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Independent Qualitative Evaluative Study of Calmbirth Antennal Classes – (Crowther et.al)


This Independent Qualitative Evaluative Study of Calmbirth classes conducted at the Auckland District Hospital in Auckland New Zealand found that the Calmbirth Antenatal education can impact positively on psychosocial and emotional well-being. Participants felt more empowered, confident, and experienced a positive reframing of childbirth. (Crowther et al. 2024)

Antenatal fear and anxiety related to childbirth have been shown to be risk factors for poor childbirth experiences (Ruger-Navarrete et al., 2023)

Evidence suggests antenatal classes focusing on psychosocial and emotional preparation potentially lessen intervention rates (Cutaja et al., 2020; Saxbe et al., 2018; Tabib & Crowther, 2018)

In addition to this Qualitative Study, an Australian Study (Shand et al., 2022) – Couples attending psychoprophylaxis (method for coping with pain of labour by using relaxation and breathing techniques) couple-based antenatal education program had a trend towards higher rates of vaginal birth and lower rates of epidural use.

Here are the findings of the Independent Qualitative Evaluative Study of Calmbirth Antenatal Classes :

  • Empowered participants
  • Felt more mindful
  • Increased health literacy (how individuals understand information that supports their optimal health). 
  • It increased empathy and focused on their needs.
  • Provided more personal psychosocial coping strategies
  • Experienced a positive reframing of childbirth
  • Increased flexibility of birth plan and a desire to go with the flow
  • Increased trust in the process, acceptance that interventions may be needed


Experiential Impact Calmbirth Had on Participants

Theme: Positively reframing Birth

Helped positively reframe birth – altered thinking to a positive experience that changed their expectations of birth.

Theme: Control and Agency

Having the ability to act and control what is happening around you including decision-making (being empowered).

Couples Felt: Confident / Self-efficacy /Calm / Had strategies and a plan in place.

Calmbirth techniques helped them stay at home longer and feel less anxious about not being in hospital.

Confidence was knowing they could both make positive decisions for their labour and birth whilst their partners became less apprehensive and became more of an advocate. 

Theme: Helpful Strategies and Tools

For many these tools helped the women and their partners focus and be mindful and redirect attention from potential fear and anxiety.

Conscious breathing / Visualisation / Mindfulness (had positive impact on ability to shift their mindset, and influenced partners e.g. to help sleep).

Theme: Partner Participation

Increased partner engagement as Calmbirth equipped their partner with tools to navigate the birthing experience and decision making and helped them feel they had a place or role in childbirth. Calmbirth showed them lots of little things they could do to be supportive and be present. It prepared them to communicate. They knew what was happening so didn’t need to keep asking if they were okay. Defined their role, how to be more supportive so that they didn’t feel useless and were more involved with the pregnancy.

Theme: Teamwork

Increased engagement between couples  – used the pronouns  “we”, “our” and “us”. Made them more proactive about discussing what they wanted for their birth.

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