By Jessica Gallaty
I wanted to let you know that bubs came along and to also say a BIG thank YOU. We did the Calmbirth program and felt like it really cemented a lot of information for us in regards to pregnancy, labour and birth. I loved doing this course with a midwife.
My birth was brilliant. Things started at 12am, and I started listening to my tracks straight away (mainly to help me go back to sleep). I didn’t bother waking my husband, and just did a mix of meditations, hallway walks, all four positioning to ensure bubs was in the right position etc. At 6am I started using the bath and continued with my meditations. The whole time I used breath work, but particularly as the day went on. I was so chilled that I really didn’t ask for help from my hubby until an hour or so before the birth. I was also so chilled that I felt like I didn’t need to go to hospital until that last hour because I kept thinking the pain would get worse, and that this was probably only the beginning stages of labour… the catch, bub was born in the car. He was (and is) completely healthy and as was I! I walked into the Emergency room from the car and they were blown away by how calm I was, especially given the circumstances. This was definitely a CALMBIRTH. Thank YOU.
My birth was brilliant.