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Getting to know Calmbirth Educator Laura Hurrell


Laura is a Calmbirth educator and also works as a midwife at the Gold Coast University Hospital.

“I am passionate about pregnancy and birth and I take joy in assisting couples to prepare for the birth of their baby. I originally became interested in Calmbirth, many years ago when a woman I met described giving birth as ecstatic and blissful. I thought “How could anyone describe birth and labour like that?!” After hearing this I had to find out more, so I attended a course during my second pregnancy. This course changed my life. I came away thinking that this was something every pregnant couple should be able to learn and I made the decision to become a midwife.

If you are expecting your first baby or you are wishing to prepare for a different birthing journey than a past experience, then I can teach you how to use the wonderful inner resources, your body and mind already possesses. Calmbirth encompasses scientifically, evidence-based relaxation, breathing and visualisation techniques that supports and enhances a woman’s birthing body. It teaches partners how they too, can feel confident in their role as support person, so that together you can safely welcome your baby into the world with confidence and calm, no matter how your birthing journey unfolds. Birthing your baby can be the most exhilarating, powerful or joyful experience of your life, which you can look forward to with excitement and joy.”





My name is…Laura Hurrell.

I work at…Gold Coast University Hospital in the antenatal clinic and the maternity ward. I am currently doing my graduate year as a midwife so I am lucky enough to able to move around and work in a few areas of maternity and I will be working in birth suite towards the end of this year. 

My life in five words…that’s a hard question! Each word feels like it needs an explanation lol. I’d say…..family, yoga, food, happy, sunshine.

The best thing I love about where I live is…definitely the winter weather!

What I do to relax when I’m not working is...Hang out with my kids and husband. I love watching my son play basketball, having long walks at the beach or in the bush, hanging out with friends while eating amazing food. 

I can’t live without...yoga. I have to make time every week for it. I LOVE hot yoga!

The person or traits I most admire is…honesty. I admire people who are real, raw and unashamed to stand up for what they believe in. 

What I love most about being a Calmbirth Educator is...hearing women and their partner’s birth stories after they’ve done the Calmbirth course. I already know how amazingly strong and powerful women are and what their bodies are capable of, but hearing how empowered and supportive their birth partner felt during the labour and birth always makes me feel happy and proud. 

If I had to describe my own birth stories they would be….intense, blissful, amazing.

The three essential things you need to take with you into labour are…a calm and free mind, your body and your baby. Everything else is a bonus. 

A favourite quote… “Life has no limitations. Except the ones you make”. 

If you had to describe how seeing a baby being born makes you feel…The rest of the world stops. There is nothing that compares. The love and oxytocin in the room give you a natural ‘high’. Every time it’s emotional and I feel so privileged to be able to witness new life being born. 

You can follow me at……………..calmbirthwithlaura on facebook and instagram

My next Calmbirth courses are…I run weekly classes usually on Thursday evenings but I am so passionate about midwifery and Calmbirth that if these days don’t fit in with your life, please get in touch as I will always try and work out a time and day that suits you. 

Upcoming Dates are on:

20th May, 22nd July, and 16th September
22nd July – 12th August
16th September – 7th October

To BOOK any of these Calmbirth courses with me go tohttps://calmbirth.com.au/educators-profile/?edid=175




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