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Happy IBCLC Day!

Postnatal Care

I have been an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant for 5 years now and will be re-certifying my LC certificate this year. 

Being a Lactation Consultant has been hugely rewarding in my career as a Maternal and Child Health Nurse, having early access to women and their feeding journey within the first week of birth.

The support women need to initiate, establish and maintain breastfeeding is HUGE, multifaceted and often severely lacking in the hospital and community.

I became a Lactation Consultant to plug gaps in my knowledge, speak the truths of breastfeeding by debunking myths and old fashion advice, and ultimately be in a woman’s corner… supporting her, her baby and their individual feeding needs and experience.

So, if you are currently pregnant, please invest the time in yourself through education by booking an appointment or course on breastfeeding. If you are currently breastfeeding and you feel things are going a little astray, call it early and contact an IBCLC Lactation Consultant for support. 

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