Story by Stacey
Adam was such an amazing birthing partner following my lead and bringing me back to my breathing and visualisation when I became unfocused. We got the water birth we always wanted and a very quick 1.5 hour labour, delayed cord clamping and waiting for placenta to pass naturally.
I trusted my body and what it could do!
I can’t thank you enough Karen for what Adam and I learnt in your Calmbirth course in December. This was our second baby and I really wanted a different experience then the first, as well as to ease the anxiety I was feeling about labour and birth. We left feeling empowered and confident about having our second baby in a more natural way.
Although things didn’t go to plan (I wanted to do most my labour at home) I ended up being induced at 41+ 2 after breaking my waters was unsuccessful. I was able to refocus my plan using breathing and visualisation as well as support from Adam and my midwife with no pressure around me making the decision to be induced or wait till 42 weeks.
Because we informed the midwife of what we wanted after completing the Calmbirth class she was able to advocate for us due to a lot of procedures that go along with being induced. We made the hospital room a calm and dark environment with salt lamps and music.
Once labour began I was able to really focus on my breathing and referring to different senses to alleviate some of the contractions, Adam was such an amazing birthing partner following my lead and bringing me back to my breathing and visualisation when I became unfocused. We got the water birth we always wanted and a very quick 1.5 hour labour, delayed cord clamping and waiting for placenta to pass naturally.
I trusted my body and what it could do and I was able to be home before dinner hahaha.
I really hope that Calmbirth is introduced to ALL parents and made available as part of parent education in ALL maternity hospitals!
Mason was born at 1.34pm 18/01/2021 weighing 4.3 kg and 53cm long we got to take him home 6pm the same day.