkit made it, overall, a positive experience.”

Honouring Birth

Birth can be described using many different adjectives. For some it is empowering, joyous and amazing and everything goes like nature intended. However, for others, birth can be fought with many challenges and difficulties on the day, where things don’t go exactly as planned leaving some parents traumatised by their birth experience for many years to come.

Birth can be described using many different adjectives. For some it is empowering, joyous and amazing and everything goes like nature intended. However, for others, birth can be fought with many challenges and difficulties on the day, where things don’t go exactly as planned leaving some parents traumatised by their birth experience for many years to come.

Calmbirth-preparing you for all birth scenarios

A beautiful heartfelt letter written by a Calmbirth mother, Elisabeth Rossiter, that just goes to prove that Calmbirth prepares and educates pregnant couples for all birth scenarios, in particular, the unexpected.

A beautiful heartfelt letter written by a Calmbirth mother, Elisabeth Rossiter, that just goes to prove that Calmbirth prepares and educates pregnant couples for all birth scenarios, in particular, the unexpected.

A Positive birth experience regardless of how it unfolded

My partner Chris and I came and done Peter Jackson’s Calmbirth course in the Southern Highlands in Mittagong on the 27th and the 28th of July this year. We are the couple that live in Appin, and my fear was labour in general, but mostly tearing. It was Chris’s idea to do the course as I was not very good at meditation. 

My partner Chris and I came and done Peter Jackson’s Calmbirth course in the Southern Highlands in Mittagong on the 27th and the 28th of July this year. We are the couple that live in Appin, and my fear was labour in general, but mostly tearing. It was Chris’s idea to do the course as I was not very good at meditation. 

Cassie Harvey’s Birth Story

I know it might sound like some people’s worst nightmare but honestly Calli’s birth was such an amazing experience and it just empowers me so much that i/women are so incredible! And I definitely have to owe my pain tolerance levels and calmness through the storm too calmbirth, so thank you.

I know it might sound like some people’s worst nightmare but honestly Calli’s birth was such an amazing experience and it just empowers me so much that i/women are so incredible! And I definitely have to owe my pain tolerance levels and calmness through the storm too calmbirth, so thank you.

Percy’s birth

“Being our first pregnancy we were both anxious about the birth process and I was particularly hesitant about having a natural birth. By the time we reached the lunch break on the first day, my fears had already begun to disappear and by the end of the weekend we felt empowered, informed and ridiculously excited about the next part of our journey!”

“Being our first pregnancy we were both anxious about the birth process and I was particularly hesitant about having a natural birth. By the time we reached the lunch break on the first day, my fears had already begun to disappear and by the end of the weekend we felt empowered, informed and ridiculously excited about the next part of our journey!”

Baby Brandon

As a Birth Unit midwife, I have observed numerous labour and birth scenarios and I knew that if there was one thing that we had to do, it was to do Calmbirth! I wasn’t afraid of birth, but I knew what I did and didn’t want and knew that Calmbirth would help with this. Before we attended the weekend, I was sure that Peter would get more out of the course than I would, I mean I am a midwife, what more could I need to know, right? How wrong was I! 

As a Birth Unit midwife, I have observed numerous labour and birth scenarios and I knew that if there was one thing that we had to do, it was to do Calmbirth! I wasn’t afraid of birth, but I knew what I did and didn’t want and knew that Calmbirth would help with this. Before we attended the weekend, I was sure that Peter would get more out of the course than I would, I mean I am a midwife, what more could I need to know, right? How wrong was I! 

Jude’s Birth

“It was like he just floated out! Just after Jude arrived, our doctor and midwife looked at each other and said, that was a Calmbirth birth.”

“It was like he just floated out! Just after Jude arrived, our doctor and midwife looked at each other and said, that was a Calmbirth birth.”

Leo just couldn’t wait…not what we had planned

“Although Leo’s birth did not go according to our plans, it was a wonderful and such a special experience for Rod and I.  In fact, out of the three of my births it was definitely the most positive.  I was up and walking within two hours of him being born and have felt so strong and calm ever since.”

“Although Leo’s birth did not go according to our plans, it was a wonderful and such a special experience for Rod and I.  In fact, out of the three of my births it was definitely the most positive.  I was up and walking within two hours of him being born and have felt so strong and calm ever since.”

Calm and focussed even with all the unexpected birth changes

Even though things went out the window the tools I learnt in Calmbirth gave me a great birthing experience. I was able to stay calm and make informed decisions and be proud of how things turned out, and not disappointed about how it happened.

Even though things went out the window the tools I learnt in Calmbirth gave me a great birthing experience. I was able to stay calm and make informed decisions and be proud of how things turned out, and not disappointed about how it happened.

Poppy’s calmbirth

I have had a the most positive birth experience with my daughter Poppy. After attending the Calmbirth course I felt to be in the best headspace I could be. For the first time I had complete faith in my body and my ability to birth my baby.

I have had a the most positive birth experience with my daughter Poppy. After attending the Calmbirth course I felt to be in the best headspace I could be. For the first time I had complete faith in my body and my ability to birth my baby.

It’s possible to have an amazing VBAC

This is a message to all the women who are aiming for a VBAC: it is possible!! I am 40 years old now and not all the doctors I met at the hospital during my pregnancy were confident I could do it, but I was, all the way. I trusted my body, my doula, my strength and my baby.

This is a message to all the women who are aiming for a VBAC: it is possible!! I am 40 years old now and not all the doctors I met at the hospital during my pregnancy were confident I could do it, but I was, all the way. I trusted my body, my doula, my strength and my baby.

The birth of Isla Mae

The birth was so intense, but I was so proud of myself as I was able to manage it without any intervention or pain relief. I drew very heavily on the Calmbirth breathing exercises and even though I had a cold, breathing through each contraction and trying to stay focused and calm was what got me through.

The birth was so intense, but I was so proud of myself as I was able to manage it without any intervention or pain relief. I drew very heavily on the Calmbirth breathing exercises and even though I had a cold, breathing through each contraction and trying to stay focused and calm was what got me through.

The birth of Harrison

We wanted to thank Calmbirth  as we 100% believe that Calmbirth had such a huge influence on our positive birth experience of our baby boy, Harrison.  My husband Richard and I both felt empowered, educated and calm welcoming our first child into the world-and unexpectedly eight days early. 

We wanted to thank Calmbirth  as we 100% believe that Calmbirth had such a huge influence on our positive birth experience of our baby boy, Harrison.  My husband Richard and I both felt empowered, educated and calm welcoming our first child into the world-and unexpectedly eight days early. 

The Nest joins hands with Calmbirth

Never under estimate the power of giving confidence to parents. 
Calmbirth is extremely happy and proud to announce our collaboration with The Nest, Kids CPR and allergy. 
At Calmbirth, we are passionate about collaborating with like minded organisations who share the same values, passion and vision as us.
The NEST shares our same vision and passion in taking away the fear in parents of ‘not knowing what to do’ in an emergency situation by empowering them with CPR and basic first aid skills and knowledge that will give them the confidence and may even be the difference between life and death for their child.

Never under estimate the power of giving confidence to parents. 
Calmbirth is extremely happy and proud to announce our collaboration with The Nest, Kids CPR and allergy. 
At Calmbirth, we are passionate about collaborating with like minded organisations who share the same values, passion and vision as us.
The NEST shares our same vision and passion in taking away the fear in parents of ‘not knowing what to do’ in an emergency situation by empowering them with CPR and basic first aid skills and knowledge that will give them the confidence and may even be the difference between life and death for their child.

The Calmbirth of James

Stuart and I cannot recommend the Calmbirth course highly enough. We thoroughly recommend it to ALL our friends. Calmbirth really made our birthing experience a positive one, we loved that you could easily apply Calmbirth techniques, and it worked!

Stuart and I cannot recommend the Calmbirth course highly enough. We thoroughly recommend it to ALL our friends. Calmbirth really made our birthing experience a positive one, we loved that you could easily apply Calmbirth techniques, and it worked!

BIRTH – It was the most amazing experience!

Our Clara was born within 15 mins, after 5 hrs of controlled breathing from a positive mind. No pain killer, no intervention. Happy and calm as she is. So thank you very much Calmbirth.

Our Clara was born within 15 mins, after 5 hrs of controlled breathing from a positive mind. No pain killer, no intervention. Happy and calm as she is. So thank you very much Calmbirth.

The birth of Adelynn

I just wanted to share my story to inspire others of how things don’t often work out as planned, but can still be amazing. My husband and I did our Calmbirth course when I was 31 weeks with Denise Round. From the moment I found out I was pregnant I was incredibly anxious about giving birth. It was suggested by friends of mine to do the Calmbirth course. After the course my husband was so equipped with knowledge and skills to assist me during labour and felt empowered to be able to advocate for me during labour. 

I just wanted to share my story to inspire others of how things don’t often work out as planned, but can still be amazing. My husband and I did our Calmbirth course when I was 31 weeks with Denise Round. From the moment I found out I was pregnant I was incredibly anxious about giving birth. It was suggested by friends of mine to do the Calmbirth course. After the course my husband was so equipped with knowledge and skills to assist me during labour and felt empowered to be able to advocate for me during labour. 

The arrival of Archer Aaron

My husband was the most incredible support person I could’ve asked for and have honestly fallen in love with him all over again.

My husband was the most incredible support person I could’ve asked for and have honestly fallen in love with him all over again.

The Birth of Harper Jean Hogan

Since beginning my journey to motherhood I have always known that I wanted to learn as much as I could about a Calmbirth method. My partner, Alex, and I attended a wonderful 2 day Calmbirth workshop with Maja at the North Shore Private Hospital when I was 35 weeks pregnant, and three weeks later our little girl made her way into the world.

Since beginning my journey to motherhood I have always known that I wanted to learn as much as I could about a Calmbirth method. My partner, Alex, and I attended a wonderful 2 day Calmbirth workshop with Maja at the North Shore Private Hospital when I was 35 weeks pregnant, and three weeks later our little girl made her way into the world.

The birth of Toby

We attended your Calmbirth course a few months ago in Mittagong. We just wanted to send a message to say a huge thank you for everything you taught us. Our son Toby was born a month ago with a beautiful birth that left us both feeling so positive about the whole experience.

We attended your Calmbirth course a few months ago in Mittagong. We just wanted to send a message to say a huge thank you for everything you taught us. Our son Toby was born a month ago with a beautiful birth that left us both feeling so positive about the whole experience.

A VBAC Calmbirth story

After a long labor with multiple interventions for the birth of my first son in 2016, born via c-section, I was determined to try for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) this time around.

After a long labor with multiple interventions for the birth of my first son in 2016, born via c-section, I was determined to try for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) this time around.

The Journey to Motherhood

As I sit writing these words on my due date, I reflect on my own journey through pregnancy and thoughts of my impending birth. Coming into this as a midwife, yoga teacher and Calmbirth educator, from the outside it would seem I had all the necessary tools to deal with pregnancy. I am fortunate that so far, my pregnancy has been completely normal but the enormous impact it has had on my mind and body, has taken me somewhat by surprise.

As I sit writing these words on my due date, I reflect on my own journey through pregnancy and thoughts of my impending birth. Coming into this as a midwife, yoga teacher and Calmbirth educator, from the outside it would seem I had all the necessary tools to deal with pregnancy. I am fortunate that so far, my pregnancy has been completely normal but the enormous impact it has had on my mind and body, has taken me somewhat by surprise.

The birth of Felicity Jane

I’ve been meaning to email you both to let you know how the birth of our second child, Felicity Jane, in December 2018, unfolded and how grateful I am, again, for the work you do with Calmbirth.Our son, Nicholas was born 3yrs ago, after a very long, induced labour (10 days ‘overdue’) this time around I prepared for labour differently.

I’ve been meaning to email you both to let you know how the birth of our second child, Felicity Jane, in December 2018, unfolded and how grateful I am, again, for the work you do with Calmbirth.Our son, Nicholas was born 3yrs ago, after a very long, induced labour (10 days ‘overdue’) this time around I prepared for labour differently.

Birth – From an EXTREMELY male perspective…and then HERS!

Let me start by mansplaining – I am a male, therefore everything I do is an EXTREME sport. If I am making dinner I use every pot I can find, and there is some collateral damage usually from pasta sauce, but that’s the price for culinary perfection. If I have a cold, I am the sickest, the most run down, and the most extreme it is possible to be (I think that extreme sport is called man flu). Because everything I do is extreme.So when I found out we were having a baby I was ecstatic… but I had a problem. How can I make my role as support person ‘extreme’?

Let me start by mansplaining – I am a male, therefore everything I do is an EXTREME sport. If I am making dinner I use every pot I can find, and there is some collateral damage usually from pasta sauce, but that’s the price for culinary perfection. If I have a cold, I am the sickest, the most run down, and the most extreme it is possible to be (I think that extreme sport is called man flu). Because everything I do is extreme.So when I found out we were having a baby I was ecstatic… but I had a problem. How can I make my role as support person ‘extreme’?

The Power of Our Language in Birth

Our language can transform and empower birthing mothers or destroy their confidence in their body’s ability to birth. Language matters as a way of respecting women’s views and ensuring that they are empowered to make decisions.  As birth professionals we need to be slow to speak and quick to listen to our birthing couples. We have much to learn from them.

Our language can transform and empower birthing mothers or destroy their confidence in their body’s ability to birth. Language matters as a way of respecting women’s views and ensuring that they are empowered to make decisions.  As birth professionals we need to be slow to speak and quick to listen to our birthing couples. We have much to learn from them.

Meet baby Lucy…

We found the Calmbirth tools very useful, particularly the essential oils, baths, breathing techniques, staying active, and relaxation. 

We found the Calmbirth tools very useful, particularly the essential oils, baths, breathing techniques, staying active, and relaxation. 

Angelic Alice is born…

Our darling Alice was born one month ago tomorrow. Ever since her birth, I have wanted to share our birth experience, talk about a topic that is often avoided.Well it’s not entirely true, society loves to talk about childbirth. But the reality is that society loves to talk about the negative experiences, very few people share positive labour stories and birth experiences.

Our darling Alice was born one month ago tomorrow. Ever since her birth, I have wanted to share our birth experience, talk about a topic that is often avoided.Well it’s not entirely true, society loves to talk about childbirth. But the reality is that society loves to talk about the negative experiences, very few people share positive labour stories and birth experiences.

A calm and beautiful birth

After hearing nothing but good things about the Calmbirth course, it was exciting to know that my chosen hospital, Sutherland Shire was now offering the course. My husband and I completed the course in March of 2019 with the wonderful Alisha who I was also lucky enough to have as my midwife supporting me during my pregnancy.

After hearing nothing but good things about the Calmbirth course, it was exciting to know that my chosen hospital, Sutherland Shire was now offering the course. My husband and I completed the course in March of 2019 with the wonderful Alisha who I was also lucky enough to have as my midwife supporting me during my pregnancy.

The birth of Sienna

A note on the birth of our beautiful Sienna. I wanted to share a snapshot of our story I have always thought giving birth is an amazing part of female life. What a gift nature has given us. 

A note on the birth of our beautiful Sienna. I wanted to share a snapshot of our story I have always thought giving birth is an amazing part of female life. What a gift nature has given us. 

Welcome little Reuben

Welcome little Reuben! Born 16/10/19. Congratulations to his beautiful parents Paige and Tristan. 

Welcome little Reuben! Born 16/10/19. Congratulations to his beautiful parents Paige and Tristan. 

Charlie’s epic birth

It truly was the most epic and challenging day of my life, I’ve never felt more proud of my body and the way it nurtured and then birthed my beautiful son.The Calmbirth  course made us both feel so empowered and in control, Alex especially felt confident in the ways he could help me get through.

It truly was the most epic and challenging day of my life, I’ve never felt more proud of my body and the way it nurtured and then birthed my beautiful son.The Calmbirth  course made us both feel so empowered and in control, Alex especially felt confident in the ways he could help me get through.

Molly’s Induction of Birth

Molly’s birth needed to be induced due to excess blood flow in the brain found on a growth scan, so the Dr’s were happy since she was a day from full term, to come out.Even though I was induced, I used all of the techniques you taught us in the Calmbirth course, and I birthed Molly into the world with only gas.

Molly’s birth needed to be induced due to excess blood flow in the brain found on a growth scan, so the Dr’s were happy since she was a day from full term, to come out.Even though I was induced, I used all of the techniques you taught us in the Calmbirth course, and I birthed Molly into the world with only gas.

Introducing Frankie George…

Meet Frankie.  On Friday the 4th of October we went in for a check having high blood pressure and being 40 weeks and 1 day they offered the stretch and sweep so we opted to try that, I was 2cm, on Sunday the 6th I could tell my labour had started.Staying calm I went on with my day knowing my body knew exactly what it was doing.

Meet Frankie.  On Friday the 4th of October we went in for a check having high blood pressure and being 40 weeks and 1 day they offered the stretch and sweep so we opted to try that, I was 2cm, on Sunday the 6th I could tell my labour had started.Staying calm I went on with my day knowing my body knew exactly what it was doing.

There’s no birth like a Calmbirth

Never underestimate the power of a positive birth story, it’s one way couples can contribute to changing birth culture by inspiring others to believe that they too can have a wonderful and positive birth experience. Thank you so much Danielle, for sharing with us your birth experience. It is amazing how the right education and tools can so positively impact one of the most important times in our lives. A big congratulations to you both on believing in yourself and having 3 wonderful Calmbirth babies. After all, there’s no birth like a Calmbirth!

Never underestimate the power of a positive birth story, it’s one way couples can contribute to changing birth culture by inspiring others to believe that they too can have a wonderful and positive birth experience. Thank you so much Danielle, for sharing with us your birth experience. It is amazing how the right education and tools can so positively impact one of the most important times in our lives. A big congratulations to you both on believing in yourself and having 3 wonderful Calmbirth babies. After all, there’s no birth like a Calmbirth!

I felt supported, safe and calm

I wanted to share with you mine and my partner Dane’s birth story of our daughter. Etta Rae Chamberlain Chard was born on the 30th Nov 2018 on the last day of spring at 43+1 weeks. We’re incredibly emotional and excited as we inch closer to her first birthday. We are also enormously grateful to you and the Calmbirth program.

I wanted to share with you mine and my partner Dane’s birth story of our daughter. Etta Rae Chamberlain Chard was born on the 30th Nov 2018 on the last day of spring at 43+1 weeks. We’re incredibly emotional and excited as we inch closer to her first birthday. We are also enormously grateful to you and the Calmbirth program.

Despite some complications I loved my birth

Despite having a few complications and my birth not going totally as planned, I wanted to share my beautiful birth story and thank Calmbirth so much for giving us all the coping strategies we needed to manage our birth. The Calmbirth course was just amazing and it will forever be part of our first child’s birth story and my birth experience. Hopefully, in a few years we can come back and do a Calmbirth refresher course for our second child. 

Despite having a few complications and my birth not going totally as planned, I wanted to share my beautiful birth story and thank Calmbirth so much for giving us all the coping strategies we needed to manage our birth. The Calmbirth course was just amazing and it will forever be part of our first child’s birth story and my birth experience. Hopefully, in a few years we can come back and do a Calmbirth refresher course for our second child. 

Introducing Elliott Steven

Elliott Steven arrived on the 21st September 2019 after a long but relatively uneventful labour that went for 3 days.  “I felt in control and calm for the majority of the time. I had faith in my body and as though I knew what was happening thanks to Calmbirth. Lee was able to support me with massage etc and walked the corridors with me trying to get things moving. Thanks to Calmbirth he also knew what was happening and had the tools to support me.”

Elliott Steven arrived on the 21st September 2019 after a long but relatively uneventful labour that went for 3 days.  “I felt in control and calm for the majority of the time. I had faith in my body and as though I knew what was happening thanks to Calmbirth. Lee was able to support me with massage etc and walked the corridors with me trying to get things moving. Thanks to Calmbirth he also knew what was happening and had the tools to support me.”

‘Strong Mamas’ Calm Water Birth of Bella Jayne

Founder of ‘Strong Mamas’ Health and Fitness, Rachel Giampietro, proved just how strong and capable her body , mind and support network was to help her birth her baby, Bella Jayne, at home in a calm water birth using all the Calmbirth techniques of breathing, visualisation and focusing on birthing her baby the way she wanted. “I couldn’t have visualised a better birth or a better way to bring my beautiful girl into the world.”The love and energy in the room and in my heart the whole time was just out of this world. I could cry tears of happiness thinking of how blessed I am to have her and to have the support team I had. Every single person in that room helped me be able to have this birth as what I can only describe as a “dream birth”.”I felt incredibly empowered, beautiful and strong the whole time. I only hope and dream all women birthing all over the world get to feel what I felt.“A mother will birth best where she feels safe” is the BEST thing I learnt from Calmbirth and it is SO true. Home is certainly a place where I feel safe so a homebirth was perfect for me and it can be for you too if you feel safe, believe in yourself and have the right people around you!”

