Calmbirth childbirth education program is all about bringing your awareness to your own inner resources to navigate through your birth journey. We can utilise these inner resources to help contribute to a positive birth experience, whatever that is for you!
These inner resources are free, easy to evoke, and simple but so effective in helping our birth physiology work at its best to bring baby Earth-side. I love that Calmbirth focuses on inner resources including relaxation, breath work, visualisation, and touch; yes, we can utilise additional tools alongside these, but for some it may not be necessary if they choose!
By bringing our conscious awareness to these inner resources we can practice accessing them throughout pregnancy, so it becomes habit, and therefore part of our subconscious – where we store all our learning. In other words, if you practice techniques during pregnancy, you will feel more comfortable using them during labour, and are less liking to stay in your thinking brain which means you will be supporting and promoting your labour hormones to work at their best! Through Calmbirth you will have a greater understanding of how our habits and beliefs affect our birth physiology (known as the Mind-Body Connection).
We can grow our baby, birth our baby, and feed our baby! So why do I love Calmbirth? It reminds women and their support people of how incredible our body and mind are. We already have the inner resources and tools needed to help birth our baby and contribute to a positive birth experience.
I would love to be part of your pregnancy and birth journey so to book a Calmbirth course with me on the 15th & 16th April go to: