Elisabeth and Nathan Rossiter, and Baby Elijah
A beautiful heartfelt letter written by a Calmbirth mother, Elisabeth Rossiter, that just goes to prove that Calmbirth prepares and educates pregnant couples for all birth scenarios, in particular, the unexpected.
“Thank you so much Karen, you gave me the knowledge to have the birth experience I needed and wanted, even with the many medical interventions that were necessary in my case, due to High risk pregnancy, Gestational Diabetes, Pre Eclampsia, and a spontaneous 34-week delivery! I was so terrified that my autonomy and wants were going to be stripped away, but thanks to the knowledge that Calmbirth gave my husband and I, we were able to labour the way we needed, without the help of the midwives and Drs.”
We Just wanted to send you through a little update now our joyous bundle is here!!!
Elijah Nathan Rossiter arrived on 6th September, 6 weeks early! He shocked both his parents by coming so early (and the Drs too!).

Our story ended up being an interesting one, as Nathan (my Husband) had ruptured his ACL and had gone in for surgery the night before, as we thought we were being smart and getting that out of the way before bub came! I drove to my mums (luckily I had decided to stay there instead of going home by myself!) from seeing him after he came out of surgery at 10.30pm, and my waters started breaking at 11.30 pm! By 2 am I had called the hospital who told me to come in, and then my waters broke EVERYWHERE! My mum ended up driving me to the hospital, and I called Nathan in hospital and woke him up at 7am to tell him what was going on. He had to get the nurses to discharge him ASAP, and his mother drove him to Liverpool to be there for the birth. He made it for all of the main event!
My labour progressed almost as you had described to us in our course! I am positive I was slowing down my labour unconsciously until Nathan arrived, as I barely felt any contractions until he arrived at 11.30 am, and by 12.30 was in full blown labour! Unfortunately, the midwives didn’t seem to believe I was in labour, as Nathan repeatedly had to buzz for them and ask them to check me. When they finally did at 3pm, I was completely dilated! I ended up pushing for 1 hour and our beautiful boy was born at 4pm on the dot! Natural birth with only gas, and vacuumed out in the end as I was so exhausted and had to lay on the bed (rather than be able to use gravity to help me) for monitoring for bub as they were worried because he was so early and I was a high risk pregnancy in the first place.
Calmbirth helped me and my husband immensely! We have been recommending it to everyone! I knew exactly what to do, and it became a subconscious pattern that I was able to follow, and the few times I deviated, Nathan was able to prompt me back to where i needed to be. The breathing exercises got me through, and I was able to trust that my body could do this. I kept waiting for the pressure (pain as some call it) to get worse, but it never did! As Karen had told us, it is only pressure, my body knew what needed to happen and I trusted myself, even when the midwives and Drs kept telling me I wasn’t in labour and wouldn’t be until the weekend! My body knew the way, even as a first time mother.
Thank you so much Karen, you gave me the knowledge to have the birth experience I needed and wanted, even with the many medical interventions that were necessary in my case, due to High risk pregnancy, Gestational Diabetes, Pre Eclampsia, and a spontaneous 34-week delivery! I was so terrified that my autonomy and wants were going to be stripped away, but thanks to the knowledge that Calmbirth gave my husband and myself, we were able to labour the way we needed, without the help of the midwives and Drs.
Our little man is now home and safe from the NICU, and we love having our beautiful new family together, safe and sound. Thank you so much.