Connection through Conversation – Perinatal Mental Health Week 12th -18th November
At Calmbirth we believe having a strong connection to your baby, body, birth support partner, birth and caregiver during your pregnancy labour and birth are vital to achieving a positive birth experience. But we also believe that this connection needs to continue right through until the postpartum period and into your transition to becoming new parents whilst seeking and budling your village.
November 12th – 18th marks the beginning of #perinatalmentalhealthweek2023.
And did you know that 1 in 5 expecting or new mothers and 1 in 10 expecting or new fathers will experience perinatal anxiety and/or depression symptoms. We can hide so much behind a smile and that’s why this year’s theme – connection through conversation resonates so much with me. Because honest and compassionate conversations about perinatal mental health are life changing and lifesaving!
In a world driven by technology and fast-paced living, the essence of genuine connection often gets lost in the noise. Human beings are inherently social creatures, seeking companionship, understanding, and a sense of belonging.
As humans we all crave connection with each other and this was made even more evident during the COVID period when so many of us were forced into isolation and lost those connections with our families, friends, work colleagues and normal life as we knew it!
I love this saying by American writer and professor Brené Brown –
“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”
We all know that talking about our issues and or problems can make us feel better because we feel listened to and not so alone with our thoughts and feelings. So, let’s connect through authentic conversations creating a greater awareness of perinatal anxiety and depression, get support if you feel like you are silently suffering and break the stigma that can be associated with mental health because it’s not ok if you’re not ok!
Here are some links to blogs about the post-partum period and postnatal depression that may be useful that include support services.
#perinatalmentalhealth #antenatalanxiety #postnatalanxiety #postnataldepression #perinatalanxiety
@pandanational @gidgetfoundation @cope