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Your Hospital Bag – What to Pack

Postnatal Care

As a midwife, there is nothing worse! Read below 👇

There is nothing worse than seeing a partner or support person frantically rummaging around through a large suit case trying to find the one thing the woman wants or needs whilst in the throws of labour.

Reduce the mental of load of remembering where things are by getting organised. 

Think compartments…

The Birthing Bag – a bag only with items to be used for labour/ birth + baby’s first outfit 

The Shower Bag – containing toiletries + set of comfortable clothes (usually PJ’s)

The Hospital Bag – holding items for the duration of postnatal your stay. This bag stays in the car when your’e in labour as it is not required until after the birth

Handy tips – see ‘Other considerations’

And once home…

The Postpartum Caddy – to be stored in your bathroom with some postpartum essentials so your’e not re-filling/ searching for things after the 3am feed!

I encourage you to have your bags ‘mostly’ packed from 36 weeks. This organisation is game changing in keeping everyone keep calm and confident for the day of your labour and birth. 

In the Calmbirth course, I have plenty more of these gold nuggets to share! ✨

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