We attended a private Calmbirth course with Kath Maxwell at her home in Bellarine, Geelong Vic.in Dec 2020.
This was my first birth and I planned to give birth at The Birth House in Geelong.
As a midwife myself, I have a good understanding about the labour and birth process, but was keen to find a course that would help my partner Sam, who speaks English as his second language, and my mother Maureen, have a better understanding of how they could support me during my labour.
Before the class Sam was apprehensive about the birth and how involved he wanted to be ( in his culture birth was seen as women’s business). During the class he asked plenty of questions which were all well answered by Kath. She was engaging and explained things in a way that was easy to understand. All 3 of us came away well informed, and I felt confident that both mum and Sam were going to be incredibly supportive to me in labour, calm, focussed, and well prepared for the experience.
Our daughter Neary’s birth was magical. We had a smooth and quick natural labour and birth, full of oxytocin and love, a day I will never forget. Sam and mum were amazing supports, Sam was actively involved, and we had a magnificent experience as a couple. I’m sure this can be attributed to the knowledge we all gained from Kath.
The Calmbirth breathing, relaxation practices, visualisations, affirmations, massage and acupressure points were all very useful during my birth.. even as a Midwife, I learnt a lot from Kath that I will take away and use in my own professional development.

I highly recommend Kath and the Calmbirth philosophy.
First time parents, or couples looking for a different experience following a previous traumatic or challenging birth, would find the classes particularly informative.
Thankyou Kath for a wonderful Calmbirth course.
Photos: The Birth House