I was recommended the Calmbirth course by quite a few of my friends. The best testimony I received was from a male colleague of mine who found the course super helpful in supporting his wife during her labour. I was pregnant with my daughter in 2020 and due to the pandemic all the regular birth classes were no longer available but I still wanted hubby and I to feel prepared and ready for labour and birth.
Like most people I was really anxious about giving birth because I heard a lot of stories from well meaning friends of when things didn’t go so well during their labour.
Our online Zoom sessions with Natalie were wonderful, we had our classes with a small group and she gave us all the ins and outs of labour and childbirth. Natalie is an amazing educator, she’s really personable and so knowledgeable with her wealth of experience.
Looking back at my daughter’s birth, the most valuable part of the course is the breathing techniques and positive mindset. The Calmbirth course also gave us strategies to implement during labour so that I could feel as calm and centered as possible. I don’t think that I would have been able to labour at home for as long as I did without those tools and the support of my husband.
My contractions ramped up when my husband arrived home from work at about 5pm, I laboured at home for as long as possible (which was my plan) and used the Calmbirth breathing techniques to ride through the contractions. At about 1am we quickly rushed to the hospital as I felt something different, a bigger urge to push. Within half an hour of my arrival to the birthing suite, my daughter was born (without any time for pain relief), it happened so fast and the midwife couldn’t believe I was fully dilated and ready to push.
I truly recommend this Calmbirth course to everyone who’s pregnant. It gave me a memorable and positive birth, one that I thought I could only wish for.
It also gave me the education I needed to truly understand the power of a woman’s body, especially when it’s in tune with her mind.