
Partner and birth support people are vital for the birthing woman. I often acknowledge this responsibility early in my Calmbirth courses. Partners and birth support people, you have a big role to play. You are her person, her support, her advocate, her safe haven. Affirming words and holding space, believing she can will support physiological labour and birthing.
I encourage my Calmbirth couples to create meaningful affirmations, to anchor them in the moment, when there are crisis of confidence. Here are just a few I love from being in birthing rooms as a midwife, and what I needed myself throughout my own labour and births.
‘You are safe’
‘Birth is normal’
‘Your body and our baby know what to do’
‘Things are going brilliantly well’
‘I’m here for you’
‘You are strong’
‘This is a peak body performance’
‘Today, we become a family’
‘I Love You’