Founder of ‘Strong Mamas’ Health and Fitness, Rachel Giampietro, proved just how strong and capable her body , mind and support network was to help her birth her baby, Bella Jayne, at home in a calm water birth using all the Calmbirth techniques of breathing, visualisation and focusing on birthing her baby the way she wanted. “I couldn’t have visualised a better birth or a better way to bring my beautiful girl into the world.”The love and energy in the room and in my heart the whole time was just out of this world. I could cry tears of happiness thinking of how blessed I am to have her and to have the support team I had. Every single person in that room helped me be able to have this birth as what I can only describe as a “dream birth”.”I felt incredibly empowered, beautiful and strong the whole time. I only hope and dream all women birthing all over the world get to feel what I felt.“A mother will birth best where she feels safe” is the BEST thing I learnt from Calmbirth and it is SO true. Home is certainly a place where I feel safe so a homebirth was perfect for me and it can be for you too if you feel safe, believe in yourself and have the right people around you!”

Miss Audrey’s Calmbirth

Molly’s birth needed to be induced due to excess blood flow in the brain found on a growth scan, so the Dr’s were happy since she was a day from full term, to come out.Even though I was induced, I used all of the techniques you taught us in the Calmbirth course, and I birthed Molly into the world with only gas.

Molly’s birth needed to be induced due to excess blood flow in the brain found on a growth scan, so the Dr’s were happy since she was a day from full term, to come out.Even though I was induced, I used all of the techniques you taught us in the Calmbirth course, and I birthed Molly into the world with only gas.

Welcome ‘earthside’ baby Stella Iris

Throughout the whole labour and birthing experience Michael held space for me. My midwife made me feel comfortable and respected. For pain we used: massage, water, essential oils, acupressure, TENs machine and lastly Gas.We truly couldn’t have wished for a better way to welcome our daughter into the world.If we hadn’t undertaken the Calmbirth course, we wouldn’t have had the education to know what our birth preferences could be, and how to advocate for them. I wouldn’t have been able to labour at home for so long as I did without any fear and I was able to trust that my body knew what it was doing. Thank you for the confidence Calmbirth! 

Throughout the whole labour and birthing experience Michael held space for me. My midwife made me feel comfortable and respected. For pain we used: massage, water, essential oils, acupressure, TENs machine and lastly Gas.We truly couldn’t have wished for a better way to welcome our daughter into the world.If we hadn’t undertaken the Calmbirth course, we wouldn’t have had the education to know what our birth preferences could be, and how to advocate for them. I wouldn’t have been able to labour at home for so long as I did without any fear and I was able to trust that my body knew what it was doing. Thank you for the confidence Calmbirth! 

An Empowered VBAC birth

Despite Calmbirth couple Logan and Lachlan’s challenging and unexpected turn of events for their birth of her second baby, they worked together as a loving, connected and strong team to birth their son vaginally after having a C-section with their first. This is such a powerful birth story that helps to inspire and empower other couples to believe that with the right education, support, self belief and knowing your birth choices that you too can strive for a VBAC birth – it is possible.
“Calmbirth gave me the ultimate confidence and ability, to be the guardian and support during my son’s birth. To be the man my wife needed me to be in those moments.
While both expected and not expected things happened in our transition from a family of 3 to a family of 4, what we got from the experience is a feeling of closeness, bonding, love, and harmony. While it still took debriefing and process afterwards, we will never forget how Calmbirth prepared us and brought us together as a family.”
Despite Logan and Lachlan’s challenging and unexpected turn of events for their birth of her second baby, they worked together as a loving, connected and strong team to birth their son vaginally after having a C-section with their first. “Calmbirth gave me the ultimate confidence and ability, to…

“Calmbirth gave me the ultimate confidence and ability, to be the guardian and support during my son’s birth. To be the man my wife needed me to be in those moments.
While both expected and not expected things happened in our transition from a family of 3 to a family of 4, what we got from the experience is a feeling of closeness, bonding, love, and harmony. While it still took debriefing and process afterwards, we will never forget how Calmbirth prepared us and brought us together as a family.”

Despite Calmbirth couple Logan and Lachlan’s challenging and unexpected turn of events for their birth of her second baby, they worked together as a loving, connected and strong team to birth their son vaginally after having a C-section with their first. This is such a powerful birth story that helps to inspire and empower other couples to believe that with the right education, support, self belief and knowing your birth choices that you too can strive for a VBAC birth – it is possible.
“Calmbirth gave me the ultimate confidence and ability, to be the guardian and support during my son’s birth. To be the man my wife needed me to be in those moments.
While both expected and not expected things happened in our transition from a family of 3 to a family of 4, what we got from the experience is a feeling of closeness, bonding, love, and harmony. While it still took debriefing and process afterwards, we will never forget how Calmbirth prepared us and brought us together as a family.”
Despite Logan and Lachlan’s challenging and unexpected turn of events for their birth of her second baby, they worked together as a loving, connected and strong team to birth their son vaginally after having a C-section with their first. “Calmbirth gave me the ultimate confidence and ability, to…

“Calmbirth gave me the ultimate confidence and ability, to be the guardian and support during my son’s birth. To be the man my wife needed me to be in those moments.
While both expected and not expected things happened in our transition from a family of 3 to a family of 4, what we got from the experience is a feeling of closeness, bonding, love, and harmony. While it still took debriefing and process afterwards, we will never forget how Calmbirth prepared us and brought us together as a family.”

The birth of our baby girl Mia

When asked how our labour was by friends and family, Kev and I say that it was a really positive experience – made possible by an amazing obstetrician and the tools that Calmbirth equipped us with to have a natural labour. Thank you so much Calmbirth!

When asked how our labour was by friends and family, Kev and I say that it was a really positive experience – made possible by an amazing obstetrician and the tools that Calmbirth equipped us with to have a natural labour. Thank you so much Calmbirth!

The birth of Angus Alan

I’m very happy to let you know that our beautiful son Angus Alan was born on 8th Jan. I had an appointment with our obstetrician on the 8th January 2020 at which time I was 3 days over my due date. She checked everything and all was good. She did a stretch and sweep to try and move things along, immediately after which I had a bleed – slightly more than what was normal so I was sent to LGH to go on the ECG as a precaution, again all was fine so we got some lunch and went home. 

I’m very happy to let you know that our beautiful son Angus Alan was born on 8th Jan. I had an appointment with our obstetrician on the 8th January 2020 at which time I was 3 days over my due date. She checked everything and all was good. She did a stretch and sweep to try and move things along, immediately after which I had a bleed – slightly more than what was normal so I was sent to LGH to go on the ECG as a precaution, again all was fine so we got some lunch and went home. 

My Postnatal Dream – The First 40 Days

Did you know that in many parts in Latin America, the first 40 days is known as ‘La Cuarentenc’, which literally means ‘quarantine’. So ironically, this period of self isolation and quarantine is the perfect time to think about your postpartum journey, focusing all your energy on nourishing yourself and bonding with your baby, creating and holding your space at home. Use this time to create your own cocoon for resting, bonding, nourishing and healing from giving birth. This starts by asking yourself what you want in your home after birth? And how you want to take care of yourself so that you can take care of your baby.Today, this post partum period has been recognised as crucial not only for the healthy development of the baby, but also for the healing of the mother after birth and the transition to parenthood for both mother and father/partner alike.Midwife and Calmbirth Educator, Janine O’Obrien takes us on her magical, healing, nourishing, amazing and intimate postpartum journey.As a midwife I truly believe it’s important to slow down at the end of our pregnancies for our mind, body, soul and our babies. I encourage five days in bed, after birth, however I never knew how incredibly amazing it could be to truly take the time to heal, nurture, bond and connect with myself and my newborn in the postnatal period. It really was a dream.

Did you know that in many parts in Latin America, the first 40 days is known as ‘La Cuarentenc’, which literally means ‘quarantine’. So ironically, this period of self isolation and quarantine is the perfect time to think about your postpartum journey, focusing all your energy on nourishing yourself and bonding with your baby, creating and holding your space at home. Use this time to create your own cocoon for resting, bonding, nourishing and healing from giving birth. This starts by asking yourself what you want in your home after birth? And how you want to take care of yourself so that you can take care of your baby.Today, this post partum period has been recognised as crucial not only for the healthy development of the baby, but also for the healing of the mother after birth and the transition to parenthood for both mother and father/partner alike.Midwife and Calmbirth Educator, Janine O’Obrien takes us on her magical, healing, nourishing, amazing and intimate postpartum journey.As a midwife I truly believe it’s important to slow down at the end of our pregnancies for our mind, body, soul and our babies. I encourage five days in bed, after birth, however I never knew how incredibly amazing it could be to truly take the time to heal, nurture, bond and connect with myself and my newborn in the postnatal period. It really was a dream.

My birth story Part 1: The importance of choice and knowledge & Part 2: Birthing Breech Naturally

I feel just so incredibly lucky to have had the birth experience that I did. To have a healthy baby without any intervention or medication as I wanted is a blessing. If it wasn’t for my friend telling about Calmbirth, Janine from Calmbirth, the MGP program, my midwife Lucy, and Dr Bisits all being there at the right time giving the right advise and support it wouldn’t have happened this way.

The main reason I wanted to write this story is for more information to be out there that vaginal breech births can be perfectly safe and we need more doctors trained in it in order to give more women choice.

I feel just so incredibly lucky to have had the birth experience that I did. To have a healthy baby without any intervention or medication as I wanted is a blessing. If it wasn’t for my friend telling about Calmbirth, Janine from Calmbirth, the MGP program, my midwife Lucy, and Dr Bisits all being there at the right time giving the right advise and support it wouldn’t have happened this way.

The main reason I wanted to write this story is for more information to be out there that vaginal breech births can be perfectly safe and we need more doctors trained in it in order to give more women choice.

Welcome to the world Henley Croft 

“I believe I largely owe my positive birth experience to Calmbirth. Most importantly it gave both my partner and I a complete understanding of the process and I felt I was aware of what and why things were happening as they happened. The course filled us with knowledge and from the moment I left the class that weekend, I went from being anxious about giving birth to excited!”

“I believe I largely owe my positive birth experience to Calmbirth. Most importantly it gave both my partner and I a complete understanding of the process and I felt I was aware of what and why things were happening as they happened. The course filled us with knowledge and from the moment I left the class that weekend, I went from being anxious about giving birth to excited!”

Meet baby Lennon!

Congratulations to one of our very own, Calmbirth Educator and Midwife, Martyna Cooper on the birth of her beautiful baby boy Lennon.

Congratulations to one of our very own, Calmbirth Educator and Midwife, Martyna Cooper on the birth of her beautiful baby boy Lennon.

The Birth of ‘Mighty’ Barnaby

Throughout our pregnancy our baby was small, in the 3rd percentile, needing to be monitored closely. I was trying to stay calm but had to be open that the baby may have to come early if anything changed – meditating and trying to trust this body. Hoping for a small and mighty little one.

Throughout our pregnancy our baby was small, in the 3rd percentile, needing to be monitored closely. I was trying to stay calm but had to be open that the baby may have to come early if anything changed – meditating and trying to trust this body. Hoping for a small and mighty little one.

Birth – from a Dad’s perspective!

We love hearing from our Calmbirth dads. Here, Calmbirth dad Ben, shares with us his endearing baby boy’s birth story. His memories of the day will have you laughing and crying all at the same time, as it is filled with much emotion, love and drama. At this point I was amazed at how primitive it became. Everything seemed so natural, so normal, but incredibly special at the same time. I did my best to support her; giving water, rubbing her back and body, applying pressure, encouraging her but being careful to not say too much.

We love hearing from our Calmbirth dads. Here, Calmbirth dad Ben, shares with us his endearing baby boy’s birth story. His memories of the day will have you laughing and crying all at the same time, as it is filled with much emotion, love and drama. At this point I was amazed at how primitive it became. Everything seemed so natural, so normal, but incredibly special at the same time. I did my best to support her; giving water, rubbing her back and body, applying pressure, encouraging her but being careful to not say too much.

Wyatt David Thom is born

Going into the classes I was excited, and my partner skeptical, about how much we would learn in 2 days. By the end of the classes we had a very different perspective going into childbirth. Calmbirth gave us the tools and guidance to prepare ourselves with the possibilities of what happens before, during and after labour. My partner Kris definitely surprised as to how much partners can assist during labour.

Going into the classes I was excited, and my partner skeptical, about how much we would learn in 2 days. By the end of the classes we had a very different perspective going into childbirth. Calmbirth gave us the tools and guidance to prepare ourselves with the possibilities of what happens before, during and after labour. My partner Kris definitely surprised as to how much partners can assist during labour.

It’s a girl – The birth of Nellie May Fahey

Nellie May Fahey was born at 4.45pm on June 10, 2020 weighing 4.045kg and 52cm. I am so grateful to calmbirth for providing both my husband and I the tools to have an empowered birth. We birthed without fear without any pain relief and with a whole lot of love and support in the room, a beautiful way for Nellie to enter the world! 

Nellie May Fahey was born at 4.45pm on June 10, 2020 weighing 4.045kg and 52cm. I am so grateful to calmbirth for providing both my husband and I the tools to have an empowered birth. We birthed without fear without any pain relief and with a whole lot of love and support in the room, a beautiful way for Nellie to enter the world! 

Image for blog

The Art of Surrender

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go”. This famous quote by Hermann Hesse speaks volumes about the strength of surrendering to birth.

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go”. This famous quote by Hermann Hesse speaks volumes about the strength of surrendering to birth.

The early arrival of baby August…

I must say I was super surprised (& excited) to receive a message a few days ago saying this Calmbirth couple had just had their baby – 4 weeks early! They finished Calmbirth just in time.

Congratulations Verity & Dan on the safe arrival of August James, thank you for sharing your story. 

“Calmbirth really was in hindsight such a crucial part of our antenatal care. We came out of this experience feeling like we really were a team and managed a delivery using all the techniques we wanted to.”

“Thank you Cherie for such a positive experience, and glad we managed to finish our classes with you only a few days before labour!!”

I must say I was super surprised (& excited) to receive a message a few days ago saying this Calmbirth couple had just had their baby – 4 weeks early! They finished Calmbirth just in time.

Congratulations Verity & Dan on the safe arrival of August James, thank you for sharing your story. 

“Calmbirth really was in hindsight such a crucial part of our antenatal care. We came out of this experience feeling like we really were a team and managed a delivery using all the techniques we wanted to.”

“Thank you Cherie for such a positive experience, and glad we managed to finish our classes with you only a few days before labour!!”

The ‘perfect’ birth of Charlotte

Story by Lindel

James and I were fortunate enough to attend what I think would’ve been one of the last face to face courses in Bowral in early March with Karen McClay, before the COVID lockdowns. I remember leaving that weekend, us both feeling so well informed and not anxious about labour and more connected as a couple with the focus on this little person we were about to bring into the world. Before that life had been its usual busy self and we hadn’t had time really to stop, think and digest.

I just remember looking down and all I could see was her odd shaped head with a white cap where the suction had been, but when I looked at James’ face I could see he had fallen in love with her instantly as she had her big blue eyes wide open and he kept saying “she’s perfect, she’s perfect” and I knew that things had changed and he had a new love in his life!

Story by Lindel

James and I were fortunate enough to attend what I think would’ve been one of the last face to face courses in Bowral in early March with Karen McClay, before the COVID lockdowns. I remember leaving that weekend, us both feeling so well informed and not anxious about labour and more connected as a couple with the focus on this little person we were about to bring into the world. Before that life had been its usual busy self and we hadn’t had time really to stop, think and digest.

I just remember looking down and all I could see was her odd shaped head with a white cap where the suction had been, but when I looked at James’ face I could see he had fallen in love with her instantly as she had her big blue eyes wide open and he kept saying “she’s perfect, she’s perfect” and I knew that things had changed and he had a new love in his life!

A ‘Refreshing’ and Calming birth experience…

As we approach our son’s second birthday in August and the impending birth of our second baby in October, we‘ve just completed our Calmbirth refresher and cannot wait to experience the best day of our lives all over again.

As we approach our son’s second birthday in August and the impending birth of our second baby in October, we‘ve just completed our Calmbirth refresher and cannot wait to experience the best day of our lives all over again.

Oxytocin Bubble…

Look at these two gorgeous humans who have just welcomed their beautiful baby boy earth side!

Mum, Dad and bubs are truly in an ‘oxytocin bubble’ after a marathon 17 hour labour! And their triumphant smiles say it all!

Look at these two gorgeous humans who have just welcomed their beautiful baby boy earth side!

Mum, Dad and bubs are truly in an ‘oxytocin bubble’ after a marathon 17 hour labour! And their triumphant smiles say it all!

The Calm Breath…

One of our Calmbirth couples, Victoria McCartney, sent us this beautiful and powerful photo of her birth. here is what she had to say.

One of our Calmbirth couples, Victoria McCartney, sent us this beautiful and powerful photo of her birth. here is what she had to say.

Surrendering to birth…

“Towards the end of pregnancy I really surrender and trusted that my body could birth our baby naturally. The Calmbirth course had such a positive impact for us and helped us really work as a team and focus on what was important during the birth.”

“Towards the end of pregnancy I really surrender and trusted that my body could birth our baby naturally. The Calmbirth course had such a positive impact for us and helped us really work as a team and focus on what was important during the birth.”

Empowered, Listened to & Respected – The Birth of Naomi Ruth

My whole labour and birth experience was the most amazing experience I could have ever imagined. I was so empowered, listened to and respected. I am not hesitating at all to recommend to anyone to do the calmbirth course.

I first heard about Calmbirth when my sister in law and her husband did it in the lead up to having their first child in February this year, when I was pregnant with my second. They were saying how good it was, and my thoughts were yeah ok, let’s see if you still say that after bub is born, very pessimistic, I know. Fast forward to her enduring a 3-day labour and giving birth to their beautiful son, and her declaring that the Calmbirth techniques were what helped her through it with minimal pain relief.

My whole labour and birth experience was the most amazing experience I could have ever imagined. I was so empowered, listened to and respected. I am not hesitating at all to recommend to anyone to do the calmbirth course.

I first heard about Calmbirth when my sister in law and her husband did it in the lead up to having their first child in February this year, when I was pregnant with my second. They were saying how good it was, and my thoughts were yeah ok, let’s see if you still say that after bub is born, very pessimistic, I know. Fast forward to her enduring a 3-day labour and giving birth to their beautiful son, and her declaring that the Calmbirth techniques were what helped her through it with minimal pain relief.

Thank YOU Calmbirth

Prior to doing the Calmbirth course, I was super anxious and nervous about labour. The first thing we learn about labour is that it’s painful. I was prepared for all the drugs as I just didn’t think I could bare the pain.

However, the Calmbirth course was extremely informative and went through each step of the labour and what we could do to get through each step.

Prior to doing the Calmbirth course, I was super anxious and nervous about labour. The first thing we learn about labour is that it’s painful. I was prepared for all the drugs as I just didn’t think I could bare the pain.

However, the Calmbirth course was extremely informative and went through each step of the labour and what we could do to get through each step.

Elyssa’s cry was like music to my ears….

Being a midwife I knew the importance of doing Calmbirth so that my hubby (Roger) and I could be as prepared as possible. We did the weekend course with Karen McClay via zoom and It was fantastic. I actually cannot believe how much we got out of it. Not just me but Roger too, It gave him a purpose and he knew EXACTLY what to do to help me get through. I loved that about the course. Personally, I have always been a bit skeptical of the power of calm breaths and meditation I’ve always thought  “it dosent work for me” but during one of Karen’s meditation talks, one minute we were awake and then the next we were both passed out on my couch. Clearly it DOES work.

Being a midwife I knew the importance of doing Calmbirth so that my hubby (Roger) and I could be as prepared as possible. We did the weekend course with Karen McClay via zoom and It was fantastic. I actually cannot believe how much we got out of it. Not just me but Roger too, It gave him a purpose and he knew EXACTLY what to do to help me get through. I loved that about the course. Personally, I have always been a bit skeptical of the power of calm breaths and meditation I’ve always thought  “it dosent work for me” but during one of Karen’s meditation talks, one minute we were awake and then the next we were both passed out on my couch. Clearly it DOES work.

Lucy’s long overdue birth day….

