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We had the Calmbirth we wanted.

Birth Stories

Story by Joose and Michael

We had the Calmbirth that we wanted and hoped for even after a curve ball start. My pregnancy had been progressing beautifully and we did Calmbirth with Amy around 25 weeks- my husband, Michael’s, idea because I was super relaxed about it all (very unlike me). We both had no idea what to expect. I knew that my body could do it but I didn’t know the ‘how’. And so Calmbirth was a perfect introduction to the journey ahead. Amy was so informative & knowledgeable- her experience in the birthing space was so helpful too and she really encouraged us to think about the kind of birth we wanted. More importantly, she really made me believe it was possible to have a physiological birth with no interventions.

Calmbirth really helped guide our birth plan/ preferences, pain management, working with the hospital and what to expect overall. It was so helpful for Michael too in giving him the confidence to know how to support me and I’m pleased to say we made an awesome team!

I was feeling well and trusting my body and my baby, knowing I would likely go into labour after 40 weeks. I had my 40 week appointment (Wednesday) with the midwife who noticed that I was measuring the same as I was at 36 weeks so she sent us to hospital for monitoring. Michael and I were calm and knew that baby was fine but when they monitored me they explained that I’d lost fluid and my baby needed to be born sooner rather than later.

In fact they wanted to induce me that night or the next day! I was in shock and got so upset- this was not a part of my birth plan! I wanted zero to minimum intervention and this was far from that.

Michael and I took some time to talk it through and ask questions- another tool from Calmbirth that empowered us- ask the questions, take your time, know what you’re saying yes to. After further scans we were given another day and I was booked for induction on Friday and to have my baby on Saturday. Having this extra time was a blessing. I could regroup and build all the oxytocin. I remember Amy talking about birth experiences being how you’re made to feel. I knew we’d made the right decision for our baby and that we needed some help to get things going. I’d abandoned my birth plan and reevaluated my expectations and focused on being able to finally meet our baby- was it a boy or a girl?

I was induced Friday with the balloon and told that the next morning my waters would be broken and they’d give me the drip to induce labour. As a first time Mum they told me I wouldn’t go into labour from the ballon alone.

As Saturday morning rolled around I was getting lots of cramps. I was counting my breaths and moving around waiting for them to take me to the birth suite to continue the induction. But baby had other ideas! I went into labour without further intervention and before I even knew what was happening.

The midwives respected our birth preferences and I was able to labour naturally using combs and the shower for relief. Michael counted my breaths and showered my back, the midwife reminded me to soften my face and I kept using my affirmations and trusting that my baby and I were working together. I delivered our baby standing up and was so calm when they placed her on my chest. Hearing Michael tell me it was a girl was so special. I couldn’t believe I had the birth I’d hoped for and that our precious babe was here! I felt strong and empowered. The three of us were an awesome team- we all played our role.

I feel so fortunate to have had this experience and take great pride and joy in sharing it. We know that we would not have been able to lean into this experience with all of its ups and downs without Calmbirth. As Amy would say, it went swimmingly well.

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