By Kate Turner
Jonathon and I were the couple that had to leave the Calmbirth course held at Mittagong in the Southern Highlands on Sunday morning because I was having cramping pains. I promised to send you an email to follow up. It turns out I was in labour! We made it back to Sydney in time and our baby boy, Ashton James Turner was born at 11.00pm on the Sunday evening. Once we got back to Sydney things moved very quickly.
I am very sorry that we did not get to complete the course and that we did not have a chance to digest what we learnt and practise it in preparation for the birth.
That said, I think that the knowledge around the different hormones and how they play a role during labour helped us both to stay calm during quite a stressful situation. Jonathon was an amazing birth partner and I felt very well supported.
Despite his early arrival and a few difficulties in the first couple of days, little Ash is doing really well and we are both smitten.