We are calling ALL
Midwives, Doulas
And any medical or Health professionals who work in birth, far and wide to join our passionate team of Cambirth Educators to help us change birth culture for future generations.
Do you have a passion to help enrich the birth experience for pregnant and birthing couples?
Do you want to change our birth culture to inspire future generations to embrace birth as a natural part of life with knowledge, confidence and skills?
Do you want to inform couples of their birth choices and empower them to birth with the support of their partners and caregivers?
If this sounds like YOU, then YOU MUST enrol TODAY because we are looking for passionate and dynamic birth professionals to join our team of qualified and dedicated Calmbirth Educators in Australia’s leading & fastest growing childbirth education program.
Enrolments to become a Calmbirth Educator are NOW open and close on 6th August 2021.
“ I was actually mind blown with the quality of content and presentations. The Calmbirth Educator Training has changed my life! I feel so empowered to change the perspective of birth, one couple at a time. Thank YOU so much Calmbirth!
“Calmbirth has been designed to empower and educate couples to experience birth with knowledge and confidence. Our program helps couples move past any fears and anxieties that they have about birth and parenting, and provides them with effective, evidence based tools and knowledge to move through the rest of their pregnancy working together confidently and feeling emotionally safe”, says the Director of Calmbirth Karen McClay.