We are so grateful for all we learnt through Calmbirth, it definitely equipped us to deal with the labour and to make decisions in the lead up to birth.

Lucy was born 13 days past her ‘due date’ and this was a challenge in itself.

We are so grateful for all we learnt through Calmbirth, it definitely equipped us to deal with the labour and to make decisions in the lead up to birth.

Lucy was born 13 days past her ‘due date’ and this was a challenge in itself.

Trust in my body, mind and baby, allowed me to surrender to the process…

Hi Kath, I wanted to share our news with you. We welcomed our baby boy Shai (pronounced Shy) on 29th Sept. My waters broke at 530am and by 3pm I was pushing him Earth side, so a 10.5hr first labour we had our dream drug free labour and waterbirth delivered by myself into my arms.

Hi Kath, I wanted to share our news with you. We welcomed our baby boy Shai (pronounced Shy) on 29th Sept. My waters broke at 530am and by 3pm I was pushing him Earth side, so a 10.5hr first labour we had our dream drug free labour and waterbirth delivered by myself into my arms.

Welcome to the world Isla Evelyn…

Letting you know we welcomed Isla Evelyn on Monday. We used our Calmbirth techniques – especially breathing – not just throughout the incredibly intense 33 hour labour, but since then in dealing with sleep deprivation, baby blues and even milk production. We really feel that the weekend was pivotal in bringing us together as a team and allowing us to achieve something amazing together. It was also helpful in communicating to the hospital team about the type of birth we were hoping to achieve. The words “CalmBirth” were met with nods of understanding and in respect for our choices.

Thank you.

Letting you know we welcomed Isla Evelyn on Monday. We used our Calmbirth techniques – especially breathing – not just throughout the incredibly intense 33 hour labour, but since then in dealing with sleep deprivation, baby blues and even milk production. We really feel that the weekend was pivotal in bringing us together as a team and allowing us to achieve something amazing together. It was also helpful in communicating to the hospital team about the type of birth we were hoping to achieve. The words “CalmBirth” were met with nods of understanding and in respect for our choices.

Thank you.

Plan A is just the start…

At 40+5 we decided to be induced for medical reasons. Induction was never on my plan and I’d only heard horror stories of cascading interventions. Thankfully Sally our Calmbirth Educator sent me a reminder that there are lots of letters in the alphbet with plan A-Z.

I decided to take control of what I could and set about to fill my oxytocin cup by practising the Calmbirth techniques before heading to hospital that night.

Once I got to the hospital, I settled into my ward room and my husband went home for a good nights sleep before the ‘big day’ tomorrow.

At 40+5 we decided to be induced for medical reasons. Induction was never on my plan and I’d only heard horror stories of cascading interventions. Thankfully Sally our Calmbirth Educator sent me a reminder that there are lots of letters in the alphbet with plan A-Z.

I decided to take control of what I could and set about to fill my oxytocin cup by practising the Calmbirth techniques before heading to hospital that night.

Once I got to the hospital, I settled into my ward room and my husband went home for a good nights sleep before the ‘big day’ tomorrow.

The love for Mia Audrey was instant

Kath, thank you so much for the opportunity to do the course with you during Covid. Evan and I found it so informative and I feel that because of it we were very well informed and had a wonderful and empowering birth experience as a result!

Kath, thank you so much for the opportunity to do the course with you during Covid. Evan and I found it so informative and I feel that because of it we were very well informed and had a wonderful and empowering birth experience as a result!

A Positive Birth Experience….

I am so thankful for my experience because I had a positive and amazing labour. And despite it not going to my original ‘ideal’ plan, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. And yes there are times that medical intervention is needed to ensure mum and bub’s safety, but that’s perfectly ok too.

The Calmbirth course reinforced that our bodies know what they need to do and that we don’t need to be afraid of labour – it can be an amazing challenge and beautiful experience.

I am so thankful for my experience because I had a positive and amazing labour. And despite it not going to my original ‘ideal’ plan, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. And yes there are times that medical intervention is needed to ensure mum and bub’s safety, but that’s perfectly ok too.

The Calmbirth course reinforced that our bodies know what they need to do and that we don’t need to be afraid of labour – it can be an amazing challenge and beautiful experience.

Mason’s birth was an empowering birth experience

Adam was such an amazing birthing partner following my lead and bringing me back to my breathing and visualisation when I became unfocused. We got the water birth we always wanted and a very quick 1.5 hour labour, delayed cord clamping and waiting for placenta to pass naturally. 

I trusted my body and what it could do!

Adam was such an amazing birthing partner following my lead and bringing me back to my breathing and visualisation when I became unfocused. We got the water birth we always wanted and a very quick 1.5 hour labour, delayed cord clamping and waiting for placenta to pass naturally. 

I trusted my body and what it could do!

Introducing Baby Rosie…

Overall I found my birth the most amazing, challenging, yet empowering experience. I was so proud with how calm I remained and felt so lucky to have my supportive husband by my side. The Calmbirth classes helped us so much! They gave me confidence that my body (and mind) were capable of bringing our little girl into the world.. and I did it completely drug free! I am a huge advocate for your Calmbirth classes and would recommend them to anyone!

Overall I found my birth the most amazing, challenging, yet empowering experience. I was so proud with how calm I remained and felt so lucky to have my supportive husband by my side. The Calmbirth classes helped us so much! They gave me confidence that my body (and mind) were capable of bringing our little girl into the world.. and I did it completely drug free! I am a huge advocate for your Calmbirth classes and would recommend them to anyone!

My body knew what to do…

To say that I was nervous, anxious and doubting in my ability to deliver my baby is absolutely accurate. The fear and self-doubt completely consumed me from around the 30th week of my first pregnancy, so when a girlfriend told me about Calmbirth, I was instantly drawn to the concept and ethos of the program. 

To say that I was nervous, anxious and doubting in my ability to deliver my baby is absolutely accurate. The fear and self-doubt completely consumed me from around the 30th week of my first pregnancy, so when a girlfriend told me about Calmbirth, I was instantly drawn to the concept and ethos of the program. 

Right by my side

Around this time 4 years ago my waters broke so I thought I’d share with you all the story of my 3rd birth

The image was taken maybe a day or so before I went into labour, but I have always loved this photo as it reminds me of the nights my little girl stayed close by me until her brother arrived safely.

Around this time 4 years ago my waters broke so I thought I’d share with you all the story of my 3rd birth

The image was taken maybe a day or so before I went into labour, but I have always loved this photo as it reminds me of the nights my little girl stayed close by me until her brother arrived safely.

The Foetus Ejaculation Reflex is real and Amazing! 

I’m finally getting around to write and share my birth story with you. It’s quite long so you might want to pour yourself a cuppa!

Angus was born 10 days ‘late’ on the 9th Feb at home in a birthing pool. It was beautiful and positive and I wanted to thank you again for your contribution to my birth preparation through the Calmbirth course.

“Calmbirth, along with my own independent research and support from my midwife enabled me to let go of institutionalised fear surrounding childbirth. The combination gave me the confidence and unwavering belief in body’s ability to birth my baby naturally, without intervention or pain relief, and outside of a hospital setting. I now live-in complete awe of the female body and its ability to grow, birth and provide for a baby without any conscious effort. Giving birth was the most intense thing I’ve ever done, but it wasn’t scary or unbearably painful, it was exhausting, beautiful and empowering.”

I’m finally getting around to write and share my birth story with you. It’s quite long so you might want to pour yourself a cuppa!

Angus was born 10 days ‘late’ on the 9th Feb at home in a birthing pool. It was beautiful and positive and I wanted to thank you again for your contribution to my birth preparation through the Calmbirth course.

“Calmbirth, along with my own independent research and support from my midwife enabled me to let go of institutionalised fear surrounding childbirth. The combination gave me the confidence and unwavering belief in body’s ability to birth my baby naturally, without intervention or pain relief, and outside of a hospital setting. I now live-in complete awe of the female body and its ability to grow, birth and provide for a baby without any conscious effort. Giving birth was the most intense thing I’ve ever done, but it wasn’t scary or unbearably painful, it was exhausting, beautiful and empowering.”

Why I do what I do…

When you know what is possible in birth, you NEED to share it. You want others to walk away from their experiences feeling empowered, entering parenthood full of confidence. You want others to experience THIER power and to bathe in the magic that is birth.

When you know what is possible in birth, you NEED to share it. You want others to walk away from their experiences feeling empowered, entering parenthood full of confidence. You want others to experience THIER power and to bathe in the magic that is birth.

Our not so perfect, perfect birth story…

We wanted to thank you again so much for teaching us the Calmbirth course and basically everything we knew about birth.

A bit about us… We were very flexible with the ‘plan’ however the loose birth plan was hopefully a vaginal birth and the medicine to be used when and as needed but also not too early in case it reduced my bodies natural ability to birth my baby.

The Calmbirth class allowed me and my husband to have deeper and more meaningful conversations about how we both imagined birth to happen. To be honest, we were both very uneducated in the process and it was so great that we were both there learning so that we could make informed decisions together. It wasn’t like one of us was informed and one was ill-informed. It made me feel calm that I wasn’t just calling the shots but that we both agreed with the path we were taking for our family.

We wanted to thank you again so much for teaching us the Calmbirth course and basically everything we knew about birth.

A bit about us… We were very flexible with the ‘plan’ however the loose birth plan was hopefully a vaginal birth and the medicine to be used when and as needed but also not too early in case it reduced my bodies natural ability to birth my baby.

The Calmbirth class allowed me and my husband to have deeper and more meaningful conversations about how we both imagined birth to happen. To be honest, we were both very uneducated in the process and it was so great that we were both there learning so that we could make informed decisions together. It wasn’t like one of us was informed and one was ill-informed. It made me feel calm that I wasn’t just calling the shots but that we both agreed with the path we were taking for our family.

The Birth of Baby Ollie…

Thank you so much for your time doing the Calmbirth course with us again. We used many of the tools during the remainder of pregnancy and during labour/birth.


O L L I E  



4.77kg (10Ib 8oz)



Feels like I have given birth to a 2month old at this size…

Positive Birth Story:

Our 2nd baby and a much more positive experience compared to my firstborn who I was induced with and suffered mental trauma with.

Thank you so much for your time doing the Calmbirth course with us again. We used many of the tools during the remainder of pregnancy and during labour/birth.


O L L I E  



4.77kg (10Ib 8oz)



Feels like I have given birth to a 2month old at this size…

Positive Birth Story:

Our 2nd baby and a much more positive experience compared to my firstborn who I was induced with and suffered mental trauma with.

The Birth of little baby Maeve Lily

The labour was very different to what I expected as I ended up labouring to 9cm alone but I focused all my energy on my breathing which got me through. It was a very silent and focused labour and my breathe was everything. I took each contraction one at a time. Looking back I am extremely proud of myself. Even though I required assistance at the end, due to having a bigger baby, I wouldn’t change the birth. It was a moment Jake and I will forever cherish.

The labour was very different to what I expected as I ended up labouring to 9cm alone but I focused all my energy on my breathing which got me through. It was a very silent and focused labour and my breathe was everything. I took each contraction one at a time. Looking back I am extremely proud of myself. Even though I required assistance at the end, due to having a bigger baby, I wouldn’t change the birth. It was a moment Jake and I will forever cherish.

Our son Matteo Antonio

Just letting you know we had our baby on 26th March at Moruya District Hospital. To our surprise and delight we had a little boy! We’ve called him Matteo Antonio and he is a very content, peaceful little boy. 

Just letting you know we had our baby on 26th March at Moruya District Hospital. To our surprise and delight we had a little boy! We’ve called him Matteo Antonio and he is a very content, peaceful little boy. 

My brilliant support for a magical birth experience

We attended a private Calmbirth course with Kath Maxwell at her home in Bellarine, Geelong Vic.in Dec 2020.

This was my first birth and I planned to give birth at The Birth House in Geelong.

As a midwife myself, I have a good understanding about the labour and birth process, but was keen to find a course that would help my partner Sam, who speaks English as his second language, and my mother Maureen, have a better understanding of how they could support me during my labour.

We attended a private Calmbirth course with Kath Maxwell at her home in Bellarine, Geelong Vic.in Dec 2020.

This was my first birth and I planned to give birth at The Birth House in Geelong.

As a midwife myself, I have a good understanding about the labour and birth process, but was keen to find a course that would help my partner Sam, who speaks English as his second language, and my mother Maureen, have a better understanding of how they could support me during my labour.

Lucy’s over due birth

Hi Kath, our little girl Lucy was born on 17/10 weighing a decent 4.15kg and 54cm long.

We are so grateful for all we learnt through Calmbirth, it definitely equipped us to deal with the labour and to make decisions in the lead up to birth.

Hi Kath, our little girl Lucy was born on 17/10 weighing a decent 4.15kg and 54cm long.

We are so grateful for all we learnt through Calmbirth, it definitely equipped us to deal with the labour and to make decisions in the lead up to birth.

Spinning a Baby from Posterior: The Birth Story of Baby Lachlan James Chessell

Sometimes birth is not what you expect, but how you decide to work with it. It is not about perfection, but showing up and giving it your best. It is about learning a set of skills that gives a couple a sense of empowerment and confidence in a woman’s innate design to birth and a baby’s ability to be born. The story of Lachlan James Chessell’s birth shows us how Alison and Gareth were able to use what they learned in the Calmbirth program paired with their knowledge of Spinning Babies techniques to facilitate the birth of their son. 

Sometimes birth is not what you expect, but how you decide to work with it. It is not about perfection, but showing up and giving it your best. It is about learning a set of skills that gives a couple a sense of empowerment and confidence in a woman’s innate design to birth and a baby’s ability to be born. The story of Lachlan James Chessell’s birth shows us how Alison and Gareth were able to use what they learned in the Calmbirth program paired with their knowledge of Spinning Babies techniques to facilitate the birth of their son. 

The Calm birth of little Magnus

Hi Kath, I hope you are well! Charles and I had our baby boy on the 6th of April and I just thought I’d share our birth story

After doing the Calmbirth course with you we felt so confident and ready to meet our baby. I practiced positions on the exercise ball, my breathing and we listened to the meditations before bed.

Hi Kath, I hope you are well! Charles and I had our baby boy on the 6th of April and I just thought I’d share our birth story

After doing the Calmbirth course with you we felt so confident and ready to meet our baby. I practiced positions on the exercise ball, my breathing and we listened to the meditations before bed.

The birth of our baby boy Carter

“We 100% recommend Calmbirth with Maja! After completing the weekend course with Maja, my husband and I felt extremely confident heading into the last stage of my pregnancy. We felt ready for Labour, and ready for the birth! I felt more confident knowing about each stage of labour, what my options were, and what could potentially not go to plan. My husband also felt confident that he could absolutely help me through my labour.. which was my FAVOURITE part. Maja didn’t just focus on what us women go through, but how our partners can be there for us through each stage. It was incredible”.

“We 100% recommend Calmbirth with Maja! After completing the weekend course with Maja, my husband and I felt extremely confident heading into the last stage of my pregnancy. We felt ready for Labour, and ready for the birth! I felt more confident knowing about each stage of labour, what my options were, and what could potentially not go to plan. My husband also felt confident that he could absolutely help me through my labour.. which was my FAVOURITE part. Maja didn’t just focus on what us women go through, but how our partners can be there for us through each stage. It was incredible”.

Bring on Birth…

I remember when Lisa walked out of the final day of Calmbirth she said “Bring it on!”. She looked genuinely excited to give birth. So wonderful to read her positive story

I remember when Lisa walked out of the final day of Calmbirth she said “Bring it on!”. She looked genuinely excited to give birth. So wonderful to read her positive story

Neary’s birth was magical

Before the class, Sam was apprehensive about the birth and how involved he wanted to be (in his culture birth was seen as women’s business)…

Before the class, Sam was apprehensive about the birth and how involved he wanted to be (in his culture birth was seen as women’s business)…

Welcome to the world Rocky

Rocky was welcomed to the world on Jan 31st. We feel so lucky to have had two great birthing experience thanks to the Calmbirth techniques. A huge thankyou for educating Billy & I on how beautiful birth truely is. Billy was the best support! and we are so blessed to have such a great public system in Geelong with angel Midwives. Everyone was so respectful of the calm vibe we created. 

Rocky was welcomed to the world on Jan 31st. We feel so lucky to have had two great birthing experience thanks to the Calmbirth techniques. A huge thankyou for educating Billy & I on how beautiful birth truely is. Billy was the best support! and we are so blessed to have such a great public system in Geelong with angel Midwives. Everyone was so respectful of the calm vibe we created. 

Welcome to the world Owen

Thank you again for the wonderful Calmbirth course back in January. We appreciated your advice, particularly the tool kit, hospital bag packing lists and all of the lessons you shared from your years of experience helping at births. You have a lovely way of conducting the course – very calm and you leave plenty of space for sharing.

We had our gorgeous 3.7 kg boy, Owen Joffre Summers, by SVB (spontaneous vaginal birth) on 9 March. I’m proud to say that I managed a long labour (over 48 hours) without any pain relief and kept calm through a couple of twists that came up during labour and birth. Knowledge really helps. To be honest, I enjoyed the experience!

Thanks again! We loved the Calmbirth course with you. 

Thank you again for the wonderful Calmbirth course back in January. We appreciated your advice, particularly the tool kit, hospital bag packing lists and all of the lessons you shared from your years of experience helping at births. You have a lovely way of conducting the course – very calm and you leave plenty of space for sharing.

We had our gorgeous 3.7 kg boy, Owen Joffre Summers, by SVB (spontaneous vaginal birth) on 9 March. I’m proud to say that I managed a long labour (over 48 hours) without any pain relief and kept calm through a couple of twists that came up during labour and birth. Knowledge really helps. To be honest, I enjoyed the experience!

Thanks again! We loved the Calmbirth course with you. 

The Calmbirth of Kit

Kit Frederick Dundas
Born 2/5/21 at 8:58pm, 3.78kg, 54cm

We first heard about Calmbirth from a friend who highly recommended Cherie’s classes & we booked in for 31 weeks.

Calmbirth positively impacted Sam & I in three key ways; It armed us with knowledge & knowledge is power, it centred my fears of birth & taught Sammy how to advocate for me & it brought us together as a team!

Some of the content was not new to me, but a great refresher, but much of it was & I learnt a huge amount about birth & what to expect in a hospital environment.

Kit Frederick Dundas
Born 2/5/21 at 8:58pm, 3.78kg, 54cm

We first heard about Calmbirth from a friend who highly recommended Cherie’s classes & we booked in for 31 weeks.

Calmbirth positively impacted Sam & I in three key ways; It armed us with knowledge & knowledge is power, it centred my fears of birth & taught Sammy how to advocate for me & it brought us together as a team!

Some of the content was not new to me, but a great refresher, but much of it was & I learnt a huge amount about birth & what to expect in a hospital environment.

Calmbirth gave us the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions

Hi Kath, we had our beautiful boy in May and are settling in well at home. We ended up going 4 days over and despite extra scans and monitoring, which all looked great, we did get alot of pressure to induce and even to augment labour when labour happened spontaneously.

Thanks to the Calmbirth education program we felt empowered and confident to make informed decisions and let labour progress on its own.

Hi Kath, we had our beautiful boy in May and are settling in well at home. We ended up going 4 days over and despite extra scans and monitoring, which all looked great, we did get alot of pressure to induce and even to augment labour when labour happened spontaneously.

Thanks to the Calmbirth education program we felt empowered and confident to make informed decisions and let labour progress on its own.

The Calm birth of Alexander

I cannot thank you enough as I believe attending your Calmbirth course and the support we got from the mpg program, were the reason to why we had such an amazing birth story.

I cannot thank you enough as I believe attending your Calmbirth course and the support we got from the mpg program, were the reason to why we had such an amazing birth story.

The Calmbirth of Thomas Archible

Little Thomas Archible Johnston was born on the 1st of Feb at 0347. He was induced at 38 weeks on my obstetricians advice due to low AFI and placenta ‘dysfunction’. We were initially disappointed at having to have an induction, however we were prepared for the possibility and the induction earlier meant that I would get to have a go at a natural birth.

Little Thomas Archible Johnston was born on the 1st of Feb at 0347. He was induced at 38 weeks on my obstetricians advice due to low AFI and placenta ‘dysfunction’. We were initially disappointed at having to have an induction, however we were prepared for the possibility and the induction earlier meant that I would get to have a go at a natural birth.

The Calmbirth of Nina Anne

Story by Emma & Dan

Our precious Nina arrived on 19th June 2021, weighing in at 7 pounds and 7 ounces of pure perfection.

