Story by Alana & Gary Butler
I wanted to share my magical, empowering and healing water birth of my beautiful third boy, Tully. A healthy 4.6kg baby boy that was birthed into the water and into my arms after a short three hour labour.
A bit of backstory… My husband and I completed Calmbirth with you in Bowral in late 2020. I was pregnant with my second child and had a positive and successful VBAC in Feb, 2021 using the tools and knowledge you empowered us with. While I was on top of the world for having passionately advocated for myself and my wishes during labour and successfully having a VBAC, it wasn’t without intervention. I had an epidural and an episiotomy to bring my 4.6kg baby boy Earthside. I then fell pregnant with my third baby in January of this year. I knew I was going to have another vaginal birth and this time I was determined to have very little intervention. I was lucky enough to be part of the MGP program in Camden. My beautiful midwife and I spoke often of Calmbirth and the teachings you had passed to us as well as the tools my husband and I were using throughout the pregnancy/planned to use in labour.
As I do, I was growing another beautiful, healthy baby that all the practitioners like to call ‘large’ or ‘big’ and this time, babe decided he wanted to stay put. At 10 days overdue, I agreed to an induction and although the intervention had started, I was confident and positive that I was going to have a beautiful birth experience. The induction was successful and after a small dose of oxytocin, active labour began. I managed my contractions so confidently and so effectively using the breathing, acupressure and mindfulness techniques you taught us.
Once I got into the water, Tully was born swiftly (in only 5-6 pushes) as I surrendered to the natural urges of my body and trusted myself to bring him Earthside safely. After about 16 mins of pushing, my 4.6kg baby (and a head circumference of 37.5cm) was in my arms and I was EUPHORIC! I felt and still feel like an absolute goddess and am in absolute awe of my body, my strength and my determination.
It honestly would not have been possible without Calmbirth and all that we gained from having taken your classes. Even three years on, we practiced everything we learned and had the most empowering and magical birth experience I could have ever imagined. The day after giving birth to Tully, I looked at my husband and said, ‘I can’t wait to do that again’. So thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I just wanted to share how much you and your Calmbirth program means to us and what it helped us to achieve.