Birth Resources

Useful resources and articles for your antenatal journey



Postnatal Care
We all know that for some women breastfeeding can be challenging at the best of times for many different reasons but throw mastitis in the mix and it can be…
Connection through Conversation – Perinatal Mental Health Week 12th -18th November

Connection through Conversation – Perinatal Mental Health Week 12th -18th November

Postnatal Care
Connection through Conversation – Perinatal Mental Health Week 12th -18th November At Calmbirth we believe having a strong connection to your baby, body, birth support partner, birth and caregiver during…
The Postpartum Journey…

The Postpartum Journey…

Postnatal Care
I want to talk about the postpartum period that can leave you feeling quite fragile, lonely, and unprepared for.  I know when it was time for me to leave the…
The  After Pains in the Postpartum Stage

The After Pains in the Postpartum Stage

Postnatal Care
Let's talk about a topic that often gets overshadowed in the glow of new motherhood: After Pains. What are After Pains, and are they normal? After Pains, also known as…
Embracing Change and Intimacy Postpartum

Embracing Change and Intimacy Postpartum

Postnatal Care
So, yesterday I posted a blog about Sex during pregnancy and now I want to discuss intimacy postpartum which can be even more awkward and terrifying to talk about…because you…
“Are you planning on breastfeeding?”

“Are you planning on breastfeeding?”

Postnatal Care
It's part of the antenatal clinic checklist. To discuss a woman's feeding preference. "Are you planning on breastfeeding?" The most common response I was usually given: "If I can". In…
Let’s talk about prolapse

Let’s talk about prolapse

Postnatal Care
Did you know that about 1/2 of women who have had a child will have some level of prolapse? 1 in 5 women will need to seek professional support. That's…
Sacral Points To Aid With Pain And Stimulate Labour

Sacral Points To Aid With Pain And Stimulate Labour

Child Birth Techniques
Traditional Chinese medicine has become one of the go-to medicines for aiding the start of labour. Acupuncture is one of the more commonly used treatments and is known to be…
Breastfeeding on Demand…

Breastfeeding on Demand…

Postnatal Care
Did you know that how often your baby needs to feed is based on your own unique breastmilk storage capacity and milk synthesis rate? Neither of these factors are up…

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