My husband and I attended a Calmbirth workshop with Cherie in April and we are both incredibly grateful for the skills and knowledge we were equipped with throughout labour and beyond.

Due to a number of reasons, including decreased foetal movement, I was offered an induction at 41 weeks. After talking this through with our amazing MGP midwives and the doctors at the LGH, I decided to be induced that same day. Thanks to Calmbirth, I had a thorough understanding of the pros and cons of an induction and I was aware of the different methods that may be used. Knowledge is power, and I was grateful to be able to make informed decisions in the best interest of our baby girl.

Story by Emma & Dan

Our precious Nina arrived on 19th June 2021, weighing in at 7 pounds and 7 ounces of pure perfection.

My husband and I attended a Calmbirth workshop with Cherie in April and we are both incredibly grateful for the skills and knowledge we were equipped with throughout labour and beyond.

Due to a number of reasons, including decreased foetal movement, I was offered an induction at 41 weeks. After talking this through with our amazing MGP midwives and the doctors at the LGH, I decided to be induced that same day. Thanks to Calmbirth, I had a thorough understanding of the pros and cons of an induction and I was aware of the different methods that may be used. Knowledge is power, and I was grateful to be able to make informed decisions in the best interest of our baby girl.

The Calmbirth of baby Harvey

“I highly recommend doing a birth course. We did the Calmbirth course with Cherie Chugg and not only did I learn so much, it also helped Alex understand the stages of labour and how he could support me and be my voice when I was in the zone. Cherie taught us different positions, massage, acupressure and breathing techniques to use during the birth. She also explained how our bodies release different hormones to help during each stage of labour. Thanks to the Calmbirth course I understood all the options I could choose from if labour didn’t start spontaneously or if I needed interventions during birth. It helped me feel confident in the late stages of pregnancy.”

“I highly recommend doing a birth course. We did the Calmbirth course with Cherie Chugg and not only did I learn so much, it also helped Alex understand the stages of labour and how he could support me and be my voice when I was in the zone. Cherie taught us different positions, massage, acupressure and breathing techniques to use during the birth. She also explained how our bodies release different hormones to help during each stage of labour. Thanks to the Calmbirth course I understood all the options I could choose from if labour didn’t start spontaneously or if I needed interventions during birth. It helped me feel confident in the late stages of pregnancy.”

A positive and amazing labour despite deviating from my original ‘ideal’ birth plan

“We don’t need to be afraid of labour – it can be an amazing challenge and beautiful experience”.

My husband and I attended your Calmbirth class and found it so helpful to understand not only the labour process but also discuss how we may prepare for this and work together to bring our first baby boy into the world. My ‘ideal’ labour was to have a vaginal water birth without pain relief. As much as this ‘ideal’ is important to work out your preferences, I also found it was extremely important to take a calm and informed approach as things do not always go to a rigid plan.

“We don’t need to be afraid of labour – it can be an amazing challenge and beautiful experience”.

My husband and I attended your Calmbirth class and found it so helpful to understand not only the labour process but also discuss how we may prepare for this and work together to bring our first baby boy into the world. My ‘ideal’ labour was to have a vaginal water birth without pain relief. As much as this ‘ideal’ is important to work out your preferences, I also found it was extremely important to take a calm and informed approach as things do not always go to a rigid plan.

I got my VBAC

Hey Kat!!!! Steve and I attended your Calmbirth course on 19/20 June in the Southern Highlands…just wanted to let you know we had a SUCCESSFUL VBAC!!!! on the 2nd of July and we welcomed a little girl – Alana Mae – a healthy 3.1kg.

I had 1 1/2 days of latent labour, and utilised a lot of Calmbirth techniques…I got to early hours on the Friday and contacted my midi and she suggested staying at home as I didn’t sound too close, but within an hour I called again as I started to panic (forgot all my Calmbirth techniques!! Lol).

Hey Kat!!!! Steve and I attended your Calmbirth course on 19/20 June in the Southern Highlands…just wanted to let you know we had a SUCCESSFUL VBAC!!!! on the 2nd of July and we welcomed a little girl – Alana Mae – a healthy 3.1kg.

I had 1 1/2 days of latent labour, and utilised a lot of Calmbirth techniques…I got to early hours on the Friday and contacted my midi and she suggested staying at home as I didn’t sound too close, but within an hour I called again as I started to panic (forgot all my Calmbirth techniques!! Lol).

A Positive Birth Experience

Story by Yasar & Rob Raiti

My name is Yasar and I attended a Calmbirth course with my husband Rob, back in March. You presented the content to us in Nepean Hospital.

We would like to happily share our news and that is, we welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Zara into this world on Friday 23/04/2021. 

Zara was born at a tiny 2.34kg and she is 51cm long. She has already brought so much joy to our lives. I have attached some cute photos below.

Story by Yasar & Rob Raiti

My name is Yasar and I attended a Calmbirth course with my husband Rob, back in March. You presented the content to us in Nepean Hospital.

We would like to happily share our news and that is, we welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Zara into this world on Friday 23/04/2021. 

Zara was born at a tiny 2.34kg and she is 51cm long. She has already brought so much joy to our lives. I have attached some cute photos below.

Turns out I didn’t need a vaginal birth to have a healing birth!

I have spoken to hundreds of women over the years. I have taught their childbirth education class, cared for them on their pregnancy journey or been their midwife as they birth their baby. What has always fascinated me is how women describe their experience of giving birth. On paper, it may seem that a woman has had a textbook, normal vaginal birth, though, in her eyes it was the most traumatic experience. Alternatively, some women get thrown the full range of intervention and walk away exclaiming they feel like they could move mountains. How can that be?

I have spoken to hundreds of women over the years. I have taught their childbirth education class, cared for them on their pregnancy journey or been their midwife as they birth their baby. What has always fascinated me is how women describe their experience of giving birth. On paper, it may seem that a woman has had a textbook, normal vaginal birth, though, in her eyes it was the most traumatic experience. Alternatively, some women get thrown the full range of intervention and walk away exclaiming they feel like they could move mountains. How can that be?

A Positive Birth Story

This beautiful couple joined my Calmbirth class earlier in the year. Here is their birth story….

I gave birth to my perfect little girl Alexia on the 1st June (feels like forever ago now).

Everything went really smoothly and baby is well.

I can’t express how grateful I am for what you taught me. It’s not just the information in your Calmbirth class it’s the way you presented it. You clearly have a passion for what you do and it shows.

This beautiful couple joined my Calmbirth class earlier in the year. Here is their birth story….

I gave birth to my perfect little girl Alexia on the 1st June (feels like forever ago now).

Everything went really smoothly and baby is well.

I can’t express how grateful I am for what you taught me. It’s not just the information in your Calmbirth class it’s the way you presented it. You clearly have a passion for what you do and it shows.

Welcome to the world Aryo Maxwell Rahimi

Wowee! Thank you so much for the tips and tricks we learnt at Calmbirth classes. Absolutely invaluable! Especially so as I had to be induced. Developed pregnancy induced hypertension at 38.5 weeks. Crikey the contractions were strong and the breathing helped sooooo much. As did the back massage Vahid was giving for every contraction (the one you taught with pushing in the bit above the hips).

Wowee! Thank you so much for the tips and tricks we learnt at Calmbirth classes. Absolutely invaluable! Especially so as I had to be induced. Developed pregnancy induced hypertension at 38.5 weeks. Crikey the contractions were strong and the breathing helped sooooo much. As did the back massage Vahid was giving for every contraction (the one you taught with pushing in the bit above the hips).

Calmbirth of Archie James

“We completed the Calmbirth course to prepare us for labour it was brilliant and really helped, he could not have done a better job of supporting me.

“I found that having a plan & knowledge helped reduce the fear of the unknown.”

“We completed the Calmbirth course to prepare us for labour it was brilliant and really helped, he could not have done a better job of supporting me.

“I found that having a plan & knowledge helped reduce the fear of the unknown.”

Hello Magnus Frederik Cederkrantz!

We welcomed our little boy on Wednesday the 29/09 (also Marty’s Birthday) at 21:14, Wt 3502 g / Length 50cm / HC 35cm. We are totally smitten and settling into life as a little trio. The gender was a surprise for us; but I was sooooo sure from early on that he was a Boy!! … which is lucky because we decided on this name early but couldn’t settle on a girl name!!

We welcomed our little boy on Wednesday the 29/09 (also Marty’s Birthday) at 21:14, Wt 3502 g / Length 50cm / HC 35cm. We are totally smitten and settling into life as a little trio. The gender was a surprise for us; but I was sooooo sure from early on that he was a Boy!! … which is lucky because we decided on this name early but couldn’t settle on a girl name!!

Navigating informed decision-making and choices around breech birth

Shannon’s birth story is so empowering because it is such a wonderful example of navigating informed decision-making and choices around breech birth.  I am so glad she had the confidence to critically think and make the informed decisions she felt were best for them and the birth of their little one. Not only do so many women not have the confidence, but they also don’t realise they have a choice and as you know it makes the world of difference.

Shannon’s birth story is so empowering because it is such a wonderful example of navigating informed decision-making and choices around breech birth.  I am so glad she had the confidence to critically think and make the informed decisions she felt were best for them and the birth of their little one. Not only do so many women not have the confidence, but they also don’t realise they have a choice and as you know it makes the world of difference.

Welcome to the world Hugo

Enrolling my partner and myself in the Calmbirth program has been one the best decisions I have made during my pregnancy. Apart from the fact that we have both gained some incredibly valuable knowledge and techniques that truly helped us during labour, I also found it to be such a beautiful thing to share with my partner; as there were no other times during my pregnancy where we got to spend 4 nights together, talking everything birth and babies with other expectant couples, all while drinking tea and eating some delicious homemade treats in the most beautiful home.

Enrolling my partner and myself in the Calmbirth program has been one the best decisions I have made during my pregnancy. Apart from the fact that we have both gained some incredibly valuable knowledge and techniques that truly helped us during labour, I also found it to be such a beautiful thing to share with my partner; as there were no other times during my pregnancy where we got to spend 4 nights together, talking everything birth and babies with other expectant couples, all while drinking tea and eating some delicious homemade treats in the most beautiful home.

A Healing Birth Experience…

There’s a morale to this story and that’s you need to be careful about what you ask for, as Shafina discovered with the birth of her third baby, Jenna. After experiencing three very different births with the second being a traumatic birth, she was adamant about not wanting the same experience – she didn’t want to be hooked up to the CTG machine, bed bound and lying down or be checked on, prodded, and examined several times having no privacy. She wanted to feel safe, private, and respected…but did not expect to be left completely on her own…this is how her birth unfolded…

There’s a morale to this story and that’s you need to be careful about what you ask for, as Shafina discovered with the birth of her third baby, Jenna. After experiencing three very different births with the second being a traumatic birth, she was adamant about not wanting the same experience – she didn’t want to be hooked up to the CTG machine, bed bound and lying down or be checked on, prodded, and examined several times having no privacy. She wanted to feel safe, private, and respected…but did not expect to be left completely on her own…this is how her birth unfolded…

The beautiful and calm birth of Charlie

“Ben felt so equipped to be a part of the experience and we were so connected – it was beautiful.”

We had our little girl Charlie on the 1st of October, and I wanted to thank you for equipping Ben and I with the knowledge to have had such a positive, magical first birth experience. Yes, it was bloody hard, but we reflect and think of it in a very positive light which we feel extremely grateful for, and I feel proud of how it all went.

“Ben felt so equipped to be a part of the experience and we were so connected – it was beautiful.”

We had our little girl Charlie on the 1st of October, and I wanted to thank you for equipping Ben and I with the knowledge to have had such a positive, magical first birth experience. Yes, it was bloody hard, but we reflect and think of it in a very positive light which we feel extremely grateful for, and I feel proud of how it all went.

Getting to know Birth Photographer Beth Lindsay

Hi, I’m Beth Lindsay!

I just love supporting families as they welcome their bub earth side and documenting the journey along the way.

Since being invited to capture a friend’s birth nearly two years ago I found my true passion and have been lucky enough to be invited into so many birth spaces and witness so much amazing strength & energy.

Nothing is more special than the power of documentary photography to capture the intimate, joyous & once in a lifetime moment while you bring your gorgeous baby into the world!

Hi, I’m Beth Lindsay!

I just love supporting families as they welcome their bub earth side and documenting the journey along the way.

Since being invited to capture a friend’s birth nearly two years ago I found my true passion and have been lucky enough to be invited into so many birth spaces and witness so much amazing strength & energy.

Nothing is more special than the power of documentary photography to capture the intimate, joyous & once in a lifetime moment while you bring your gorgeous baby into the world!

The beautiful and Calm birth of Harmony Joy

The Calmbirth program united Jarryd and I throughout the whole process; as each wave came, I could focus on my breathing and he could focus on encouraging and supporting me through it. He helped me through EVERY wave (he was truly amazing) and was so empowered to be with me through each step

The Calmbirth program united Jarryd and I throughout the whole process; as each wave came, I could focus on my breathing and he could focus on encouraging and supporting me through it. He helped me through EVERY wave (he was truly amazing) and was so empowered to be with me through each step

Mykaela & Mark’s Birth Story : Baby James

Wow where do I even start?

What a crazy, beautiful, and straight up phenomenal experience that was.

I describe my birth to people as amazing and that I loved every minute of it. They don’t believe me, and my Husband might remember it differently but that’s ok, all that matters is that for me it was positive!

Wow where do I even start?

What a crazy, beautiful, and straight up phenomenal experience that was.

I describe my birth to people as amazing and that I loved every minute of it. They don’t believe me, and my Husband might remember it differently but that’s ok, all that matters is that for me it was positive!

The Fourth Trimester – Setting yourself up for a well supported fourth trimester – so that you can focus on rest, recovery, bonding and breastfeeding

The 4th trimester is known as the 12 week period following the birth of your baby. It is a time for rest, recovery, bonding and establishing breastfeeding (if you are planning to do so). Your priorities should include nourishing your body with nutritious food, sleep, rest, learning the skill of breastfeeding, and getting to know your baby.

It took 2 births for me to have real reverence for the slowness needed in the 4th trimester. And so I entered my 3rd postpartum with many lessons under my belt, surrendering to accept help and support from the wonderful circle of women around me, not feeling like I had to hold it all together, setting up firm boundaries around what I needed so that I could focus on rest, healing, and bonding with our baby.

The 4th trimester is known as the 12 week period following the birth of your baby. It is a time for rest, recovery, bonding and establishing breastfeeding (if you are planning to do so). Your priorities should include nourishing your body with nutritious food, sleep, rest, learning the skill of breastfeeding, and getting to know your baby.

It took 2 births for me to have real reverence for the slowness needed in the 4th trimester. And so I entered my 3rd postpartum with many lessons under my belt, surrendering to accept help and support from the wonderful circle of women around me, not feeling like I had to hold it all together, setting up firm boundaries around what I needed so that I could focus on rest, healing, and bonding with our baby.

Calmbirth baby Heath Kam Knightly Harker is born…

Welcome Heath Kam Knightly Harker – WOW what a story!

“I pushed the baby out painfree at 2:08am. I didn’t even feel a thing despite not having an epidural. The baby was born in the caul with his arm on his face so I had a second degree tear. No other complications. Not bad for a 41 yo, first baby, IVF, and having pre-eclampsia.”

Welcome Heath Kam Knightly Harker – WOW what a story!

“I pushed the baby out painfree at 2:08am. I didn’t even feel a thing despite not having an epidural. The baby was born in the caul with his arm on his face so I had a second degree tear. No other complications. Not bad for a 41 yo, first baby, IVF, and having pre-eclampsia.”

How the TENS transformed Amy’s birth to a blissful birth experience

The Bliss Birth TENS machine was my best friend, I loved the control it gave me and the boost button providing that additional hit of relief allowing me to continue focusing on my breathing techniques I had learnt at my Calmbirth course.

The Bliss Birth TENS machine was my best friend, I loved the control it gave me and the boost button providing that additional hit of relief allowing me to continue focusing on my breathing techniques I had learnt at my Calmbirth course.

The birth of my daughter and lifting her up onto my chest was the most magical and empowering experience.

I had two transformative and empowering labour and birthing experiences, both supported with only the use of the Bliss Birth TENS machine and an amazing holding circle of support including my husband, friend and Obstetrician.

After the birth of my baby’s head, my Obstetrician encouraged me to bring both my hands down (I’ll be honest, I was a little confused) however trusting the words and relationship of a supportive caregiver, I leant forward and my hands naturally cupped underneath my baby’s underarms where I lifted her onto my chest myself. This was the most magical and empowering experience. I am truly grateful for this moment in my life.

I had two transformative and empowering labour and birthing experiences, both supported with only the use of the Bliss Birth TENS machine and an amazing holding circle of support including my husband, friend and Obstetrician.

After the birth of my baby’s head, my Obstetrician encouraged me to bring both my hands down (I’ll be honest, I was a little confused) however trusting the words and relationship of a supportive caregiver, I leant forward and my hands naturally cupped underneath my baby’s underarms where I lifted her onto my chest myself. This was the most magical and empowering experience. I am truly grateful for this moment in my life.

The beautiful birth of Calmbirth baby Elyon

During contractions the room was silent, I was silent, I was calm, tens machine was in full swing, I was completely focused on listening to the music and my breathing. My husband was so good at reading my cues of needing a heat back, massaging my shoulder and/or working my pressure points. Every 10mins he was offering water; he truly was my saviour!

During contractions the room was silent, I was silent, I was calm, tens machine was in full swing, I was completely focused on listening to the music and my breathing. My husband was so good at reading my cues of needing a heat back, massaging my shoulder and/or working my pressure points. Every 10mins he was offering water; he truly was my saviour!

The beautiful and calmbirth of baby Harper Mae…

WELCOME Harper Mae Mathew,

Born March 20th / 3.332kg / 50cm

“When we caught up with J the next day we discussed the birth and she was very complimentary of the Calmbirth program she said that without knowing you could pick 99% of couples who do the Calmbirth classes based on their birth experience. We spoke with her at length about the classes and what they involve and highly recommended them.”

WELCOME Harper Mae Mathew,

Born March 20th / 3.332kg / 50cm

“When we caught up with J the next day we discussed the birth and she was very complimentary of the Calmbirth program she said that without knowing you could pick 99% of couples who do the Calmbirth classes based on their birth experience. We spoke with her at length about the classes and what they involve and highly recommended them.”

An empowering and calm birth

I’m also so glad I decided against the early induction because deep down I knew my body would do what it was meant to on it’s own.

I’m also so glad I decided against the early induction because deep down I knew my body would do what it was meant to on it’s own.

Blake’s calm entrance to the world…

The gorgeous @sjbickford shares her incredible 3rd birth! Sarah and her husband attended Calmbirth to prepare for a positive birth experience after her previous births, and she has kindly shared her story. She talks about a looming induction date, care provider discussion around “big baby”, informed decisions making, early labour and home and trusting her body and herself to birth her baby during the most empowering journey.

“I think for me, this story begins a few days prior to labour when it was suggested that I get a growth ultrasound at 39 weeks to see how this baby was tracking in size. There was a distinct unspoken tone that because of my 2nd pregnancy/birth, it would be more favourable if I were to be induced once again. The scan came back with a middle number of 4.4kg, but that meant a minimum birth weight of 3.8kg and anywhere up to 5kg. I’d be lying if I said these larger numbers didn’t scare me. I began to unravel at the thought of having to relive another birth where the induction didn’t go smoothly to the point where I was prepped for an emergency C-section, baby was 4.3kg and had shoulder dystocia on the final exit. The midwives were obviously anticipating a similar situation and I started to believe them too. “

The gorgeous @sjbickford shares her incredible 3rd birth! Sarah and her husband attended Calmbirth to prepare for a positive birth experience after her previous births, and she has kindly shared her story. She talks about a looming induction date, care provider discussion around “big baby”, informed decisions making, early labour and home and trusting her body and herself to birth her baby during the most empowering journey.

“I think for me, this story begins a few days prior to labour when it was suggested that I get a growth ultrasound at 39 weeks to see how this baby was tracking in size. There was a distinct unspoken tone that because of my 2nd pregnancy/birth, it would be more favourable if I were to be induced once again. The scan came back with a middle number of 4.4kg, but that meant a minimum birth weight of 3.8kg and anywhere up to 5kg. I’d be lying if I said these larger numbers didn’t scare me. I began to unravel at the thought of having to relive another birth where the induction didn’t go smoothly to the point where I was prepped for an emergency C-section, baby was 4.3kg and had shoulder dystocia on the final exit. The midwives were obviously anticipating a similar situation and I started to believe them too. “

Calmbirth baby Angus (Gus) George de Haan is born…

The main reason I’m glad I did calm birth as a dad to be, says Jai was because, even though I knew a lot about the medical side of things from my work and that of Grace, from a practical supportive partner stand point I didn’t know much.

