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Getting to know Calmbirth Educator Jenny Childs


In my twenty years as a midwife I have assisted and witnessed hundreds of beautiful births. I have also seen many women and their partners who are very afraid of birth and the effects of that fear. I wanted to find a way for women to learn about the resources they have within them, to help them understand what a wonderful and transformative experience birth can be. I studied Masters in Midwifery and taught antenatal classes for some time, but did not feel satisfied that the classes truly connected women and their partners with their inner potential. The classes really only looked at what was happening in the outside world and although worthy, did not address what was happening and could happen internally.


Calmbirth® is a wonderfully practical means to show women what their bodies are capable of and gives  them the tools to achieve a positive birth experience.  The program is very simple and easy to understand and it serves the woman, her partner and the baby as a basis for the birth experience and for many years to come as a family. It evokes a positive birth experience, whatever road in birth couples wish to travel.

My Name is…Hi my name is Jenny.

I work at…Canterbury Hospital as a midwife.  My primary role is as a Birth After Caesarean midwife, which includes counselling and educating women about their options in their next birth after Caesarean.

The best thing about where I live is… is the local community, it’s quite vibrant and I can easily walk to most places.

What I do to relax when I’m not working…What I do to relax when I am not working is yoga, reading the paper, breakfast with friends, walking and the sea.  I can’t live without a cup of tea, my daughter, good friends. 

I can’t live without…I can’t live without a cup of tea, my daughter, good friends. 

The person I most admire is…Ina May Gaskin So gentle yet so strong.  She can persuade the greatest of world leaders without them even knowing it!

What I love most about being a Calmbirth Educator…Calmbirth® is a wonderfully practical means to show women what their bodies are capable of and gives  them the tools to achieve a positive birth experience.  The program is very simple and easy to understand and it serves the woman, her partner and the baby as a basis for the birth experience and for many years to come as a family. It evokes a positive birth experience, whatever road in birth couples wish to travel.

If I had to describe my own birth experiences in 3 words…  1. the most “alive’ I have ever been. 2. Exhilarating  3. Just was.

The 3 essential things you need to take with you into labour are… 1. Commitment 2. Belief. 3. Movement 4. Breath.

My most memorable moment at as Calmbirth® educator…There have been way too many to pick just one.

My favourite quote is…”I am done with great things and big plans, great institutions and big success.  I am for those tiny, invisible, loving, human forces that work from individual to individual creeping through crannies of the world like so many rootlets, or like the capillary oozing of water, which, if given time, will rend the hardest monuments of pride”  William Jones 1842-1910.

If you had to describe how seeing a baby being born makes you feel…Seeing a baby born makes me feel like I have just witnessed a miracle.

You can follow me… jennychildscalmbirth.com.au

My next Calmbirth courses are:

July 6th and 7th
August 3rd and 4th. 



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