Story by Jemma & Jordan
What I learnt at Calmbirth really helped! The meditation tracks are great throughout pregnancy and also at the start of labour.
Through all of it I kept coming back to breathing and connecting the mind and body. And I focused on deep groans during contractions and pushing. You will feel the difference if your voice is high. So different! There was a moment where I felt I couldn’t do it but the midwives are great and they know that you’re close.
I laboured at home for as long as I could with the tens machine, warm showers, meditation tracks and Panadol. Went to hospital and was 8cm dilated and then used gas which really helped. An hour later I was 9cm and then shortly after I was 10cm. Pushed for 45mins on all fours and he was out. I changed positions a few times in labour, whatever feels right do it. I also had music in the background. I initially wanted calm music but I switched it to Fisher playlist on Spotify and that got me in the zone. The midwives loved i.t
Jordan was amazing throughout. Touch and acupressure points were so helpful for me. And voice – I heard his voice throughout everything. Partners your voice is powerful and your touch. And he kept me hydrated!! You get so thirsty!
You’ve all got this! Birth is wild, empowering and unique for everyone.