The partners toolbox was invaluable as it gave me some things to focus on that we’re helpful for Grace.

It allowed me to be a better physical and emotional support for her and didn’t leave me feel as helpless as I had imagined previously.

The calm birth class was also a great space the clarify and reaffirm any thoughts I had concerning childbirth.

I left confident that the knowledge I had was up to date and relevant to the big event looming in our future.

The main reason I’m glad I did calm birth as a dad to be, says Jai was because, even though I knew a lot about the medical side of things from my work and that of Grace, from a practical supportive partner stand point I didn’t know much.

The partners toolbox was invaluable as it gave me some things to focus on that we’re helpful for Grace.

It allowed me to be a better physical and emotional support for her and didn’t leave me feel as helpless as I had imagined previously.

The calm birth class was also a great space the clarify and reaffirm any thoughts I had concerning childbirth.

I left confident that the knowledge I had was up to date and relevant to the big event looming in our future.

The beautiful birth of Calmbirth baby Silas Liam

“We are so grateful for the resources we had going into labour and birth and for all the support we had during and after as well. What could have been a very scary experience for us, was quite beautiful and calm.”

“We are so grateful for the resources we had going into labour and birth and for all the support we had during and after as well. What could have been a very scary experience for us, was quite beautiful and calm.”

The Amazing birth of baby Grace…

We have been really keen to share our birth story with you, Karen, and the Calmbirth community.

As I touched on with you during our Calmbirth weekend, I had been told that I had servere cholestasis the day before Calmbirth with my bile acids increasing to 140 from 18 the week before. I had been informed that I would likely need to be induced at 35 weeks which ended up being the case.

I hope our story helps other women who experience cholestasis as I found it be a bit of a lonely diagnosis as it is one of those strange pregnancy induced conditions that aren’t really spoken of and there are only a few well established resources, research or guidelines out there.

Although we only really had a week from attending Calmbirth to the induction, we practiced every day and used as much from the learnings as we could to prepare and it really helped us.

We have been really keen to share our birth story with you, Karen, and the Calmbirth community.

As I touched on with you during our Calmbirth weekend, I had been told that I had servere cholestasis the day before Calmbirth with my bile acids increasing to 140 from 18 the week before. I had been informed that I would likely need to be induced at 35 weeks which ended up being the case.

I hope our story helps other women who experience cholestasis as I found it be a bit of a lonely diagnosis as it is one of those strange pregnancy induced conditions that aren’t really spoken of and there are only a few well established resources, research or guidelines out there.

Although we only really had a week from attending Calmbirth to the induction, we practiced every day and used as much from the learnings as we could to prepare and it really helped us.

The Birth of Ocea Bloom

Where do I begin… my birth would not have looked or felt the same without Calmbirth. As I dove further and further into pregnancy the more scared I got, of course I was, I had absolutely no knowledge surrounding birth or labour and that made me petrified. After completing the Calmbirth course with my partner that fear was gone and I was so so excited to labour and give birth to our little girl.

Where do I begin… my birth would not have looked or felt the same without Calmbirth. As I dove further and further into pregnancy the more scared I got, of course I was, I had absolutely no knowledge surrounding birth or labour and that made me petrified. After completing the Calmbirth course with my partner that fear was gone and I was so so excited to labour and give birth to our little girl.

The calm and breech birth of Milo Jordan

As pure luck happened there was 2 doctors on staff for the long weekend who had experience in delivering breech babies and were willing to help me out. This meant that I could give birth to my baby boy the way I wanted. It was an amazing experience and one held in wonder by many of the hospital staff having not had a planned breech birth occur at their hospital in over 20 years. I had so many of my midwives and nurses explain how blessed they felt to be a part of the labour.

As pure luck happened there was 2 doctors on staff for the long weekend who had experience in delivering breech babies and were willing to help me out. This meant that I could give birth to my baby boy the way I wanted. It was an amazing experience and one held in wonder by many of the hospital staff having not had a planned breech birth occur at their hospital in over 20 years. I had so many of my midwives and nurses explain how blessed they felt to be a part of the labour.

Welcome Calmbirth baby Quinn…

We wanted to thank you for the Calmbirth course. We had the most beautiful labour and birth. 12 hours from start to finish, completely drug free. I used the TENS machine and fit ball throughout, as well as a shower toward the pointy end. I changed positions frequently and actually pushed and birth on my knees on the bed. Bec was amazingly calm and supportive, we had our playlist on the whole way through and our midwife knew what we wanted and stayed well out of the way.

We wanted to thank you for the Calmbirth course. We had the most beautiful labour and birth. 12 hours from start to finish, completely drug free. I used the TENS machine and fit ball throughout, as well as a shower toward the pointy end. I changed positions frequently and actually pushed and birth on my knees on the bed. Bec was amazingly calm and supportive, we had our playlist on the whole way through and our midwife knew what we wanted and stayed well out of the way.

I had done it…I rotated by baby 180 degrees to have the vaginal birth I wanted

We travelled 5 hours to attend Karen McClay’s Calmbirth course in Bowral and I believe this played a huge role in why our birth experience was so powerful and positive. I cannot wait to give birth again. Calmbirth gave Danny and I the tools and confidence that we needed to continue to advocate for the birth that we envisioned and to understand the natural physiological stages of birth and how we can use breath, touch and positioning to support my positive birth experience. Calmbirth taught me to always come back to my breathing and Danny would continually remind me to come back to my breath when I felt like running away. Calmbirth instilled confidence in myself and my partner Danny, knowing that my body and mind already know exactly how to birth. Danny learnt the importance of his role during my labour and was extremely supportive and present throughout the entire labour, he was my rock.

We travelled 5 hours to attend Karen McClay’s Calmbirth course in Bowral and I believe this played a huge role in why our birth experience was so powerful and positive. I cannot wait to give birth again. Calmbirth gave Danny and I the tools and confidence that we needed to continue to advocate for the birth that we envisioned and to understand the natural physiological stages of birth and how we can use breath, touch and positioning to support my positive birth experience. Calmbirth taught me to always come back to my breathing and Danny would continually remind me to come back to my breath when I felt like running away. Calmbirth instilled confidence in myself and my partner Danny, knowing that my body and mind already know exactly how to birth. Danny learnt the importance of his role during my labour and was extremely supportive and present throughout the entire labour, he was my rock.

The beautiful and calmbirth of Maggie Jane

Stew was a such a great support reminding me of the different Calmbirth strategies, particularly the calmbirth breathing, massage and providing me with words of support and encouragement.

Stew was a such a great support reminding me of the different Calmbirth strategies, particularly the calmbirth breathing, massage and providing me with words of support and encouragement.

Nicole and Jack’s beautiful Calmbirth story

Nicole and Jack had a positive vaginal birth of their first baby in a private hospital with care from a private obstetrician. Their story is shared with permission.

A personal note from Chloe

This is the first couple I ever did a Calmbirth course with as a trainee educator, and I was definitely nervous teaching it for the first time!
One morning a couple of months later I received this email, and I would be lying if I said that I didn’t cry big happy tears reading it. I am honoured to be allowed to share their story for you all, too.

Nicole and Jack had a positive vaginal birth of their first baby in a private hospital with care from a private obstetrician. Their story is shared with permission.

A personal note from Chloe

This is the first couple I ever did a Calmbirth course with as a trainee educator, and I was definitely nervous teaching it for the first time!
One morning a couple of months later I received this email, and I would be lying if I said that I didn’t cry big happy tears reading it. I am honoured to be allowed to share their story for you all, too.

Naomi and Shane’s Positive Waterbirth Story

Naomi and Shane had a positive waterbirth of their beautiful daughter at a public hospital with care by a Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) midwife.

Chloe, your passion for women, babies and birth was infectious throughout the Calmbirth course. You reframed expectations I didn’t realise I had eg. that labour would just have to be endured and fought through gritted teeth. Instead, I learned how to work with my hormones, adrenaline, contractions and instincts.

You instilled in me such an awe and wonder for how women’s bodies are made to birth babies. I found that labour itself can be a truly incredible experience!

Naomi and Shane had a positive waterbirth of their beautiful daughter at a public hospital with care by a Midwifery Group Practice (MGP) midwife.

Chloe, your passion for women, babies and birth was infectious throughout the Calmbirth course. You reframed expectations I didn’t realise I had eg. that labour would just have to be endured and fought through gritted teeth. Instead, I learned how to work with my hormones, adrenaline, contractions and instincts.

You instilled in me such an awe and wonder for how women’s bodies are made to birth babies. I found that labour itself can be a truly incredible experience!

My amazing VBAC birth of Darcy

Calmbirth definitely helped us achieve my VBAC, it gave us so many tools and techniques to use in early and established labour and supported a sense of empowerment that if I listened to my body then it could do this.

Calmbirth definitely helped us achieve my VBAC, it gave us so many tools and techniques to use in early and established labour and supported a sense of empowerment that if I listened to my body then it could do this.

The Positive and Calm Caesarean birth of Luka Anthony Williams

Welcome Luka Anthony Williams, born Tuesday 31st May 2022.
Thank you Greer for sharing your amazing birth story!

Just so you have an idea, my husband Sam and I left Calmbirth feeling informed and empowered. We both had an understanding of each option available to us. Calmbirth helped facilitate discussion between us so we both understood our wishes and roles during labour and birth. We wanted to try and manage labour as naturally as possible. We hired a TENS machine and we were strongly against morphine and pethidine as pain relief options. We hoped to avoid induction, augmentation, epidural and caesarean if possible. We were open to monitoring, although I was keen to use the bath and shower so anything that restricted that was not likely to be ideal so we knew to ask about that. I was happy to have internal exams as necessary.

Welcome Luka Anthony Williams, born Tuesday 31st May 2022.
Thank you Greer for sharing your amazing birth story!

Just so you have an idea, my husband Sam and I left Calmbirth feeling informed and empowered. We both had an understanding of each option available to us. Calmbirth helped facilitate discussion between us so we both understood our wishes and roles during labour and birth. We wanted to try and manage labour as naturally as possible. We hired a TENS machine and we were strongly against morphine and pethidine as pain relief options. We hoped to avoid induction, augmentation, epidural and caesarean if possible. We were open to monitoring, although I was keen to use the bath and shower so anything that restricted that was not likely to be ideal so we knew to ask about that. I was happy to have internal exams as necessary.

Welcome to the world Juniper Lee

“Both Joseph and I are so grateful for all the things we learnt through the Calmbirth course with you and really want to thank you. We handled everything so much better than we would have without having done it”.

Just so you have an idea, my husband Sam and I left Calmbirth feeling informed and empowered. We both had an understanding of each option available to us. Calmbirth helped facilitate discussion between us so we both understood our wishes and roles during labour and birth. We wanted to try and manage labour as naturally as possible. We hired a TENS machine and we were strongly against morphine and pethidine as pain relief options. We hoped to avoid induction, augmentation, epidural and caesarean if possible. We were open to monitoring, although I was keen to use the bath and shower so anything that restricted that was not likely to be ideal so we knew to ask about that. I was happy to have internal exams as necessary.

“Both Joseph and I are so grateful for all the things we learnt through the Calmbirth course with you and really want to thank you. We handled everything so much better than we would have without having done it”.

Just so you have an idea, my husband Sam and I left Calmbirth feeling informed and empowered. We both had an understanding of each option available to us. Calmbirth helped facilitate discussion between us so we both understood our wishes and roles during labour and birth. We wanted to try and manage labour as naturally as possible. We hired a TENS machine and we were strongly against morphine and pethidine as pain relief options. We hoped to avoid induction, augmentation, epidural and caesarean if possible. We were open to monitoring, although I was keen to use the bath and shower so anything that restricted that was not likely to be ideal so we knew to ask about that. I was happy to have internal exams as necessary.

Chiara’s Positive Birth

I was recommended the Calmbirth course by quite a few of my friends. The best testimony I received was from a male colleague of mine who found the course super helpful in supporting his wife during her labour. I was pregnant with my daughter in 2020 and due to the pandemic all the regular birth classes were no longer available but I still wanted hubby and I to feel prepared and ready for labour and birth.

Like most people I was really anxious about giving birth because I heard a lot of stories from well meaning friends of when things didn’t go so well during their labour.

I was recommended the Calmbirth course by quite a few of my friends. The best testimony I received was from a male colleague of mine who found the course super helpful in supporting his wife during her labour. I was pregnant with my daughter in 2020 and due to the pandemic all the regular birth classes were no longer available but I still wanted hubby and I to feel prepared and ready for labour and birth.

Like most people I was really anxious about giving birth because I heard a lot of stories from well meaning friends of when things didn’t go so well during their labour.

Hoping for a more positive 2nd birth experience

I just wanted to thank you so much for everything you taught us. We came to you determined for our second birth to be a much more positive birth experience than our first 3.5yrs ago. You promised me that second labours can be fun and even enjoyable … and you know what? You were right! Something you said stuck with me …. about needing to ‘do the work’ and really prepare … and I did! (You even caught me the day after our class at the shops purchasing every single birth aid we needed in one trip 🙂 I did the work. Every single day between our course and birthing our beautiful second son, I prepared in some way. And it all payed off in the end.

I just wanted to thank you so much for everything you taught us. We came to you determined for our second birth to be a much more positive birth experience than our first 3.5yrs ago. You promised me that second labours can be fun and even enjoyable … and you know what? You were right! Something you said stuck with me …. about needing to ‘do the work’ and really prepare … and I did! (You even caught me the day after our class at the shops purchasing every single birth aid we needed in one trip 🙂 I did the work. Every single day between our course and birthing our beautiful second son, I prepared in some way. And it all payed off in the end.

The stars aligned the day Sunny was born

Sunny was born weighing 3.45kg a day before his due date. I have been waiting for the perfect time to sit down and share our positive birth experience with you Kath, as I feel it was all a testament to YOU and your Calmbirth teachings, and for that I am so grateful.

Sunny was born weighing 3.45kg a day before his due date. I have been waiting for the perfect time to sit down and share our positive birth experience with you Kath, as I feel it was all a testament to YOU and your Calmbirth teachings, and for that I am so grateful.

The labour dance…

Isaac was due on 26 August 2022. We attended Bec’s Calmbirth in Mittagong mid July. We drove up from Melbourne and made a weekend of it. I knew deep inside that it was very important that Leon and I educate ourselves about a physiological birth because we had deep rooted anxiety about it. This is because I have severe anxiety and we come from a country where elective caesareans are the norm and it was just assumed that I would have one too.

Isaac was due on 26 August 2022. We attended Bec’s Calmbirth in Mittagong mid July. We drove up from Melbourne and made a weekend of it. I knew deep inside that it was very important that Leon and I educate ourselves about a physiological birth because we had deep rooted anxiety about it. This is because I have severe anxiety and we come from a country where elective caesareans are the norm and it was just assumed that I would have one too.

Oliver’s Calm birth…

I wanted to let you know that our birth plan became our reality thanks to you and the Calmbirth program. We laboured at home all night breathing through each contraction with the help of a tens machine.

I wanted to let you know that our birth plan became our reality thanks to you and the Calmbirth program. We laboured at home all night breathing through each contraction with the help of a tens machine.

My partner was an absolute rockstar in the delivery room

Calmbirth made all the difference for myself and my partner, and how we navigated the final weeks, labour and birth of our first child!

I was extremely anxious in the lead up to my due date and found myself (rather obsessively) searching for guidance on how to be ‘prepared’ for birth.

Calmbirth made all the difference for myself and my partner, and how we navigated the final weeks, labour and birth of our first child!

I was extremely anxious in the lead up to my due date and found myself (rather obsessively) searching for guidance on how to be ‘prepared’ for birth.

An amazing birth experience with all the right support

Jess’s story is a beautiful example of communication and trusting and working with your body. And the importance of a well – prepared partner.  And she birthed a “big baby” with no issue other than patience and support.

Jess’s story is a beautiful example of communication and trusting and working with your body. And the importance of a well – prepared partner.  And she birthed a “big baby” with no issue other than patience and support.

When your birth plan takes a detour…

They say you have your plan A when you birth but be open to B,C,D. Well, our plan took a detour but what remained was that sense of support and deep trust that traveled with us to John Hunter Hospital in an ambulance!

They say you have your plan A when you birth but be open to B,C,D. Well, our plan took a detour but what remained was that sense of support and deep trust that traveled with us to John Hunter Hospital in an ambulance!

How do you say hello and then goodbye – Leo’s brave lion heart

October 15th is International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day and during the month of October we try to raise awareness of this significant and life changing event by encouraging families to share their stories of grief and healing so they may give comfort to other families that may be going through the same or similar journey.

Tonight on this day, Jessaveve Hunter is finally ready to share her birth story.

My husband & I found the Calmbirth course extremely useful for our first birth. But for the birth of our second son, we faced a very different, a very difficult situation. Our son was diagnosed in untero with a genetic condition affecting his heart & other organs. It was terminal. He wasn’t going to live after birth. We were prepared that we might have just minutes to cherish him. With much counselling we decided, in every way we could, we would lean in. Lean in to the grief, to the supports available, lean in to cherishing our pregnancy, whilst he was still with us, lean in to the funeral prep (though it broke my heart), AND at the same time we leaned in to giving our beautiful son, the best birth. So we revised our Calmbirth book & we did all the ground work for a calm, special and truely cherished birth. It didn’t go exactly to plan but it was so beautiful. I was able to gift my son, a good birth. And because it was so good, we (and our family) were able to cherish the 1 hour we were given with our sweet boy.  Here is my beautiful and precious birth.

October 15th is International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day and during the month of October we try to raise awareness of this significant and life changing event by encouraging families to share their stories of grief and healing so they may give comfort to other families that may be going through the same or similar journey.

Tonight on this day, Jessaveve Hunter is finally ready to share her birth story.

My husband & I found the Calmbirth course extremely useful for our first birth. But for the birth of our second son, we faced a very different, a very difficult situation. Our son was diagnosed in untero with a genetic condition affecting his heart & other organs. It was terminal. He wasn’t going to live after birth. We were prepared that we might have just minutes to cherish him. With much counselling we decided, in every way we could, we would lean in. Lean in to the grief, to the supports available, lean in to cherishing our pregnancy, whilst he was still with us, lean in to the funeral prep (though it broke my heart), AND at the same time we leaned in to giving our beautiful son, the best birth. So we revised our Calmbirth book & we did all the ground work for a calm, special and truely cherished birth. It didn’t go exactly to plan but it was so beautiful. I was able to gift my son, a good birth. And because it was so good, we (and our family) were able to cherish the 1 hour we were given with our sweet boy.  Here is my beautiful and precious birth.

The power in the breath during Niki’s C- section birth

Despite Niki’s many challenges during the birth of her beautiful girl, Ellie, it was the support of her birth partner, her caregivers and her deep focus on the breath that got her through her C – Section birth. One of the questions we often get asked at Calmbirth when couples find out they may require a C – Section birth is if the Calmbirth program will still be useful for them. Here is what Niki had to say about that.

“The most stand out moment for me, was the breathing I adopted during the c-section procedure whereby I was able to refocus myself and go to a meditative state – all while I was cut open. There are no words to describe being awake while undergoing major surgery- but it was pure breathing that allowed my mind and body connection to be strong and sustain me through this remarkable experience!

Despite Niki’s many challenges during the birth of her beautiful girl, Ellie, it was the support of her birth partner, her caregivers and her deep focus on the breath that got her through her C – Section birth. One of the questions we often get asked at Calmbirth when couples find out they may require a C – Section birth is if the Calmbirth program will still be useful for them. Here is what Niki had to say about that.

“The most stand out moment for me, was the breathing I adopted during the c-section procedure whereby I was able to refocus myself and go to a meditative state – all while I was cut open. There are no words to describe being awake while undergoing major surgery- but it was pure breathing that allowed my mind and body connection to be strong and sustain me through this remarkable experience!

Breathing and Advocacy Skills – The Most Powerful Calmbirth Tools Used For Our C – Section Birth

Despite Sarah’s challenging birth, she was able to use the Calmbirth breathing to help her stay focused and grounded during her C- Section birth. Whilst her husband used all the skills, he learnt in the course to be able to support and advocate as best he could for them as a team.

Despite Sarah’s challenging birth, she was able to use the Calmbirth breathing to help her stay focused and grounded during her C- Section birth. Whilst her husband used all the skills, he learnt in the course to be able to support and advocate as best he could for them as a team.

