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An Unplanned, Empowered and Calm Homebirth…

Birth Stories

Story by Nicolette

Dear Karen,

My partner and I attended one of your weekend classes back in June 2018 at the Southern Highlands. We went on to have a very successful and enjoyable birthing experience at Royal Hospital for Women in Randwick (a water birth with just gas and air). Consequently, I’ve been an advocate of Calmbirth ever since.


We’ve since moved back to the UK and welcomed our second child last month. And this is what has prompted me to reach out. Thanks to the skills we leant on your Calmbirth course we were able to have a calm, successful and yet very unplanned home birth. Our little one turned up 3 weeks early and 10 minutes before the ambulance service arrived.

I wanted to say a huge thank you. Everything I learnt on the course came back to me when I needed it. I felt in control and at no point did I panic. What could have been a stressful experience had so many beautiful and empowering moments. The emergency services telephone operator even thanked us for making it an easy delivery!

Thank you again for empowering us to have another positive birth story.

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