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Our Calmbirth experience

Birth Stories

By Karynne

Pregnant with my second, I knew I didn’t want the same birthing Experience as with my first. I had heard only positive experiences about Calmbirth & discussed this with my partner. We had already been on a journey through IVF to receive our precious gift. We decided that Calmbirth was right for us.

We met our Calmbirth Educator, Lea, who listened to our needs & focused on aiding us with the tools to use & practice with before our big day. Lea could see Gavin & I had different needs & was able to individualise this for us. We both felt prepared.

My pregnancy had been challenging. I suffered from morning sickness for the first 13 weeks. I experienced migraines with speech + visual aura, the specialist commenced me on aspirin. As the pregnancy progressed I had pubic + SI joint instability, chiro, physio, massage, tens machine, bed rest + crutches saw me through this. Gavin was FIFO 4:1 worker, I was lucky to have my parents close by who helped with my 4 yr old + household duties.

I knew about varicose veins, but everyone kept vulva veins a secret OMG!!! They are cruel. Leading me to take maternity leave 4 weeks earlier than planned. I had gestational diabetes, requiring insulin & low amniotic fluid.

Gestational diabetes was the reason I was induced 10 days early. I accepted the situation & moved on. Whatever was safest for bub. Being induced took 2 days, as the ribbon did not work for me. They did stretches & were satisfied they could break my waters in the morning. The following morning my mucous plug came away, they broke my waters which trickled out & hooked me up to 2x IV lines, one for the induction & one for the insulin.

I had a student midwife (Deb) & midwife (Lucy) they both respected my wishes for calm birthing. Even though I was hooked up to IV + CTG they helped me move to where I wanted to be. I first lent on the bed & then on the floor over a ball. The room was quiet, as I requested, having done my meditation prep, I was experienced to get in to the “zone”. I could hear them reassuringly talking with Gavin, Gavin respecting my space, not to be touched, but know he was there. I never considered pain relief.

I knew we could do this. I had constantly spoken to my bub, telling her she was safe, to come when she wanted, we would do this together. First stage 3hrs, second stage 9mins. I did not make a noise other than breathing. I did not push; I did not feel I needed to. she just came. An absolute miracle. I did not feel pain, I felt burning. I kept my mouth loose & I blew out the candle. It was honestly the most enlightening experience of my life. Our baby girl Paige was born 7.1.16 8lb. First thing she did was suck her thumb & then she latched on & fed from both sides. She knew what to do, it is natural…

Paige lays here beside me asleep while I write this, 9wks new & I ooze with love. Still breast feeding & planning on continuing.

Thank you to all who helped make our experience wonderful. Special thanks to the Calmbirth program and our Calmbirth Educator, Lea whose wisdom & passion taught me this is possible.


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