Welcome to the World Calmbirth baby Bobby Banks Koops

Although we had to adapt from our original, intervention-free plan, we felt like we had the tools and confidence to make informed choices. Reuben was an incredible, invaluable support to me through it all, and we understood all the stages of labour and birth and all the possible complications and interventions. Thank you Cherie!

Although we had to adapt from our original, intervention-free plan, we felt like we had the tools and confidence to make informed choices. Reuben was an incredible, invaluable support to me through it all, and we understood all the stages of labour and birth and all the possible complications and interventions. Thank you Cherie!

Beautiful and Healing Birth of Sophie

Our little girl Sophie arrived on Friday morning after a spontaneous labour and vaginal birth that went very smoothly.

Our little girl Sophie arrived on Friday morning after a spontaneous labour and vaginal birth that went very smoothly.


“Out of curiosity, I asked my midwife how dilated I had been when she did the internal check, and she told me that I was only 5cm at the time – so I went from 5cm dilated to giving birth in half an hour!

“Luca did end up being a “big baby” (4.8kg/10lb 9oz) but I was able to trust my body and baby to labour and birth in their own time, without being medically induced purely based on size. Calmbirth helped so much with providing the knowledge and the tools to be confident in my body’s abilities with both my second and third birth experiences.”

“Out of curiosity, I asked my midwife how dilated I had been when she did the internal check, and she told me that I was only 5cm at the time – so I went from 5cm dilated to giving birth in half an hour!

“Luca did end up being a “big baby” (4.8kg/10lb 9oz) but I was able to trust my body and baby to labour and birth in their own time, without being medically induced purely based on size. Calmbirth helped so much with providing the knowledge and the tools to be confident in my body’s abilities with both my second and third birth experiences.”

The Calmbirth breathing and visualisation was amazing – I can honestly say I breathed Peyton out!

One thing that made my birthing experience so positive was Ben and I doing the Calmbirth course down in the Southern Highlands with Karen McClay. Doing the breathing and visualisation was amazing to put into practice and insane how simple it is but so incredibly effective. Ben was able to just say relax your face and remind me of my breathing and that was honestly life changing and kept me calm between each contraction. Each night in the lead up to the birth he would use the techniques learnt in the course such as the massage, pressure points and the jiggling to help me and that played a major part in how smooth the birth was.

I can honestly say I breathed Peyton out.

One thing that made my birthing experience so positive was Ben and I doing the Calmbirth course down in the Southern Highlands with Karen McClay. Doing the breathing and visualisation was amazing to put into practice and insane how simple it is but so incredibly effective. Ben was able to just say relax your face and remind me of my breathing and that was honestly life changing and kept me calm between each contraction. Each night in the lead up to the birth he would use the techniques learnt in the course such as the massage, pressure points and the jiggling to help me and that played a major part in how smooth the birth was.

I can honestly say I breathed Peyton out.

Welcome to the world Calmbirth baby Hugo

“We are both so glad that we did Calmbirth, as even though my labour wasn’t what we had planned we were able to overcome the challenges we faced with optimism & confidence.”

“We are both so glad that we did Calmbirth, as even though my labour wasn’t what we had planned we were able to overcome the challenges we faced with optimism & confidence.”

The amazing & calm water birth of Herbie…

Rob and I both feel extremely grateful for the smooth labour and physiological birth of Herbie with no interventions. We believe that this would not have happened without the Calmbirth course including mental and physical preparation in the weeks leading up to the due date. Thank you Karen and the great midwives that helped us during labour.

Rob and I both feel extremely grateful for the smooth labour and physiological birth of Herbie with no interventions. We believe that this would not have happened without the Calmbirth course including mental and physical preparation in the weeks leading up to the due date. Thank you Karen and the great midwives that helped us during labour.

‘We had the birth of our dreams’ – Archie’s Birth Story

It really was the best day of our lives and we had our dream labour and birth. Being educated and having a plan really helped us to know how we wanted things to go and we feel so lucky we got the birth we did. 

It really was the best day of our lives and we had our dream labour and birth. Being educated and having a plan really helped us to know how we wanted things to go and we feel so lucky we got the birth we did. 

Calmbirth baby Levi is born…

“My contractions felt stronger during and after my appointment so I went home and did everything I learnt in the Calmbirth course to encourage them. (Bouncing on the ball, clary sage, curb walking, acupressure, staying hydrated and keeping positive.) I was having contractions every 3-4 minutes lasting for a minute.”

“My contractions felt stronger during and after my appointment so I went home and did everything I learnt in the Calmbirth course to encourage them. (Bouncing on the ball, clary sage, curb walking, acupressure, staying hydrated and keeping positive.) I was having contractions every 3-4 minutes lasting for a minute.”

We welcomed our little boy Leo Ryan, in a dream natural birth

On 26 December 2022 we welcomed our little boy Leo, in a dream natural birth. You might remember our little guy was breech at 32 weeks, thankfully he turned by 36 weeks. I ended up going into spontaneous labour at 38 weeks exactly, on Christmas night.

On 26 December 2022 we welcomed our little boy Leo, in a dream natural birth. You might remember our little guy was breech at 32 weeks, thankfully he turned by 36 weeks. I ended up going into spontaneous labour at 38 weeks exactly, on Christmas night.

Great support, trust in my body and being in the right head space was all I needed to birth my baby girl Zadie

Meet our Zadie, born 1 1/2 weeks early at 8:01am on 11.01.23. She’s an absolute delight and we already love her beyond all expectations.

We had a very positive birth, which was also very fast – about 3-4h at home/in transit and then 1-2h in hospital. I have no doubt that the birth would have been far, far more challenging had we not done Calmbirth with our formidable facilitator, Karen McClay.

Meet our Zadie, born 1 1/2 weeks early at 8:01am on 11.01.23. She’s an absolute delight and we already love her beyond all expectations.

We had a very positive birth, which was also very fast – about 3-4h at home/in transit and then 1-2h in hospital. I have no doubt that the birth would have been far, far more challenging had we not done Calmbirth with our formidable facilitator, Karen McClay.

A dream birth we dared not to dream about.

Having both previously worked in high risk Obstetric units, my husband and I both approached our first pregnancy with excitement but trepidation. We both attended a private Calmbirth course with Calmbirth Educator,  Kath Maxwell in Geelong in Victoria, at 26 weeks which was very reassuring and empowering. We particularly liked that it was grounded in evidence.

Having both previously worked in high risk Obstetric units, my husband and I both approached our first pregnancy with excitement but trepidation. We both attended a private Calmbirth course with Calmbirth Educator,  Kath Maxwell in Geelong in Victoria, at 26 weeks which was very reassuring and empowering. We particularly liked that it was grounded in evidence.

Luca’s Early and Unexpected Surprise Arrival…

What a surprise Adam and I had when our little one decided to come early at 37+5.

Meet Luca Jane Alexander born 31.01.23, 2.79kgs, small but healthy. We are still shocked that she is here but so happy!

What a surprise Adam and I had when our little one decided to come early at 37+5.

Meet Luca Jane Alexander born 31.01.23, 2.79kgs, small but healthy. We are still shocked that she is here but so happy!


Biggest congratulations to Meg and Josh on the arrival of Hudson, big love to you and wonderful to hear Calmbirth resonated so well for your labour and birth preparation!

Biggest congratulations to Meg and Josh on the arrival of Hudson, big love to you and wonderful to hear Calmbirth resonated so well for your labour and birth preparation!

A wonderful and calm birth experience…

I highly recommend the Calmbirth course for anyone that has any doubts about giving birth. It gives you the knowledge and the tools to make giving birth a wonderful experience.

I highly recommend the Calmbirth course for anyone that has any doubts about giving birth. It gives you the knowledge and the tools to make giving birth a wonderful experience.

Welcome to the world Calmbirth baby Luka Fox…

Welcoming our little Luka Fox to the world . Born right on 41 weeks on Thursday 23/2 at home after a 12 hour labour. Wow! Women are amazing. The hardest most rewarding thing I have ever done!!! I underestimated how hard the pushing phase could be.

Welcoming our little Luka Fox to the world . Born right on 41 weeks on Thursday 23/2 at home after a 12 hour labour. Wow! Women are amazing. The hardest most rewarding thing I have ever done!!! I underestimated how hard the pushing phase could be.

An empowered Calm birth all the way…

During our routine OB check up at 39+2, the ultrasound showed I had low amniotic fluid. We had been avoiding ultrasounds other than the compulsory ones but so close to term, and with the fundal height measuring small, we agreed to a last minute ultrasound. I wonder if my labour experience would have been different if we opted to not get one as per our usual routine. Our OB sent us immediately to do a CTG and a proper ultrasound at a specialist to double check and we had been booked to go back to the OB a few hours that same day to review the results. Our CTG was ok but it turned out we had an AFI of 5 (instead of 8 recommended).

During our routine OB check up at 39+2, the ultrasound showed I had low amniotic fluid. We had been avoiding ultrasounds other than the compulsory ones but so close to term, and with the fundal height measuring small, we agreed to a last minute ultrasound. I wonder if my labour experience would have been different if we opted to not get one as per our usual routine. Our OB sent us immediately to do a CTG and a proper ultrasound at a specialist to double check and we had been booked to go back to the OB a few hours that same day to review the results. Our CTG was ok but it turned out we had an AFI of 5 (instead of 8 recommended).

Why I love Calmbirth

Calmbirth childbirth education program is all about bringing your awareness to your own inner resources to navigate through your birth journey. We can utilise these inner resources to help contribute to a positive birth experience, whatever that is for you!

Calmbirth childbirth education program is all about bringing your awareness to your own inner resources to navigate through your birth journey. We can utilise these inner resources to help contribute to a positive birth experience, whatever that is for you!

I had the calmbirth I envisioned…

My goodness this brightens my week, an incredible journey for Lauren and her family. It’s been beautiful being a part of it and I truly will miss our chats.

My goodness this brightens my week, an incredible journey for Lauren and her family. It’s been beautiful being a part of it and I truly will miss our chats.

An Unplanned, Empowered and Calm Homebirth…

My partner and I attended one of your weekend classes back in June 2018 at the Southern Highlands. We went on to have a very successful and enjoyable birthing experience at Royal Hospital for Women in Randwick (a water birth with just gas and air). Consequently, I’ve been an advocate of Calmbirth ever since.

My partner and I attended one of your weekend classes back in June 2018 at the Southern Highlands. We went on to have a very successful and enjoyable birthing experience at Royal Hospital for Women in Randwick (a water birth with just gas and air). Consequently, I’ve been an advocate of Calmbirth ever since.

The Empowering Calmbirth of our son Louis

The birth of our son Louis was very positive and aligned with my birth intentions, I’d go a step further to say it was an incredible and empowering experience. It was medical intervention free, drug-free, I gave birth in an active position and I was able to pull him out and bring him directly to my chest. I laboured 8 hours at home with the support of my husband Matthieu and my doula Jade. I used water immersion and a TENS machine to assist with the pain of the contractions.

The birth of our son Louis was very positive and aligned with my birth intentions, I’d go a step further to say it was an incredible and empowering experience. It was medical intervention free, drug-free, I gave birth in an active position and I was able to pull him out and bring him directly to my chest. I laboured 8 hours at home with the support of my husband Matthieu and my doula Jade. I used water immersion and a TENS machine to assist with the pain of the contractions.

Our C-Section birth experience was so special

As first time parents, we weren’t sure of what to expect when it came to the birth of our daughter. Our lovely midwife Sally always taught us that knowledge is power, especially during childbirth. With this in mind, we decided to do Calmbirth and cannot recommend it highly enough

As first time parents, we weren’t sure of what to expect when it came to the birth of our daughter. Our lovely midwife Sally always taught us that knowledge is power, especially during childbirth. With this in mind, we decided to do Calmbirth and cannot recommend it highly enough

Welcome to the world Calmbirth baby Levi…

Wishing Joyce, Dan and baby Levi all the very best as they transition to family life and the biggest thank you for sharing your positive birth experience.

Wishing Joyce, Dan and baby Levi all the very best as they transition to family life and the biggest thank you for sharing your positive birth experience.

Phoebe’s Empowering Calmbirth…

Well we had our little boy! He was born 02.01.2023 at 12:04pm, GA 40+1. A nice solid 4kg on the dot!

I could not have asked for a better labour and delivery. Everything went so smoothly and I felt incredibly empowered the whole time

Well we had our little boy! He was born 02.01.2023 at 12:04pm, GA 40+1. A nice solid 4kg on the dot!

I could not have asked for a better labour and delivery. Everything went so smoothly and I felt incredibly empowered the whole time

Twins! Calm and Natural!

Calmbirth with Kath Maxwell’s Calmbirth course in Geelong was wonderful. We were lucky enough to share the experience with two other twin parents to be and Kath took the time to tailor the course to everything twin related – which is so unheard of!

My partner and I were so well prepared mentally and physically for the birth and I truly believe we wouldn’t have had the positive outcome we did without Kath’s knowledge and teachings. Thank you for supporting this new twin mumma!

Calmbirth with Kath Maxwell’s Calmbirth course in Geelong was wonderful. We were lucky enough to share the experience with two other twin parents to be and Kath took the time to tailor the course to everything twin related – which is so unheard of!

My partner and I were so well prepared mentally and physically for the birth and I truly believe we wouldn’t have had the positive outcome we did without Kath’s knowledge and teachings. Thank you for supporting this new twin mumma!

George was the best birthday present I could have asked for & Calmbirth the best investment I’ve ever made!

I felt completely in control the entire time and was able to make informed choices along the way. THANK YOU for playing such a huge role in our positive experience. I know the education you provided us with had the biggest impact and it was the best investment we could have made.

From the bottom of my heart thank you for playing such a huge role in changing my mind-set and self-belief that I could have a normal physiological and beautiful birth (AND I DID!!)

I felt completely in control the entire time and was able to make informed choices along the way. THANK YOU for playing such a huge role in our positive experience. I know the education you provided us with had the biggest impact and it was the best investment we could have made.

From the bottom of my heart thank you for playing such a huge role in changing my mind-set and self-belief that I could have a normal physiological and beautiful birth (AND I DID!!)

Birth – The second time around made such a difference!

Having birthed two babies now, it seems completely insane and surreal to me to see how different birth can be when you have the tools and knowledge to face it.

Having birthed two babies now, it seems completely insane and surreal to me to see how different birth can be when you have the tools and knowledge to face it.

This is the calm birth I was hoping for and wished I’d had with my previous two!

This is the birth I was hoping for and wished I’d had with my previous two. This birth was in stark contrast to both of those, during which I experienced incredible pain and overwhelming fear. Calmbirth gave me the tools I needed to believe in myself, my body and my baby. To not be fearful of the process but to embrace it. For that I am truly thankful!

This is the birth I was hoping for and wished I’d had with my previous two. This birth was in stark contrast to both of those, during which I experienced incredible pain and overwhelming fear. Calmbirth gave me the tools I needed to believe in myself, my body and my baby. To not be fearful of the process but to embrace it. For that I am truly thankful!

Joel was able to catch our little Emerald!

Both Joel and I thought that our baby might make her grand entrance in the car, and then in the car park and then the hospital lobby. Luckily we just made it to the birth suite in time for her head to be visible.

Both Joel and I thought that our baby might make her grand entrance in the car, and then in the car park and then the hospital lobby. Luckily we just made it to the birth suite in time for her head to be visible.

Calmbirth really helped us to feel more confident going into the birth!

Hi Amy,

Josh and I attended your March Calmbirth course.

I gave birth to our baby girl on May the 6th (one day before my due date). We are so grateful that we did your course it really helped us to feel more confident going into the birth.

Hi Amy,

Josh and I attended your March Calmbirth course.

I gave birth to our baby girl on May the 6th (one day before my due date). We are so grateful that we did your course it really helped us to feel more confident going into the birth.

Lena’s birth was primal, it was thrilling, it was tough, it was gentle, it was blissful, it was so many things at once.

We welcomed a baby girl Lena Soleil on the 2nd of December at 1:55pm. I laboured for 12 hours and birthed within the same hour that her 6 year old brother Finn was born at (1:03pm).

Both births were very alike, contractions began at a very similar time of night, and I laboured for almost the same amount of time as my first birth. I attended the Calmbirth course with Regina back in 2016 for the birth of my son. The breathing, relaxation and visualisation techniques contributed so much to how I birthed Finn.

We welcomed a baby girl Lena Soleil on the 2nd of December at 1:55pm. I laboured for 12 hours and birthed within the same hour that her 6 year old brother Finn was born at (1:03pm).

Both births were very alike, contractions began at a very similar time of night, and I laboured for almost the same amount of time as my first birth. I attended the Calmbirth course with Regina back in 2016 for the birth of my son. The breathing, relaxation and visualisation techniques contributed so much to how I birthed Finn.

A positive Pre- mature birth experience

Rach and Pat had a positive experience of the birth of their son in a public hospital at 34 weeks! They have given permission for their story to be shared. 

Rach and Pat had a positive experience of the birth of their son in a public hospital at 34 weeks! They have given permission for their story to be shared. 

It was magical & I genuinely feel elated about my birth experience!

I had had a textbook pregnancy until 36 weeks and after preparing with a Calmbirth course and putting together birth preferences that centred around a vaginal delivery, I had no reason to think about anything other than manifesting a spontaneous onset of labour at around 40 weeks. At 36 weeks, my baby disengaged from its head-down position to transverse (sideways). Because she felt it was unlikely to turn back, my obstetrician laid out a plan for me to have a caesarean as the safest way of me birthing my baby. I began to worry that I might not get that ‘feeling’ about my birth experience. Against the odds, my baby did turn head down again by the end of the week. 

I had had a textbook pregnancy until 36 weeks and after preparing with a Calmbirth course and putting together birth preferences that centred around a vaginal delivery, I had no reason to think about anything other than manifesting a spontaneous onset of labour at around 40 weeks. At 36 weeks, my baby disengaged from its head-down position to transverse (sideways). Because she felt it was unlikely to turn back, my obstetrician laid out a plan for me to have a caesarean as the safest way of me birthing my baby. I began to worry that I might not get that ‘feeling’ about my birth experience. Against the odds, my baby did turn head down again by the end of the week. 

Our precious, dark haired baby girl never made a sound but opened one eye to see the world she had been born into.

The Calmbirth course with Cherie was one of the very first things we booked and it complimented our work with our doula so beautifully. With Cherie, we moved through our fears and gained such invaluable insight to stages of labour, the power of the breath, the role of hormones, the hospital system, pain management, birth plans, and postpartum. We finalised our birth map together after completing the course and found that the hospital midwives respected our wishes because we were informed about our choices and had considered all scenarios.

Our baby landed on earth so calmly and we both believe it lead to a calmer postpartum period – something we attribute to the Calmbirth course.

I have also found a village through Cherie’s morning teas and it’s been so impactful on my motherhood journey.

Our birth of our baby is what we consider to be perfect (for us), and it’s a day we will cherish in our hearts for eternity. Thank you Cherie for your knowledge, your passion and your care.

The Calmbirth course with Cherie was one of the very first things we booked and it complimented our work with our doula so beautifully. With Cherie, we moved through our fears and gained such invaluable insight to stages of labour, the power of the breath, the role of hormones, the hospital system, pain management, birth plans, and postpartum. We finalised our birth map together after completing the course and found that the hospital midwives respected our wishes because we were informed about our choices and had considered all scenarios.

Our baby landed on earth so calmly and we both believe it lead to a calmer postpartum period – something we attribute to the Calmbirth course.

I have also found a village through Cherie’s morning teas and it’s been so impactful on my motherhood journey.

Our birth of our baby is what we consider to be perfect (for us), and it’s a day we will cherish in our hearts for eternity. Thank you Cherie for your knowledge, your passion and your care.

“It’s all about how you’re made to feel”

My waters dramatically broke at midnight, and contractions quickly followed. Not even an hour later, they were 5mins apart and almost one minute long. It was then that I noticed quite a bit of meconium stained liquor on my pad. We called the midwife. After a 40min car trip we arrived to the hospital. Once there, more meconium. I was offered by my midwife to do a vaginal examination. I was 7cm, but my midwife couldn’t feel baby’s head. I immediately knew what that meant, she a breech and so we agreed on a c-section.

My waters dramatically broke at midnight, and contractions quickly followed. Not even an hour later, they were 5mins apart and almost one minute long. It was then that I noticed quite a bit of meconium stained liquor on my pad. We called the midwife. After a 40min car trip we arrived to the hospital. Once there, more meconium. I was offered by my midwife to do a vaginal examination. I was 7cm, but my midwife couldn’t feel baby’s head. I immediately knew what that meant, she a breech and so we agreed on a c-section.

