I just wanted to thank you so much for everything you taught us. We came to you determined for our second birth to be a much more positive birth experience than our first 3.5yrs ago. You promised me that second labours can be fun and even enjoyable … and you know what? You were right! Something you said stuck with me …. about needing to ‘do the work’ and really prepare … and I did! (You even caught me the day after our class at the shops purchasing every single birth aid we needed in one trip 🙂 I did the work. Every single day between our course and birthing our beautiful second son, I prepared in some way. And it all payed off in the end.
Even though I ended up being induced again, I wasn’t worried. I was empowered with knowledge about what that meant and how I could help my body help the process, I had enough time to mentally prepare and I had the tools to communicate my vision for the birth with my Obstetrician and Midwives. And I must say all the staff at SJOG were so receptive to my birth preferences. And as fate would have it our main Midwife for the birth had been one of your first students 16yrs ago! I think a massive difference this time round was also Shaun having a clear purpose and a knowledge base on how to help me through everything much better. It was amazing to be able to put my earphones in and internalise my thoughts whilst he kept the room in order.
As you suggested it may be, this birth was pretty quick and straight forward. I laboured through the morning with help from a tens and really focusing on my breath, transitioned around lunch time where I needed some gas to get me through, and slowly birthed in the early afternoon with the help of warm compress and gentle guidance from my Obstetrician. After months of recovery last time after the use of forceps and an episiotomy, I can’t explain how the postpartum recovery is so different after no needing any stitches! It was such a magical experience and although there were a few moments when I did doubt myself, I’m so glad I pushed through and continued because now 18 days later, I feel on top of the world! Thanks again for being a part of baby Asher’s birth story! Gillian xx