Story by Alexie
Alfie Charles Purcell born on 21st July at 9:15am weighing 3.59kgs and 53cm long.
All natural birth with no pain relief at all, and a second degree tear. It was the most amazing experience of our lives, and we are so in love with Alfie. Riley used all the tips and tricks we learnt from Karen and felt completely prepared and calm for the labour and delivery of our little man – he was excellent!
Labour pains started at approx 5pm on Thursday afternoon, we went to the hospital at 1am as I felt as though I was ready (was only 2cm dilated) we went home and laboured at home until 6am when we got back to the hospital I was 5cm dilated and continued to labour in the bath and on all fours with the tens machine after pushing for about half an hour Alfie was welcomed to the world!
Was the most magical experience and the ENTIRE time I had an image of Karen in my head telling me to breath haha (worked wonders)!