Two empowering and positive calmbirth experiences

I truly believe Calmbirth provided me all the tools to believe in my body and allow it to progress naturally. It also provided my husband with so much knowledge in how to assist me and I can’t imagine how we would have gone had he not done the course! He always says he didn’t realise how much he got from it until we were in labour. During my first labour, it was just the two of us in the room for the majority of the time and he was confident enough to support me through each step. So grateful for Calmbirth and recommend it to every pregnant woman I know!

I truly believe Calmbirth provided me all the tools to believe in my body and allow it to progress naturally. It also provided my husband with so much knowledge in how to assist me and I can’t imagine how we would have gone had he not done the course! He always says he didn’t realise how much he got from it until we were in labour. During my first labour, it was just the two of us in the room for the majority of the time and he was confident enough to support me through each step. So grateful for Calmbirth and recommend it to every pregnant woman I know!

Marjy’s Empowering Birth Story

Calmbirth was integral to my birthing journey, and I think it is a great course for all pregnant women to do, to assure they are informed of all the strategies that can aid them to give birth the way they choose.

Calmbirth was integral to my birthing journey, and I think it is a great course for all pregnant women to do, to assure they are informed of all the strategies that can aid them to give birth the way they choose.

Calmbirth gave me the tools to believe in my body and baby and know that they would work together for a positive outcome.

Calmbirth gave me the tools to believe in my body and baby and know that they would work together for a positive outcome.
My husband sat beside me the entire time rubbing my back, holding my hand, or giving me water when needed. He also encouraged me to move and change position although, i was most comfortable on my side or on the toilet. It gave him the confidence to tell the midwife’s my requests and support me in anyway he could.
I cannot thank Karen enough for the knowledge and confidence it gave me to have such a positive birth. I can’t wait to do it again

Calmbirth gave me the tools to believe in my body and baby and know that they would work together for a positive outcome.
My husband sat beside me the entire time rubbing my back, holding my hand, or giving me water when needed. He also encouraged me to move and change position although, i was most comfortable on my side or on the toilet. It gave him the confidence to tell the midwife’s my requests and support me in anyway he could.
I cannot thank Karen enough for the knowledge and confidence it gave me to have such a positive birth. I can’t wait to do it again

An informed, quick, calm, and unplanned first home birth

Thank you Kath, we attended your Calmbirth workshop in Bellarine, Geelong in June. I have come out of this experience the most empowered woman, my body and my mind has all new limits and I am excited for motherhood. If Liam and I can accomplish this, we are capable of big things in parenthood. Every mumma needs you in their corner to make their birth as beautiful of an experience as mine was.

Thank you Kath, we attended your Calmbirth workshop in Bellarine, Geelong in June. I have come out of this experience the most empowered woman, my body and my mind has all new limits and I am excited for motherhood. If Liam and I can accomplish this, we are capable of big things in parenthood. Every mumma needs you in their corner to make their birth as beautiful of an experience as mine was.

Stacey and Tom’s love note…

Calmbirth really helped me get through my labour. I don’t think I would have had my positive birth experience without all the information and resources my partner and I received from Calmbirth. The toolbox was extremely helpful, and by using the calm breath technique I was able to work through the contractions at every stage, visualising each one as a temporary sensation that will pass. Karen was an amazing facilitator and both my partner and I strongly recommend the course to all first time parents.

Calmbirth really helped me get through my labour. I don’t think I would have had my positive birth experience without all the information and resources my partner and I received from Calmbirth. The toolbox was extremely helpful, and by using the calm breath technique I was able to work through the contractions at every stage, visualising each one as a temporary sensation that will pass. Karen was an amazing facilitator and both my partner and I strongly recommend the course to all first time parents.

Breech turn Calmbirth story

My partner and I attended Calmbirth with Kath when I was 36 weeks pregnant and had just learnt our bubs was breech. We were still hopeful for a natural birth for our first child and were very keen to learn more about the stages of labour and natural coping techniques. We had all of our fingers and toes crossed for bubs to turn but this workshop was really helpful in providing information on how to make informed decisions leading up to and during birth including making flexible birth plans.


My partner and I attended Calmbirth with Kath when I was 36 weeks pregnant and had just learnt our bubs was breech. We were still hopeful for a natural birth for our first child and were very keen to learn more about the stages of labour and natural coping techniques. We had all of our fingers and toes crossed for bubs to turn but this workshop was really helpful in providing information on how to make informed decisions leading up to and during birth including making flexible birth plans.


An uncomplicated Calm and intervention free birth

William Jack Downie was born on 27th August at 1.07pm. Weighing 3.85kg and measuring 51cm long.

Our birth story:

I had been having irregular contractions from the early hours of Friday 25th August. I started to lose my mucus plug that day, so I was hopeful labour was imminent.

William Jack Downie was born on 27th August at 1.07pm. Weighing 3.85kg and measuring 51cm long.

Our birth story:

I had been having irregular contractions from the early hours of Friday 25th August. I started to lose my mucus plug that day, so I was hopeful labour was imminent.

“Hands Off The Breech”

I’ve been inspired to share my breech vaginal birth story after seeing pictures of an amazing breech vaginal birth on your Calmbirth Instagram story.

I’ve been inspired to share my breech vaginal birth story after seeing pictures of an amazing breech vaginal birth on your Calmbirth Instagram story.

I am a big believer in “Knowledge is Power”

At the start of my pregnancy, I very much had the attitude of, whatever happens happens for the labour and birth. I was then accepted into the MGP program and it wasn’t until then that I began thinking I might as well go labour and birth with as much knowledge and power as I can to try and have the birth that I want. I researched, listened to podcasts, and prepped my mind and body for birth. I found Calmbirth and I knew it would be the right education for us. As I started learning about labour and birth, I became so fascinated in the whole process and learnt that I wanted an unmedicated vaginal birth/ water birth. I knew that Calmbirth education aligned with the labour and birth I was hoping to have.

At the start of my pregnancy, I very much had the attitude of, whatever happens happens for the labour and birth. I was then accepted into the MGP program and it wasn’t until then that I began thinking I might as well go labour and birth with as much knowledge and power as I can to try and have the birth that I want. I researched, listened to podcasts, and prepped my mind and body for birth. I found Calmbirth and I knew it would be the right education for us. As I started learning about labour and birth, I became so fascinated in the whole process and learnt that I wanted an unmedicated vaginal birth/ water birth. I knew that Calmbirth education aligned with the labour and birth I was hoping to have.

Embracing the Induction Experience…

We are very excited to welcome our perfect little baby boy into the world! Born on Wednesday, no name yet but we’re all doing great! 3.7kg and 55cm long. He was 41+4 with no signs of coming (not fully engaged etc). Tried four stretch and sweeps plus every other trick daily (spinning babies, miles circuit, foods, sex etc!) with no luck so hesitantly agreed to an induction as we were getting pretty anxious too! Thankfully, the induction went great!

We are very excited to welcome our perfect little baby boy into the world! Born on Wednesday, no name yet but we’re all doing great! 3.7kg and 55cm long. He was 41+4 with no signs of coming (not fully engaged etc). Tried four stretch and sweeps plus every other trick daily (spinning babies, miles circuit, foods, sex etc!) with no luck so hesitantly agreed to an induction as we were getting pretty anxious too! Thankfully, the induction went great!

Welcome to the world Calmbirth baby Kayce

We are so pleased with how our birth went and really have Calmbirth to thank for it. There was no point where we were worried or scared, we knew what was happening and had plenty of things in the bank to help with pain and positioning.

We are so pleased with how our birth went and really have Calmbirth to thank for it. There was no point where we were worried or scared, we knew what was happening and had plenty of things in the bank to help with pain and positioning.

Emma’s positive C- Section birth story

I was diagnosed with GDM two days before doing our Calmbirth course. It was very confronting, but meant that we were informed about our options and strategies to discuss my healthcare needs with my OB and hospital staff when it came to my labour and birth, giving us the confidence to advocate for what we wanted. After much research, we agreed to an induction two days before my due date; however, that afternoon whilst out for a last dinner date with my husband Ian, I began to feel contractions. We hoped this would mean the induction would not be necessary, but later that night I had not progressed and we agreed to the prostaglandin gel at 9pm, as the midwife thought that as I had already started early labour, it would not take much to kickstart.

I was diagnosed with GDM two days before doing our Calmbirth course. It was very confronting, but meant that we were informed about our options and strategies to discuss my healthcare needs with my OB and hospital staff when it came to my labour and birth, giving us the confidence to advocate for what we wanted. After much research, we agreed to an induction two days before my due date; however, that afternoon whilst out for a last dinner date with my husband Ian, I began to feel contractions. We hoped this would mean the induction would not be necessary, but later that night I had not progressed and we agreed to the prostaglandin gel at 9pm, as the midwife thought that as I had already started early labour, it would not take much to kickstart.

A Positive and Incredible Birth Experience…

Hi everyone! Kyle and Liv here. So happy to share the birth of our daughter, Phoebe Laine Taylor, born 25/10/23 at 3.21pm, weighing 3.6kg. Can I firstly just say how much I appreciate everything we learnt at Calmbirth, from understanding what’s happening in my body to the stages of labour, and most importantly the focus of breathing and making the conscious effort to try relax my body through contractions rather than seizing up like a cramp, as what I learnt was probably the only thing that got me through and a positive birth story I am so proud of.

Hi everyone! Kyle and Liv here. So happy to share the birth of our daughter, Phoebe Laine Taylor, born 25/10/23 at 3.21pm, weighing 3.6kg. Can I firstly just say how much I appreciate everything we learnt at Calmbirth, from understanding what’s happening in my body to the stages of labour, and most importantly the focus of breathing and making the conscious effort to try relax my body through contractions rather than seizing up like a cramp, as what I learnt was probably the only thing that got me through and a positive birth story I am so proud of.

Labour was such a mental game for me!

Sophie’s birth story Hi everyone! We’d like to introduce our little girl Naia Rose Shrimpton. Born 22nd October, 8pm at 4.1kg, 9 days overdue. Needless to say we are smitten. We’re all doing well! ..Albeit now living on interrupted sleep, coffee and bucket loads of oxytocin. And I just wanted to say, the biggest thank you for the Calmbirth Course.

Sophie’s birth story Hi everyone! We’d like to introduce our little girl Naia Rose Shrimpton. Born 22nd October, 8pm at 4.1kg, 9 days overdue. Needless to say we are smitten. We’re all doing well! ..Albeit now living on interrupted sleep, coffee and bucket loads of oxytocin. And I just wanted to say, the biggest thank you for the Calmbirth Course.

“Giving birth was the most amazing experience of my life!”

When I get an email from a woman who did Calmbirth with me and she says…

“Giving birth was the most amazing experience of my life!”I have to share the story!

Here is Emma and Fabien’s amazing birth experience…..

They said “We owe a lot of our positive mindset to Laura’s amazing teachings in the Calmbirth course”

When I get an email from a woman who did Calmbirth with me and she says…

“Giving birth was the most amazing experience of my life!”I have to share the story!

Here is Emma and Fabien’s amazing birth experience…..

They said “We owe a lot of our positive mindset to Laura’s amazing teachings in the Calmbirth course”

The inspiring birth of Calmbirth baby Tully

I wanted to share my magical, empowering and healing water birth of my beautiful third boy, Tully. A healthy 4.6kg baby boy that was birthed into the water and into my arms after a short three hour labour.

I wanted to share my magical, empowering and healing water birth of my beautiful third boy, Tully. A healthy 4.6kg baby boy that was birthed into the water and into my arms after a short three hour labour.

A calm and healing birth

At 38 weeks and 1 day I woke up to some mild cramping. Not long after, I lost my mucus plug which was the first sign of labour with my first child. I went on with my day and watched my favourite show.

At 38 weeks and 1 day I woke up to some mild cramping. Not long after, I lost my mucus plug which was the first sign of labour with my first child. I went on with my day and watched my favourite show.

A long, intense and an incredibly euphoric birth journey for Maddie

At 38+3 I went for my regular clinic appointment with my MGP midwife and found that I had a bit of a spike in my blood pressure. From there they monitored me for 24 hours which had it come down but only to a borderline level. So the decision was made to induce me on my due date if I hadn’t already gone into labour myself to decrease my risk of developing preeclampsia.

At 38+3 I went for my regular clinic appointment with my MGP midwife and found that I had a bit of a spike in my blood pressure. From there they monitored me for 24 hours which had it come down but only to a borderline level. So the decision was made to induce me on my due date if I hadn’t already gone into labour myself to decrease my risk of developing preeclampsia.

The Calmbirth of Cohen James.

Labour and delivery is by no means glamorous but it certainly is magical. You can’t beat the moment you welcome your first child into the world and hold them for the first time. There are no words to explain the feeling. I’ve never been so proud of myself or felt as strong as I did that day. It is by far the hardest thing I have ever done and am so lucky to have had the two best birthing partners to get me through such a roller coaster experience, one I never want to forget.

Birth can go so many different ways and I worked really hard to prepare myself for whatever birth threw at me, reminding myself that whichever direction it would take, as long as I had a healthy baby in my arms at the end.
Every birth story is personal and unique.

This is our story…The birth of Cohen James

Labour and delivery is by no means glamorous but it certainly is magical. You can’t beat the moment you welcome your first child into the world and hold them for the first time. There are no words to explain the feeling. I’ve never been so proud of myself or felt as strong as I did that day. It is by far the hardest thing I have ever done and am so lucky to have had the two best birthing partners to get me through such a roller coaster experience, one I never want to forget.

Birth can go so many different ways and I worked really hard to prepare myself for whatever birth threw at me, reminding myself that whichever direction it would take, as long as I had a healthy baby in my arms at the end.
Every birth story is personal and unique.

This is our story…The birth of Cohen James

Our amazing natural hospital birth story, filled with calm energy, empowerment and love.

Our amazing natural hospital birth story, filled with calm energy, empowerment and love.

Welcome Ollie, and thank you Millie and Nick for allowing me to share your birth story. To encourage others that it is possible to have a beautiful first birth.

Our amazing natural hospital birth story, filled with calm energy, empowerment and love.

Welcome Ollie, and thank you Millie and Nick for allowing me to share your birth story. To encourage others that it is possible to have a beautiful first birth.

Lauren’s birth Story – I Couldn’t have asked for a better birth experience !

It was honestly the best feeling I’ve ever had in my life to hold him for the first time with Jack. We were both just sobbing with happiness , pretty amazing. I was also just so relieved. The rest was a blur of skin to skin and then taken to surgery for the tear which I didn’t want to do as I was so sad to leave them. But was back after 2 hours and then we cried again and just had the most amazing 24 hours of ❤️ Couldn’t ask for a better experience overall!

It was honestly the best feeling I’ve ever had in my life to hold him for the first time with Jack. We were both just sobbing with happiness , pretty amazing. I was also just so relieved. The rest was a blur of skin to skin and then taken to surgery for the tear which I didn’t want to do as I was so sad to leave them. But was back after 2 hours and then we cried again and just had the most amazing 24 hours of ❤️ Couldn’t ask for a better experience overall!

The Fast and Furious birth of Calmbirth baby Arthur!

I felt high on hormones and physically really good (considering what I had gone through). I had minimal pain, even in the days following. I never would have had the understanding or confidence to go home, labour at home & birth without intervention, if it weren’t for the Calmbirth course. The midwives at RHW were phenomenal, as was my doula Lauren and of course, my partner David. Thank you Karen!

I felt high on hormones and physically really good (considering what I had gone through). I had minimal pain, even in the days following. I never would have had the understanding or confidence to go home, labour at home & birth without intervention, if it weren’t for the Calmbirth course. The midwives at RHW were phenomenal, as was my doula Lauren and of course, my partner David. Thank you Karen!

Ursula’s birth Story – Mindset was the key!

Our little man has arrived!  He came in a hurry on the 27/10, at 38+1, after an amazing unmedicated medical induction which resulted in a 3.5 hour labour and delivery. Such a beautiful experience, and Grant was amazing and so supportive. We used many of the calm birth techniques during the labour – breathing, acupressure, visualisation and really the mindset was the key.

We didn’t have time for much else.  Surrendering to what my body wanted to do was amazing, and I feel so empowered. Wishing everyone else all the best for their upcoming little arrivals – it’s so special!

Our little man has arrived!  He came in a hurry on the 27/10, at 38+1, after an amazing unmedicated medical induction which resulted in a 3.5 hour labour and delivery. Such a beautiful experience, and Grant was amazing and so supportive. We used many of the calm birth techniques during the labour – breathing, acupressure, visualisation and really the mindset was the key.

We didn’t have time for much else.  Surrendering to what my body wanted to do was amazing, and I feel so empowered. Wishing everyone else all the best for their upcoming little arrivals – it’s so special!

Alice & Alex’s Birth Story – written by Alex the Dad

I LOVE receiving birth stories from the proud dads and hearing about what an amazing and supportive birth partner they were on the day utilising all the Calmbirth tools and ‘pressing all those oxytocin buttons’!

I LOVE receiving birth stories from the proud dads and hearing about what an amazing and supportive birth partner they were on the day utilising all the Calmbirth tools and ‘pressing all those oxytocin buttons’!

Katie’s Birth Story

We really did love Calmbirth. We found it so helpful, especially Jack as he really wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do to support me and he felt really confident with that after the course! Sometimes he would even just do deep breaths himself to remind me to breathe deeply, which would work without us even having to say anything. Little forms of communication like that were super helpfu

We really did love Calmbirth. We found it so helpful, especially Jack as he really wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do to support me and he felt really confident with that after the course! Sometimes he would even just do deep breaths himself to remind me to breathe deeply, which would work without us even having to say anything. Little forms of communication like that were super helpfu

Chantal’s birth stories – Two different births with one common theme – Informed & Empowered.

Chantal’s two very different births – one during Covid in Hospital and another 2 years later at home. But what both births had in common was they were both informed, confident, prepared and empowered to advocate for themselves and not be afraid to ask questions in order to have the birth they wanted. Here are how her births unfolded….

Chantal’s two very different births – one during Covid in Hospital and another 2 years later at home. But what both births had in common was they were both informed, confident, prepared and empowered to advocate for themselves and not be afraid to ask questions in order to have the birth they wanted. Here are how her births unfolded….

Bonnie our Labour of love

We’d love to introduce you to Bonnie Love Brookes, our little girl born on Tuesday 19th December at 3.58pm (exactly 41 weeks). It was a long labour of love to birth Bonnie, but we are so grateful for the tools learnt in Calmbirth that helped us stay calm, focused, and positive. I can honestly say that I enjoyed birth, and that it was a positive experience, so thank you!

We’d love to introduce you to Bonnie Love Brookes, our little girl born on Tuesday 19th December at 3.58pm (exactly 41 weeks). It was a long labour of love to birth Bonnie, but we are so grateful for the tools learnt in Calmbirth that helped us stay calm, focused, and positive. I can honestly say that I enjoyed birth, and that it was a positive experience, so thank you!

My dream birth…

The birth story of Isla Dawn, born 2:05pm on 12/12/2023, 3.5kg, 51cm.

Isla was born at 40 + 4 weeks in a hospital by spontaneous vaginal birth with no interventions or pain relief.

The birth story of Isla Dawn, born 2:05pm on 12/12/2023, 3.5kg, 51cm.

Isla was born at 40 + 4 weeks in a hospital by spontaneous vaginal birth with no interventions or pain relief.

I truly LOVED my birth!

After weeks of experiencing very intense Braxton hicks contractions that were often consistent and relentless and baby’s head being engaged from about 30 weeks both of us and my OB were sure I was going to go into labour before my due date (25th Jan) However, our little man wasn’t quite ready to come yet. It was the plan with my OB due to health reasons that we wouldn’t let the pregnancy go more than a week over so although I was hopeful to go into labour spontaneously, I had a planned induction at 41 weeks.

After weeks of experiencing very intense Braxton hicks contractions that were often consistent and relentless and baby’s head being engaged from about 30 weeks both of us and my OB were sure I was going to go into labour before my due date (25th Jan) However, our little man wasn’t quite ready to come yet. It was the plan with my OB due to health reasons that we wouldn’t let the pregnancy go more than a week over so although I was hopeful to go into labour spontaneously, I had a planned induction at 41 weeks.

When to do something and when to do nothing

Birth and time in labour can be and often is, different for every woman & baby for many different reasons. When we take time restrictions away, when we take our own expectations of how women “should be” progressing with charts and partograms, when we have a known Midwife and a relationship with the woman, when the woman gets to choose the people in her birth space and where she births, Birth unfolds exactly as it is needed for that woman and baby.

