Thank you so much for your time doing the Calmbirth course with us again. We used many of the tools during the remainder of pregnancy and during labour/birth.
4.77kg (10Ib 8oz)
Feels like I have given birth to a 2month old at this size…
Positive Birth Story:
Our 2nd baby and a much more positive experience compared to my firstborn who I was induced with and suffered mental trauma with.
Labour spontaneously started at home around 2am on Wednesday 10th March at 41+5 weeks. We started timing them around 4am, where I was having about 3 contractions within every 10mins. These contractions felt like really bad period pain, in comparison to the intensity of the contractions I had with my first baby (who I was induced with), so I didn’t know what to really think was happening.
We called the hospital and they said to start to consider coming in.
We got to the hospital just after 5am where they asked me my birth preferences as they wheeled me up to the labour ward (my planned preferences included: water birth, salt lamp, essential oils and music, wanting it to be as calm as possible).
They ran the bath for me and I was in that for about an hour, but found movement to be be restricted and wanted to change positions as my back was getting really sore. I got out and went back into the labour ward on the bed and continued to labour on my side with the TENS machine on (LOVED the TENS…was a great distraction!) and continued to practice my breathing (with some reminders) throughout each “wave”. I went to the toilet a couple of times as I felt I wanted to wee. My last trip to the toilet ended up me nodding at the midwife that I had that push feeling.
Like with my first baby, I used the hand rail on the right, hubby to the left and the force of gravity squats to push bubs out (the toilet is clearly my unintentional “safe/delivery” zone haha). My waters broke over the toilet just before bubs came out. It felt like a golf ball shooting out of me and smashing into the toilet bowl (I freaked out not knowing what it was at first, as again with my first baby, my waters were broken by the midwives).
My recorded push time was 8mins (which shocked me! It definitely felt a lot longer). I also ended up delivering the placenta naturally (without injection) which I didn’t think I’d be up for doing, but the midwife encouraged me as it was “right there”! There was an epic knot in the umbilical cord that surprised us too!
1000% rate spontaneous labour over induction – I felt it was a lot calmer on my body. I’m very thankful this bubs decided to come on his own so I could have this experience.