By Lillian
To our dear Calmbirth Educator, Jenny Childs. We have some exciting news to share. Our little boy, Fletcher ‘Finn’ Miles decided he couldn’t wait any longer and was born on 26/3/18 at 32+4 weeks by emergency c-section. He weighed 1.8kg and 42cm length.
On one occasion a mother was having contractions – moaning and making noises, and her partner kept turning up the volume on the TV (he was watching the footy) to drown out the sound of her heavy breathing techniques!
During a different birth the mother was on all fours telling us how much her back was hurting, and her partner kept complaining that his back was hurting from the gym. These are just a couple of the so-called support techniques we’ve seen that nearly ended in divorce.
So, Mums- to-be: if you’re worried that your partner isn’t going to have any idea what to do on game day get them to read this checklist of the top eight ways they can support you in labour (and ensure that your relationship survives the birth!).

One day after my final Calmbirth course, my waters broke. At that time I was at 31+4 weeks. I employed the Calmbirth breathing techniques that would help me remain calm as we got to RPAH to be assessed. I stayed in hospital on bed rest, hoping to go as close to term as we could.
In hospital still, it was exactly one week later, almost to the minute, that labour pains began. Only a few hours after that, he was here! Finn is doing well in the Special Care Nursery and continues to grow stronger each day. I’m recovering well from the surgery.
I can’t thank you enough for all the wonderful things you taught us in the Calmbirth class, and I think that even though my birth plan didn’t eventuate as we thought (he was still breech), using the Calmbirth tools and techniques, I remained calm throughout the entire procedure. Thankfully in combination with these skills, was looked after by my amazing OB, husband (who was a great support to keep me on track with breathing at stressful times) and a fantastic medical support team.