Birth and time in labour can be and often is, different for every woman & baby for many different reasons. When we take time restrictions away, when we take our own expectations of how women “should be” progressing with charts and partograms, when we have a known Midwife and a relationship with the woman, when the woman gets to choose the people in her birth space and where she births, Birth unfolds exactly as it is needed for that woman and baby.

The Power of Gratitude and Adapting to Change to Welcome a Baby with Joy

Over the past eighteen years of teaching the Calmbirth® program, what matters to me most is how people emotionally land on the other side of their experience of giving birth. After teaching hundreds of couples, I know that there are so many different ways that they are going to welcome their babies, and some of those ways may be far outside what the couple may have envisioned for their birth journey. However, if a couple feels respected and dignified as they move through the changes that happen during their birth experience, and how they decide to embrace those changes, this will leave an emotional memory, and set the stage for the way the couple enters parenthood.

Catherine Bell in her book, The Birth Map: Boldly Going Where No Birth Plan Has Gone Before, states, “HOW A WOMAN FEELS ABOUT HER BIRTH EXPERIENCES MATTERS. It matters A LOT! The birth experience (that is, how the mother feels about the birth) and the level of support received are fundamental to the emotional health of the mother. The emotional health of the mother is fundamental to the health of the baby.” (Bell, 3)

Over the past eighteen years of teaching the Calmbirth® program, what matters to me most is how people emotionally land on the other side of their experience of giving birth. After teaching hundreds of couples, I know that there are so many different ways that they are going to welcome their babies, and some of those ways may be far outside what the couple may have envisioned for their birth journey. However, if a couple feels respected and dignified as they move through the changes that happen during their birth experience, and how they decide to embrace those changes, this will leave an emotional memory, and set the stage for the way the couple enters parenthood.

Catherine Bell in her book, The Birth Map: Boldly Going Where No Birth Plan Has Gone Before, states, “HOW A WOMAN FEELS ABOUT HER BIRTH EXPERIENCES MATTERS. It matters A LOT! The birth experience (that is, how the mother feels about the birth) and the level of support received are fundamental to the emotional health of the mother. The emotional health of the mother is fundamental to the health of the baby.” (Bell, 3)

I truly loved my birth; it was the most wonderful experience and I’m proud that this will forever be my story to share.

I truly loved my birth; it was the most wonderful experience and I’m proud that this will forever be my story to share. I feel like I’ve always had a positive attitude towards childbirth, but Calmbirth reaffirmed for me that I was capable to birth my baby the way that I wanted. Aiden said he felt really empowered and supportive during the process because of what he learnt in Calmbirth. Thank you again Karen, we honestly couldn’t have done it without your help.

I truly loved my birth; it was the most wonderful experience and I’m proud that this will forever be my story to share. I feel like I’ve always had a positive attitude towards childbirth, but Calmbirth reaffirmed for me that I was capable to birth my baby the way that I wanted. Aiden said he felt really empowered and supportive during the process because of what he learnt in Calmbirth. Thank you again Karen, we honestly couldn’t have done it without your help.

Labour and birth was such an intense experience but my partner and I navigated it as a team – like a well oiled machine!

As we enjoyed the first skin to skin contact with our daughter I felt an overwhelming sense of pride. Labour and birth was such an intense experience but my partner and I navigated it as a team – like a well oiled machine!

As we enjoyed the first skin to skin contact with our daughter I felt an overwhelming sense of pride. Labour and birth was such an intense experience but my partner and I navigated it as a team – like a well oiled machine!

Our baby boy was the perfect birth born in the water and under the ‘tree of life’!

I couldn’t believe it! It was the most perfect birth I could have hoped which I don’t think would have been possible without the support of Liam, our midwife and the incredible education taught by the wonderful Karen @southernhighlandscalmbirth.

I couldn’t believe it! It was the most perfect birth I could have hoped which I don’t think would have been possible without the support of Liam, our midwife and the incredible education taught by the wonderful Karen @southernhighlandscalmbirth.

Brooke’s Birth Story

I was surprised how much I was able to enjoy our birth and how present I was able to be. I am so grateful that Tom and I had the Calmbirth techniques to support us through labour. Tom was able to offer helpful suggestions to me in moments when I couldn’t think.

I was surprised how much I was able to enjoy our birth and how present I was able to be. I am so grateful that Tom and I had the Calmbirth techniques to support us through labour. Tom was able to offer helpful suggestions to me in moments when I couldn’t think.

Madison’s long and intense birth

My labour was extremely long and intense and while it wasn’t my dream birth, I am very proud of how myself, Kane and bub handled each curve ball (and there were plenty).

My labour was extremely long and intense and while it wasn’t my dream birth, I am very proud of how myself, Kane and bub handled each curve ball (and there were plenty).

Despite it not being our preferred birth journey it was still an empowered birth and the one we needed to go on to have our beautiful baby

My husband and I are happy to share our birth journey in the hopes it might help other couples.

It wasn’t the journey we would have preferred but it gave us a beautiful baby and a healthy mum!

My husband and I are happy to share our birth journey in the hopes it might help other couples.

It wasn’t the journey we would have preferred but it gave us a beautiful baby and a healthy mum!

Jen’s Birth Story

Jared and I are happy to announce the birth of our baby girl Riley. Born 11/4/24 at 11:35am.

Jared and I are happy to announce the birth of our baby girl Riley. Born 11/4/24 at 11:35am.

Birth was messy and chaotic and a little bit crazy.

This is an extra special story to me because Nola is my Granddaughter, precious baby girl! Thank you Febey for sharing your birth story, I cried when I read it, I’m so proud of you both, what a story, it was a privilege to take you through Calmbirth, I’m so pleased it helped you through your birth journey xxx

This is an extra special story to me because Nola is my Granddaughter, precious baby girl! Thank you Febey for sharing your birth story, I cried when I read it, I’m so proud of you both, what a story, it was a privilege to take you through Calmbirth, I’m so pleased it helped you through your birth journey xxx

Finding my confidence in birth to have a healing Calmbirth

I chose to do Calmbirth with Cherie after we became pregnant with our third baby after a 6 year gap. I had two beautiful waterbirths with my first two children, however being in a different place in my marriage and being older I had lost all my confidence in giving birth and the thought of 4 trimester period was bringing me crippling anxiety. I had fear I’d feel terribly alone taking on the pressure of bringing the baby safely into the world all by myself. I wanted to work on involving Matt to ensure despite how the birth would play out Matt would be my confidence that I’d lost.

I chose to do Calmbirth with Cherie after we became pregnant with our third baby after a 6 year gap. I had two beautiful waterbirths with my first two children, however being in a different place in my marriage and being older I had lost all my confidence in giving birth and the thought of 4 trimester period was bringing me crippling anxiety. I had fear I’d feel terribly alone taking on the pressure of bringing the baby safely into the world all by myself. I wanted to work on involving Matt to ensure despite how the birth would play out Matt would be my confidence that I’d lost.

I felt like the husband I wanted to be with this birth

I am a practising GP and my wife is a social worker. I’m writing this in the perspective of a partner but also as a health worker. We first heard of Calmbirth through our relatives who raved about it, and we chose to take up the course in the Southern Highlands as a little babymoon before our second. Our first birth was magical but given our health backgrounds and also our personal journeys, we didn’t have a sense of agency throughout the process largely because we didn’t know. We can’t fault anyone but ourselves with this for the first time and everybody gave their best to us. But there was still something missing.

I am a practising GP and my wife is a social worker. I’m writing this in the perspective of a partner but also as a health worker. We first heard of Calmbirth through our relatives who raved about it, and we chose to take up the course in the Southern Highlands as a little babymoon before our second. Our first birth was magical but given our health backgrounds and also our personal journeys, we didn’t have a sense of agency throughout the process largely because we didn’t know. We can’t fault anyone but ourselves with this for the first time and everybody gave their best to us. But there was still something missing.

Breathing and staying calm got me through my unexpected birth & helicopter journey….

Thank you so much for all the learning you shared in our Calmbirth course. I hadn’t realised how much I had retained and how heavily I would rely on the learning until I was in the thick of labour, listening to the audios in the early hours of the morning and practicing the breathing. Thankfully I was also able to guide my husband through all the different ways you had shown us to support me too which helped us both so much. He felt more at ease knowing he was able to alleviate some of the intensity of it all.

Thank you so much for all the learning you shared in our Calmbirth course. I hadn’t realised how much I had retained and how heavily I would rely on the learning until I was in the thick of labour, listening to the audios in the early hours of the morning and practicing the breathing. Thankfully I was also able to guide my husband through all the different ways you had shown us to support me too which helped us both so much. He felt more at ease knowing he was able to alleviate some of the intensity of it all.

Olivia’s open mind to accepting unexpected changes during the birth of her beautiful baby boy

On the 11th of June, we welcomed our little boy into the world.

Unfortunately he didn’t want to come on his own at 41+4 so we needed to be induced despite all of our natural methods of trying.

On the 11th of June, we welcomed our little boy into the world.

Unfortunately he didn’t want to come on his own at 41+4 so we needed to be induced despite all of our natural methods of trying.

The beautiful and calm birth of Audrey – which all went as planned.

I went into labour 10 days later than my due date at 3:30am on the 12th of May. Contractions came on pretty quickly and were 2-3 minutes apart almost immediately. I stayed at home and had the midwife come by at 6am…we decided to wait until daylight to see if it backed off but at about 9am I couldn’t wait any longer, so we headed to RPA to the birthing centre. I had told my midwife I wanted to go as natural as possible and to have a water birth. I had a birth plan written out and ready to go!

I went into labour 10 days later than my due date at 3:30am on the 12th of May. Contractions came on pretty quickly and were 2-3 minutes apart almost immediately. I stayed at home and had the midwife come by at 6am…we decided to wait until daylight to see if it backed off but at about 9am I couldn’t wait any longer, so we headed to RPA to the birthing centre. I had told my midwife I wanted to go as natural as possible and to have a water birth. I had a birth plan written out and ready to go!

The power of surrending in birth…Britt and Mitch’s birth journey

My pregnancy was our first after years of trying naturally, 4 rounds of IVF, and 7 embryo transfers. Throughout that journey, I lost a lot of confidence in myself and my body. Attending Calmbirth and working towards a physiological birth was a very conscious attempt to regain that confidence.

My pregnancy was our first after years of trying naturally, 4 rounds of IVF, and 7 embryo transfers. Throughout that journey, I lost a lot of confidence in myself and my body. Attending Calmbirth and working towards a physiological birth was a very conscious attempt to regain that confidence.

Molli’s calm breathing helped her stay focussed during her fast labour

On the 12th of June our daughter was born.

We did not expect to have such a fast labour being a first time mum, thankfully the education we got from attending the Calmbirth course prepared us for labour and birth from recognising the signs of labour to using the breathing techniques that helped us enormously as our labour was approaching faster than expected. Calmbirth also gave us the tools that we could lean on during such a spontaneous labour where we had no time to gather comfort measures to assist with the pain leading us to utilise the primary tool of breath work. The labour started and ended within 3 hours of the first sign right up to heading to the hospital and our little girl being born.

On the 12th of June our daughter was born.

We did not expect to have such a fast labour being a first time mum, thankfully the education we got from attending the Calmbirth course prepared us for labour and birth from recognising the signs of labour to using the breathing techniques that helped us enormously as our labour was approaching faster than expected. Calmbirth also gave us the tools that we could lean on during such a spontaneous labour where we had no time to gather comfort measures to assist with the pain leading us to utilise the primary tool of breath work. The labour started and ended within 3 hours of the first sign right up to heading to the hospital and our little girl being born.

We used all the Calmbirth tools for our labour and birth

Little Tigran Fabricatorian, born 15/7/24 at 7:32am, 3.325kg, 51cm. we are doing well after a slightly exhausting 28hr labour. But we are absolutely loving his cute little face.

Little Tigran Fabricatorian, born 15/7/24 at 7:32am, 3.325kg, 51cm. we are doing well after a slightly exhausting 28hr labour. But we are absolutely loving his cute little face.

The Calmbirth of baby Amos

Thank you Emma for sharing your Calmbirth story.

Our precious Amos was born on the 8th of August, and we are completely smitten with him. The knowledge and skills my husband, Dan, and I gained during our Calmbirth course with Cherie (during my pregnancy with our daughter, Nina, who is now three!) have been pivotal in both of my births. I am a passionate believer that Calmbirth is not only incredibly beneficial for a pending birth; it’s an investment in all future pregnancies and births as well!

Thank you Emma for sharing your Calmbirth story.

Our precious Amos was born on the 8th of August, and we are completely smitten with him. The knowledge and skills my husband, Dan, and I gained during our Calmbirth course with Cherie (during my pregnancy with our daughter, Nina, who is now three!) have been pivotal in both of my births. I am a passionate believer that Calmbirth is not only incredibly beneficial for a pending birth; it’s an investment in all future pregnancies and births as well!

Breathing and meditations helped birth our calmbirth baby

We had three hours in the delivery suite relaxing and cuddling and feeding and loving our baby, and I don’t think anything else in life can come close to the intimacy and quietness of those hours immediately after birth.
I am so pleased we did CalmBirth and were able to bring our little girl to us safely and with love. That’s it for our little family, thank you for helping us to complete our family just as we wished.

We had three hours in the delivery suite relaxing and cuddling and feeding and loving our baby, and I don’t think anything else in life can come close to the intimacy and quietness of those hours immediately after birth.
I am so pleased we did CalmBirth and were able to bring our little girl to us safely and with love. That’s it for our little family, thank you for helping us to complete our family just as we wished.

Information is power, so is a plan, but childbirth is more like the weather than a project to manage.

We had a flawless pregnancy overseen by a private midwife. We intended on having a homebirth and after attending the Calmbirth course, felt well prepared for meeting the task of labour and birth. A large part of that was our belief that birth is a physiological event, not a medical one. Unfortunately, that view would be challenged.

We had a flawless pregnancy overseen by a private midwife. We intended on having a homebirth and after attending the Calmbirth course, felt well prepared for meeting the task of labour and birth. A large part of that was our belief that birth is a physiological event, not a medical one. Unfortunately, that view would be challenged.

Calmbirth story of Nora

Hope you’ve been well. I just saw your insta story about sharing Calmbirth stories. I’ve written mine down (it’s very long winded so if you decide to use it, you’re welcome to chop it down haha!) I also have some pics and a vid, but they wouldn’t attach so let me know if you want them and I’ll send via DM on insta.

Hope you’ve been well. I just saw your insta story about sharing Calmbirth stories. I’ve written mine down (it’s very long winded so if you decide to use it, you’re welcome to chop it down haha!) I also have some pics and a vid, but they wouldn’t attach so let me know if you want them and I’ll send via DM on insta.

Julia’s Birth Story

We welcomed Leon into the world on the 31st of July at 1138pm. While I had planned for a birth with limited intervention, it turned out to be a long posterior labour that ended with an epidural and a few other medical interventions.

We welcomed Leon into the world on the 31st of July at 1138pm. While I had planned for a birth with limited intervention, it turned out to be a long posterior labour that ended with an epidural and a few other medical interventions.

A Successful Primip Induction – “An Amazing Experience”

I thought I’d share my story as a successful primip induction!

I had been declining an induction since 39 weeks for static fundal height, as my baby was active and the pregnancy had been otherwise low risk. I desperately wanted to wait for spontaneous labour, but by 41 weeks I had barely had a tightening and two stretch and sweeps had done nothing. At that point I was so tired, my hips were killing me, and just wanted to meet my baby already!

I thought I’d share my story as a successful primip induction!

I had been declining an induction since 39 weeks for static fundal height, as my baby was active and the pregnancy had been otherwise low risk. I desperately wanted to wait for spontaneous labour, but by 41 weeks I had barely had a tightening and two stretch and sweeps had done nothing. At that point I was so tired, my hips were killing me, and just wanted to meet my baby already!

Krystle’s beautiful & supported birth of baby Jasper Rivers

Labour started at 4am on Friday 4th October after a week or more of cramping. I went about my day, trying to ignore it and ‘not participate’ as it was manageable. Contractions were 10-12 minutes apart all morning. I breathed through them and rested in the sunshine in our back garden, before doing a little organisation for labour – filling drink bottles, chopping watermelon, rockmelon, packing blueberries, dates, mini frittatas, chicken and avocado wraps and electrolytes. I had lost some of my mucous plug on Thursday and then in two more parts on Friday. By 1:10pm, I decided to put the tens machine on (low setting) and I practiced using the ’boost’ function when contractions came. At 1:30pm I laid down to rest for an hour and listened to a Calmbirth meditation, while timing some contractions. Labour continued at a manageable rate all afternoon.

Labour started at 4am on Friday 4th October after a week or more of cramping. I went about my day, trying to ignore it and ‘not participate’ as it was manageable. Contractions were 10-12 minutes apart all morning. I breathed through them and rested in the sunshine in our back garden, before doing a little organisation for labour – filling drink bottles, chopping watermelon, rockmelon, packing blueberries, dates, mini frittatas, chicken and avocado wraps and electrolytes. I had lost some of my mucous plug on Thursday and then in two more parts on Friday. By 1:10pm, I decided to put the tens machine on (low setting) and I practiced using the ’boost’ function when contractions came. At 1:30pm I laid down to rest for an hour and listened to a Calmbirth meditation, while timing some contractions. Labour continued at a manageable rate all afternoon.

Welcome Calmbirth baby Lottie Lynea

“We absolutely loved our birth, it was so calm. Everyone in the room was absolutely amazing and so helpful. We are so thankful for the Calmbirth classes. As we truly believe it helped set us up for a successful, calm birth. “

“We absolutely loved our birth, it was so calm. Everyone in the room was absolutely amazing and so helpful. We are so thankful for the Calmbirth classes. As we truly believe it helped set us up for a successful, calm birth. “

We were excited when that first contraction hit!

Russ and I attended your course back in January, and have since welcomed a little girl – Delilah! We also realised after we left why you looked so familiar – you played basketball with Russ’ sister Vanessa Matthews! Small world.

Russ and I attended your course back in January, and have since welcomed a little girl – Delilah! We also realised after we left why you looked so familiar – you played basketball with Russ’ sister Vanessa Matthews! Small world.

A positive birth isn’t about the type of birth but how it makes you feel – and we felt nothing but joy.

Our darling boy turns 4 today, and what a magical four years it’s been. I’ve been reflecting on his beautiful birth recently so I thought I would share it.

During my pregnancy with Paddy, I was determined to have a vaginal birth. If i’m honest, I wasn’t really allowing space in my mind for other possibilities. I had envisioned this magical experience ever since studying midwifery around 12 years ago. But our sweet boy had other plans and decided to be breech.

Our darling boy turns 4 today, and what a magical four years it’s been. I’ve been reflecting on his beautiful birth recently so I thought I would share it.

During my pregnancy with Paddy, I was determined to have a vaginal birth. If i’m honest, I wasn’t really allowing space in my mind for other possibilities. I had envisioned this magical experience ever since studying midwifery around 12 years ago. But our sweet boy had other plans and decided to be breech.

A Powerhouse Birth – Where team work makes the dream work

We’re excited to welcome baby girl Luca to the Calmbirth clan, born Monday 9th December at 12:54am to two very excited mummas! Ange has been amazing! She did such a stellar job throughout the whole pregnancy but particularly at the end!

We’re excited to welcome baby girl Luca to the Calmbirth clan, born Monday 9th December at 12:54am to two very excited mummas! Ange has been amazing! She did such a stellar job throughout the whole pregnancy but particularly at the end!

Amy’s huge transition from maiden to mother.

I loved being pregnant. To me, it was a time filled with awe, wonder, excitement and love. I loved connecting with my baby as she grew inside my belly. I took her so many places with me before she was born, and have so many pregnancy memories I’ll forever cherish.

I loved being pregnant. To me, it was a time filled with awe, wonder, excitement and love. I loved connecting with my baby as she grew inside my belly. I took her so many places with me before she was born, and have so many pregnancy memories I’ll forever cherish.

The impact of Calmbirth will remain with us forever

Thank you for being an essential part of our journey and for empowering us with the knowledge and tools needed to bring our baby into the world. The impact of Calmbirth will remain with us forever, and we are eternally grateful for the positive difference you have made in our lives.

I have attached my story of Birth. Hope this encourages and motivates others too.

Thank you for being an essential part of our journey and for empowering us with the knowledge and tools needed to bring our baby into the world. The impact of Calmbirth will remain with us forever, and we are eternally grateful for the positive difference you have made in our lives.

I have attached my story of Birth. Hope this encourages and motivates others too.

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